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RPM/MAS IVA development questions

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o7 everyone, I'd like to make IVA mods, for custom build cockpits, especially I'd like to implement a F4 Phantom II cockpit (and fuselage parts, using a custom fuselage section profile, like MK0,MK1,MK2 and so on) in KSP, MAS IVA + BDAC implemented.
(something like this)
I have close to 0 expirience in Unity/coding in general(I can read error logs relatively well,have some bash/fish knowledge, and can write a calculator in python but form coding persepective thats practically it)
However i have some expirience in modeling and texturing, UV wraps and some other stuff, I can confidently make the infamous donut in blender and texture it without any help, for example but im an amatuer in that field as well.
I'm more or less a total noob in modding, from mod dev side of things, I can def make a simple value change or update the .dll plugin with some assistance, but thats practically it.
So introduction is over, and I would like to ask expirienced modders those questions:
Which skill sets 'd be required for achieving something like this?
How complicated it'd be to implements BDAC functionality, such as a custom RWR, radar and IRST instruments?
How complicated is it to make custom MAS flip switches (both with a safety cap and without) and add warning audio?
Which guides should I deeply research? I have yet to find a BDAC implementation guides, but I've seen it done more than once, tho I am aware of MAS/RPM guide for moders and reading it.
Obviously im not going for 100% recreation , I'd like to make a rather, simplistic, version of the cockpit but with enough detail to make it feel full and functional at the same time.
P.S. If there are free to use texture/model resources for KSP mods (non commerical obviously) where could I find them?
Thank you very much for your assistance!

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