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Can't start new campaign in ksp2

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Hello, I just downloaded ksp2 but I am unable to start a new campaign. Everytime I click on the "create campaign" button, nothing happens.

To share more info, I downloaded the game directly through the private division website (no steam). When I open the folder where my ksp2 game is installed I found a ksp2.log file that contains a few exceptions and warnings:

[EXC 22:57:51.833] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
PhysicsSettings.get_DaysInYear () (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)
KSP.UI.Binding.UIValue_ReadNumber_DateTime.Awake () (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)
[WRN 22:57:51.853] PhysicsScene.Simulate(...) was called but simulation mode is not set to Script. You should set simulation mode to Script first before calling this function therefore the simulation was not run.
[WRN 22:57:51.853] PhysicsScene.Simulate(...) was called but simulation mode is not set to Script. You should set simulation mode to Script first before calling this function therefore the simulation was not run.
[WRN 22:57:52.011] DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
[LOG 22:57:52.016] WwiseUnity: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2021.1.10 Build 7883.
[LOG 22:57:52.024] WwiseUnity: Setting Plugin DLL path to: C:/Users/sebas/Documents/games/KSP2-\Plugins\x86_64
[LOG 22:57:52.052] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully.
[LOG 22:57:52.444] Modlog : Unable to locate the mods directory!
[LOG 22:57:52.465] !!!! backtracemanager loaded with build_enviro: LIVE
[EXC 22:57:52.661] DllNotFoundException: BacktraceCrashpadWindows assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
Backtrace.Unity.Runtime.Native.Windows.NativeClient.HandleNativeCrashes (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[TKey,TValue] clientAttributes, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] attachments) (at <a575051810df4a79bf24811d169c2b39>:0)
Backtrace.Unity.Runtime.Native.Windows.NativeClient..ctor (Backtrace.Unity.Model.BacktraceConfiguration configuration, Backtrace.Unity.Model.Breadcrumbs.BacktraceBreadcrumbs breadcrumbs, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[TKey,TValue] clientAttributes, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] attachments) (at <a575051810df4a79bf24811d169c2b39>:0)
Backtrace.Unity.Runtime.Native.NativeClientFactory.CreateNativeClient (Backtrace.Unity.Model.BacktraceConfiguration configuration, System.String gameObjectName, Backtrace.Unity.Model.Breadcrumbs.BacktraceBreadcrumbs breadcrumbs, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[TKey,TValue] attributes, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[T] attachments) (at <a575051810df4a79bf24811d169c2b39>:0)
Backtrace.Unity.BacktraceClient.Refresh () (at <a575051810df4a79bf24811d169c2b39>:0)
Backtrace.Unity.BacktraceClient.Initialize (Backtrace.Unity.Model.BacktraceConfiguration configuration, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] attributes, System.String gameObjectName) (at <a575051810df4a79bf24811d169c2b39>:0)
KSP.Networking.OnlineServices.Backtrace.BacktraceManager.Init () (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)
KSP.Networking.OnlineServices.Backtrace.BacktraceManager.get_Instance () (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)
KSP.Networking.OnlineServices.OnlineServicesFramework..ctor (KSP.Game.GameInstance gameInstance, KSP.ScriptInterop.IScriptEnvironment iscriptEnvironment) (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)
KSP.Game.GameInstance.InitializeDependencies (System.String& error) (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)
KSP.Game.StartupFlow.InitializeGameInstanceFlowAction.DoAction (System.Action resolve, System.Action`1[T] reject) (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)
KSP.Game.Flow.FlowAction.Do (System.Action`1[T] resolve, System.Action`2[T1,T2] reject) (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)
KSP.Game.Flow.SequentialFlow.NextFlowAction () (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)
KSP.Game.Flow.SequentialFlow.Update () (at <265391cae2184bdca53e90a4e2cd824a>:0)


[WRN 22:57:53.556] PhysicsScene.Simulate(...) was called but simulation mode is not set to Script. You should set simulation mode to Script first before calling this function therefore the simulation was not run.

full contents of the file:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hqMXkpDYso-aQ4BICIDTsNYtwZpeF66A/view?usp=sharing

I tried reinstalling the game, installing updates on the computer, etc. but still same issue.

I'm also playing on a new laptop, so I could be missing some set up.

Also, new to this forum, so apologies if I missed any rules. If this isn't the place to paste this sort of troubleshooting questions, is there a better place to ask?


Edited by sebastian99
Added google drive link for log file
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