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AngleCanMods and the SIMPLEX Suite


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Hi everyone.

New update and thoughts August 2024:

With the advent of Nertea's new mod, I plan on doing a quick pass across my mods, obviously the ones with parts, pretty much everything except the TechTrees, but I also want to check through Nertea's mods to make sure everything is included correctly in the TETRIX TechTree.  Someone also wanted Tantares added as well.  So that may be on the cards.

 I am still slowly working on currently

  1. Modular Kerbalism, with Science Only and a Radiation and Stressor addon.
  2. ANGLECAN Achievement Tree implementing:
    - flyby achievement icons and  contracts (done)
     - OPM (just about done) 
    - KSRSS (building the icon set)


Main Top Post:

The goal of Simplex is to extend the stock game but keep things as simple as possible.  The suite and other tweaks, seek to bring extended playthroughs that bring a little more realism for as smaller a RAM footprint as possible - hence a liberal use of stock models and textures.  The following is a short explanation of each.  They are modular, you can mix and match, pick and choose.  They should be compatible with a wide range of other part mods.

  • ANGLECAN Achievement Tree 
    adds progression type Achievement Contracts with a visual representation towards Flags and Footprints on every rocky planet and moon
  • ANGLECAN Progression
    removes contract grind by leaving only World First Contracts, making a career playthrough like a Science mode, with upgrades to the KSC and kerbal hiring using only your limited Funds.
  • ANGLECAN Progression Plus
    adds rocket efficiency motive by making Resources such as LiquidFuel and Oxidizer cost Funds.
  • ANGLECAN Part Tweaks
    a range of part tweaks such as limiting fairing width to provide some realism, and set docking angles.
  • QUARTIX Tech Tree
    a branched Tech Tree for lightly modded installs
  • SIMPLEX Tech Tree
    an almost stock branched Tech Tree for lightly modded installs
  • TETRIX Tech Tree
    a branched TechTree that supports a large number of mods
  • SIMPLEX Assembly
    mods external construction mods such as Extraplanetary Launchpads or Sandcastle for onsite construction
  • SIMPLEX Assembly Plus
    a distribution of Extraplanetary Launchpads to tie in with the Simplex Suite.
  • SIMPLEX Colonies
    colony arcology parts that allow for kerbals to be spawned off world (using Moar Kerbals), and provides a refuelling base 
  • SIMPLEX Propulsion
    nerfs engines within an atmosphere that forces a need for two or three stages to orbit rockets to provide some realism
  • SIMPLEX Resources
    replaces the singular stock ISRU Ore with three main types, HydrateOre, NaturalOre, RareOre.  Rocket fuel ratios are changed to provide more realism without changing vanilla performance.
  • SIMPLEX Station Parts
    adds in station trusses, platforms for base building, and stock-a-like launch towers
  • SIMPLEX Station Parts Habs
    adds in a larger kerbal storage parts
  • Kerbalism SIMPLEX
    Kerbalism provides Life Support background processing, an improved Science system, but keeps the stock resources for ISRU as opposed to vanilla Kerbalism.  Life Support is simplified to two main resources used at one unit each per day: Air and Consumables.  BadAir and OrganicSlurry are the waste equivalents

Required Mods

  • Module Manager for EVERYTHING!
  • Contract Configurator for ANGLECAN Achievement Tree 
  • Harmony for Kerbalism
  • Kerbalism this is Kerbalism Core, not Kerbalism Config
  • ReStock for SIMPLEX Station Parts

For a recommendation of a full loadout of SIMPLEX and AngleCanMods go to this post further down this page:

Future plans, not in any particular orer:

Possibly incorporating Moar Kerbals into a new mod: SIMPLEX Colonies Moar

Adding additional planets into the ANGLECAN Achievement Tree

Releasing Science Only configs for Kerbalism


Original OP from Earlier 2024


Hi everyone,

A wee update that I've been working across all my mods.

Over this year, I've slowly been working a proper, real playthrough of everything using JNSQ.  I'm now gearing up for first crewed trip to Duna with orbiting probes around Eve, and orbiting and landing probes off Edna and Dres.

So... time for a change and restart as I've run out of funds (thanks AngleCan Progression!).  ReStock had an update.   Also, SIMPLEX Progression turns out wasn't working so I was 'cheating' in my own way.   Again time for a restart, and a rethink of what I want to get out of my full playthrough.


  • AngleCan Progression and Progression Plus
    No changes upcoming, but I recently adjusted the price of Ores to make their mining and recovery more lucrative for reasons
  • AngleCan Part Tweaks
    Additional part tweaks will include a 85%or 90% nerf of the 1.875m engines as they are better, and it is pointless upgrading to the bigger engines.
    As always  it is easy to delete individual cfgs.
  • AngleCan Achievment Tree
    no changes
  • Kerbalism SIMPLEX 
    Will be updated to support additional parts from SIMPLEX Station Parts, SIMPLEX Resources, and SIMPLEX Colonies
  • SIMPLEX Resources
    Furnaces and a Fabricator being added (using stock models and Ubio Welder), which converts NaturalOre to MetalParts, RareOre to CustomParts
  • SIMPLEX Colonies
    Keeping the MoarKerbals support to generate/spawn  fresh kerbals, but added in an end game Harvester and ISRU to be able to produce resources for very little hassle from the player.  This functionality will require the 'Colonists' to be present.  As I don't play interstellar mods (I'd never actually get there! The idea is that these have functionality beyond requiring MoarKerbals!
  • SIMPLEX Station Parts
    Adding several parts

    A 'sheathed' habitat centrifuge using the original Porkjet IVA.  The idea is that this model doesn't rotate, all the moving parts are inside to minimise air loss, and with kerbalism you'd get sheilding on it too.   IVA assets borrowed from Tokamak.

    A variation of Keridian Dynamic's Mobile VAB which is habitation only.  Assets borrowed from Keridian Dynamics.

    Adding stockish style launch tower parts, including an attachment node to the launch clamps

    Adding in a station plate for off world colony building.  A 20 meter wide circular plate with 1 plus 4 nodes ( one in centre and four surrounding) that JUST fits 3.75 m parts on all nodes.
  • SIMPLEX Propulsion
    Fixing a problem with the upgrades and engine nerfs (i.e. it doesn't work as intended!)
  • SIMPLEX Assembly
    Considering creating a standalone SIMPLEX Assembly Plus to give a stripped out Extraplanetary Launchpads .dll
    Adding in a VERY similar functionality to Simple Construction but also allowing the stock Stamp-O-Tron ground anchor to be a survey peg.  'Launchpads' will be the docking ports.

    Adding in a 'micropad' part to allow construction onto existing craft.

    Adding a Mobile VAB.

    Tidying up the Printshop to look nicer.
    New parts to be added for Assembly, Colonies, Station Parts, Resources


Edited by theJesuit
Updated everything!
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Getting closer to the update releases.

Because most of the changes are interrelated, I plan to update everything at the same time... except Kerbalism Simplex, and Simplex Assembly Plus .  I haven't even started look at Kerbalism Simplex, or rewriting MM patches to be able to fully remove Extraplanetary Luanchpads and supply the .dll as in Simple Construction.

I've had a thought of reworking some of the models for Simplex Station Parts so that ReStock isn't required.  However this will take time and I want to get everything out and get a playthrough underway before I undertake this.  This may wait until ReStock has a major update anyway!




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  • 2 weeks later...

So I did release the updates, and some further updates are coming too...

Kerbalism SIMPLEX is getting an update that adds in support for the new SIMPLEX Colonies module.

SIMPLEX Resources will be getting an update that will better support SimpleFuelSwitch.   It seem that with all moving away from various extra part mods that I may not need B9 with a full SIMPLEX Suite only install.  However, the ability to change tanks to contain LF or Ox, or both seems more than helpful.  So I've been working on getting this tidied up.


Future work coming up...

SIMPLEX Colonies recommended Mod Moar kerbals needs to be checked after a long while to ensure that instructions for use are  correct.

SIMPLEX Station Parts I'd like to build to a release that has ReStock support rather than a requirement.  We'll see how this goes.

ANGLECAN Achievement Tree works as is, but does a large amount of additional contracts that I think may be unnecessary - and make it hard to find  other contracts (particularly those World First contracts) , and so I'd like to see if I can tidy this up as well.


I keep sitting down to write...

I keep sitting down to write a full install list for a SIMPLEX Suite playthrough - recommended mods such as KER, TAC, etc, alternatives etc.  We'll see when I have time to do that!



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The updates are all done and working I think. 

But whilst doing all this i have some new plans to redo the MetalParts, CustomPart containers and SimplexOre tanks for SIMPLEXResources.

I also wonder whether the Pollux and Emerge engines could do with a revision.   For Pollux I'm  thinking a retexture of the Terrier to a more dark version.  Im also wondering If PowderFuel is the best, and whether I could simplify to it being SolidFuel.  The idea is to keep it NaturalOre only to produce, but an inefficent, powerful vaccum engine.

Edit - stratch the solidFuel instead of powdered fuel idea.  This would need me to change how stockk solid fuel works.  Hence why i have powder fuel.

Revised engine looks okay though.  Blackish.  Plume.

Edited by theJesuit
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With Simplex Propulsion I have For the Pollux engines these are darkened stock terriers through variant tinting and scaled sideways.  I have retextured the stock Dawn ion engine for Emerge and it is also scaled.

With Simplex Resources, the new MetalPart and CustomPart tanks are 3/4 size Mk3s but with some fun.  The largest is the same length as a Rockomax64 jumbo.

I've redone the Simplex Ore tanks to remove the need for 'large' textures.  still with colours, but now for the Restock tanks too. When Restock is installed ive added a thin tank too.

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Hi everyone,

The following is my full Simplex loadout in 2024 July.

The goal of Simplex is to extend the stock game but keep things as simple as possible.  when you see this below, you won't believe me.  The suite and other tweaks, seek to bring extended playthroughs that bring a little more realism for as smaller a RAM footprint as possible - hence a liberal use of stock models and textures.

Whilst I would like to say I'm a minimalist, the following mod list is what I consider to be standard for a full play though  in either Stock or JNSQ*.  I don't tend to use the Making History or Breaking Ground DLCs because of the load time and RAM issues, but do prefer ReStock and ReStockPlus.  However, these are modular.  You can drop what you want, and mostly mix and match.


  • ANGLECAN Achievement Tree 
    adds progression type Achievement Contracts with a visual representation towards Flags and Footprints on every rocky planet and moon
  • ANGLECAN Progression
    removes contract grind by leaving only World First Contracts, making a career playthrough like a Science mode, with upgrades to the KSC and kerbal hiring using only your limited Funds.
  • ANGLECAN Progression Plus
    adds rocket efficiency motive by making Resources such as LiquidFuel and Oxidizer cost Funds.
  • ANGLECAN Part Tweaks
    a range of part tweaks such as limiting fairing width to provide some realism, and set docking angles.
  • QUARTIX Tech Tree
    a branched Tech Tree that allows for a separation of technology groups
  • SIMPLEX Assembly
    mods external construction mods such as Extraplanetary Launchpads or Sandcastle for onsite construction
  • SIMPLEX Assembly Plus
    a distribution of Extraplanetary Launchpads to tie in with the Simplex Suite.
  • SIMPLEX Colonies
    colony arcology parts that allow for kerbals to be spawned off world (using Moar Kerbals), and provides a refuelling base 
  • SIMPLEX Propulsion
    nerfs engines within an atmosphere that forces a need for two or three stages to orbit rockets to provide some realism
  • SIMPLEX Resources
    replaces the singular stock ISRU Ore with three main types, HydrateOre, NaturalOre, RareOre.  Rocket fuel ratios are changed to provide more realism without changing vanilla performance.
  • SIMPLEX Station Parts
    adds in station trusses, platforms for base building, and stock-a-like launch towers
  • SIMPLEX Station Parts Habs
    adds in a larger kerbal storage parts
  • KerbalismSimplex
    Kerbalism provides Life Support background processing, an improved Science system, but keeps the stock resources for ISRU as opposed to vanilla Kerbalism.  Life Support is simplified to two main resources used at one unit each per day: Air and Consumables.  BadAir and OrganicSlurry are the waste equivalents.

Required Mods

  • Module Manager for EVERYTHING!
  • Contract Configurator for ANGLECAN Achievement Tree 
  • Harmony for Kerbalism and KSP Community Fixes
  • Kerbalism this is Kerbalism Core, not Kerbalism Config
  • ReStock for SIMPLEX Station Parts

Strongly Recommended Mods

  • BahaEPL
    provides additional drills for SIMPLEX Resources
  • EVATransfer
    allows an EVA kerbal to arrange resource transfer 
  • KHSK
    allows EVA kerbals to do heavier construction work
  • KSP Community Fixes
    gives better performance all round
  • MacLuky
    provides two seater Mk1Lander Can
  • Moldavite Machines
    provides nicer looking greenhouses than vanilla Kerbalism
  • ReStock Plus
    provides 1.875 and 5m parts for more natural progression
  • Water Drinker
    provides early game parts for collecting science in plane form
  • *JX2Antenna
    for use if JNSQ is installed

Quality of Life Mods

  • Community Parts Titles
    for standardised part names helping sort in the VAB and SPH
  • Kerbal Engineer
    as the readouts in flight should be stock
  • kOS
    for automating launches
  • Maneuver Node Splitter
    for automating launches
  • Precise Maneuver
    for assisting in tweaking manoeuvre nodes
  • SCANsat
    for extending the discovery of resources and biomes for science
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock from TriggerTech
    as it is better than stock
  • Transfer Window Planner from TriggerTech
    as it is also better than stock

Fun to have

  • B9PartSwitch
    with only the above mods this only changes Ore tanks, reducing the need to have four times the Ore Storage option.
  • HullCameraVDS
    as I like to imagine playing in IVA mode only.
  • Kerbal Construction Time
    as I enjoy the limitation of waiting for build to occur.
    KCT requires
    • Click Through Blocker
    • Toolbar Control
    • Space Tux Library
  • Kerbthulhu Kinetics Program (Moar Kerbals)
    for Spawning capabilities of SIMPLEX Colonies
  • *JNSQ planet pack
    JNSQ requires:
    • Environmental Visual Enhancements
    • Kopernicus
    • Kronometer
    • MagiCore
    • ModularFlightIntegrator



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