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AngleCanMods with SIMPLEX mods upcoming updates

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Hi everyone,

A wee update that I've been working across all my mods.

Over this year, I've slowly been working a proper, real playthrough of everything using JNSQ.  I'm now gearing up for first crewed trip to Duna with orbiting probes around Eve, and orbiting and landing probes off Edna and Dres.

So... time for a change and restart as I've run out of funds (thanks AngleCan Progression!).  ReStock had an update.   Also, SIMPLEX Progression turns out wasn't working so I was 'cheating' in my own way.   Again time for a restart, and a rethink of what I want to get out of my full playthrough.


  • AngleCan Progression and Progression Plus
    No changes upcoming, but I recently adjusted the price of Ores to make their mining and recovery more lucrative for reasons
  • AngleCan Part Tweaks
    Additional part tweaks will include a 85%or 90% nerf of the 1.875m engines as they are better, and it is pointless upgrading to the bigger engines.
    As always  it is easy to delete individual cfgs.
  • AngleCan Achievment Tree
    no changes
  • Kerbalism SIMPLEX 
    Will be updated to support additional parts from SIMPLEX Station Parts, SIMPLEX Resources, and SIMPLEX Colonies
  • SIMPLEX Resources
    Furnaces and a Fabricator being added (using stock models and Ubio Welder), which converts NaturalOre to MetalParts, RareOre to CustomParts
  • SIMPLEX Colonies
    Keeping the MoarKerbals support to generate/spawn  fresh kerbals, but added in an end game Harvester and ISRU to be able to produce resources for very little hassle from the player.  This functionality will require the 'Colonists' to be present.  As I don't play interstellar mods (I'd never actually get there! The idea is that these have functionality beyond requiring MoarKerbals!
  • SIMPLEX Station Parts
    Adding several parts

    A 'sheathed' habitat centrifuge using the original Porkjet IVA.  The idea is that this model doesn't rotate, all the moving parts are inside to minimise air loss, and with kerbalism you'd get sheilding on it too.   IVA assets borrowed from Tokamak.

    A variation of Keridian Dynamic's Mobile VAB which is habitation only.  Assets borrowed from Keridian Dynamics.

    Adding stockish style launch tower parts, including an attachment node to the launch clamps

    Adding in a station plate for off world colony building.  A 20 meter wide circular plate with 1 plus 4 nodes ( one in centre and four surrounding) that JUST fits 3.75 m parts on all nodes.
  • SIMPLEX Propulsion
    Fixing a problem with the upgrades and engine nerfs (i.e. it doesn't work as intended!)
  • SIMPLEX Assembly
    Considering creating a standalone SIMPLEX Assembly Plus to give a stripped out Extraplanetary Launchpads .dll
    Adding in a VERY similar functionality to Simple Construction but also allowing the stock Stamp-O-Tron ground anchor to be a survey peg.  'Launchpads' will be the docking ports.

    Adding in a 'micropad' part to allow construction onto existing craft.

    Adding a Mobile VAB.

    Tidying up the Printshop to look nicer.
    New parts to be added for Assembly, Colonies, Station Parts, Resources


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Getting closer to the update releases.

Because most of the changes are interrelated, I plan to update everything at the same time... except Kerbalism Simplex, and Simplex Assembly Plus .  I haven't even started look at Kerbalism Simplex, or rewriting MM patches to be able to fully remove Extraplanetary Luanchpads and supply the .dll as in Simple Construction.

I've had a thought of reworking some of the models for Simplex Station Parts so that ReStock isn't required.  However this will take time and I want to get everything out and get a playthrough underway before I undertake this.  This may wait until ReStock has a major update anyway!




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