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Beyond Jool [Planet Pack] [1.12.x]

Mr. Kerbin

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@EuropeanRat the update is here!

Update 1.1.0



- Gave Anune a new moon, and shifted out it's orbit. Same with the dwarf planets.

- Arachnid now has a atmosphere of pure nitrogen. Also, craters!

- Some science defs and biomes.

- Retextured Kotta into a actual vacuum world.

- Tyrant got a nerf, now only 3.82 geeASL, and with a atmosphere of 0.02 ATM.

- The new Eve, Volatus, orbiting... Tyrant!?!?! With 3 ATM and less G force than Moho, have fun exploring the explodium seas and flying easily, assuming you have propellers!

- Sarkin retexture! Again!

- Hamis has a moon!

- Moach retexture.

- Aron and Eneck were merged.

- Probably other stuff I forgot!

- The one (I think) you've been waiting for...

EVE* and Scatterer support!

*Not actually volumetric support. 

Now on SpaceDock!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 1.2.0

"Edge of Kerbol"


 - Beefed up Sarkin, now 757.5 km in radius, and 4.11 geeASL (g force at sea level)

 - The eighth planet, or ninth if using AnuneExpansion, Elross joins the party. One moon, Mrokrok.

 - Anune shrunk.

 - Merrink and Merza retextured.

 - Tyrant rings are GONE

 - Volatus actually looks correct in Scaled Space.

 - Silan compatibility.

 - Dakota removed for now.

 - New ground textures so it doesn't all look the same.

Now available on SpaceDock!

Edited by Mr. Kerbin
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no you didnt. hope dosent have textures, also haki, eneck dont have .cgf file, maybe something else. ether way pack dosent work, game freeze at loading screen.

also can you redo planet list such that it clearly see who orbiting who.  ie like that

  • planet 1
    • planet 2
  • planet 3
    • planet 4


Edited by q250
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  On 11/7/2024 at 2:08 PM, q250 said:

hope dosent have textures, also haki


Yeah, they use a special PQSmod so I can be lazy and NOT make heightmaps.

The normal map they have is just called “Normal.dds”


  On 11/7/2024 at 2:08 PM, q250 said:

eneck dont have .cgf file


Yeah, that and Aron were merged, so you won’t see it. You will see Aron.cfg.

  On 11/7/2024 at 2:08 PM, q250 said:

ether way pack dosent work


No, you just used a stock replacer where it shouldn’t have been used.

  On 11/7/2024 at 2:08 PM, q250 said:

also can you redo planet list such that it clearly see who orbiting who.  ie like that

  • planet 1
    • planet 2
  • planet 3
    • planet 4


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  On 11/7/2024 at 4:12 PM, Mr. Kerbin said:



thank you

  On 11/7/2024 at 4:12 PM, Mr. Kerbin said:

Yeah, that and Aron were merged, so you won’t see it. You will see Aron.cfg.


what mean merged? 

  On 11/7/2024 at 4:12 PM, Mr. Kerbin said:

Yeah, they use a special PQSmod so I can be lazy and NOT make heightmaps.


can you not be lazy and make proper heightmap?

  On 11/7/2024 at 4:12 PM, Mr. Kerbin said:

No, you just used a stock replacer where it shouldn’t have been used.


i just test some planet one by one basis. rage works fine, also plad, with sarkin game is loading fine but dont load proper textures only color. so i think one or more planets froze game completely, question which one.

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I downloaded all the mods you have, then realized I didn’t even have the dependencies for my own mod :sob:




Yeah…. These are problems with the mods being old. They haven’t been updated since 2020!

While functional, they are likely bugged heavily, in fact, the triple sunflare effect is because the Sun has not had its own sunflare disabled.

And the homeworld of The Reach is literally an edited version of Kerbin, and since it has not been updated since the texture revamped. So that broke.

In fact, Valentine has the normal sunflare, unedited, likely because it is so old.

The reason it didn’t work last time is probably because you didn’t have the dependencies.



  On 11/7/2024 at 5:23 PM, q250 said:

what mean merged? 


Pretty much, Aron and Eneck were boring. That, and Sarkin’s moons were….. overflowing.

So, instead, kill two birds with one stone and “merge” the analogs. The crater of Aron/Mimas with the cracked surface of Eneck/Enceladus

  On 11/7/2024 at 5:23 PM, q250 said:

can you not be lazy and make proper heightmap?


why not?

Edited by Mr. Kerbin
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