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The Linux compatibility thread!

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I wish I knew what more of that stuff in the log was, I see Mono near the top, and though while Unity ships with its own version of Mono it couldn't hurt to install mono-complete, though I don't have it installed here.

I really don't expect it to be Mono, not directly, I think it may be worth starting KSP with sudo and seeing if that works.

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Ghostbird, your save works for me but it failed to load the AR202 and RealChute (I don't have them installed)

This suggests your issue is with one or both of those addons, they may be conflicting with each other (I know RealChute does not work properly with MJ) or your MuMech.dll is old and needs updating.

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I tinkered together a a install script.

This scripts applys the patch against segfaults, creates a launch script with the right language enviroment and a program starter with icon.


script moved to github repo


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Voidi/proprietary_installer/master/ksp_installer
chmod a+x ksp_launch_install

Edited by Voidi
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I tinkered together a a install script.

This scripts applys the patch against segfaults, creates a launch script with the right language enviroment and a program starter with icon.


oh and if someon finds a way to supply the login credentiels for the shop, i will include an automatic download

You can supply form information with wget

believe the username and password would go something like this in wget


I can't remember its been a year now from the time i did it.

The logmc and pwdmc comes from the kerbal website.

<td align="right" style="font-size:12px;">Email: <input type="text" id="logmc" name="logmc" size="20" class="login_field" /></td>
<td align="right" style="font-size:12px;">Password: <input type="password" id="pwdmc" name="pwdmc" size="20" class="login_field" /></td>

Edited by meeki
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Ghostbird, your save works for me but it failed to load the AR202 and RealChute (I don't have them installed)

This suggests your issue is with one or both of those addons, they may be conflicting with each other (I know RealChute does not work properly with MJ) or your MuMech.dll is old and needs updating.

I tried without add-ons as well, and the same bug occurred then. This save however has the issue with 100% reproduction rate over four tries, which is better than I managed to achieve without mods.

What conflict exists between AR' MechJeb and RealChute? I have used both together since .22, without any obvious issues.

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You can supply form information with wget

yeah found out that my self, i should more often reading manpages

didn't see that you even have written some type of install application

@sal_vager i moved the script to a github repository, please edit in the startpost


and the script itself https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Voidi/proprietary_installer/master/ksp_installer

Edited by Voidi
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Ghostbird, I don't know the details, just that MJ can't use RC properly (yet).

I could not find any notes on this. I searched the MJ and RC threads and Github issues. No mention of problems. I don't see any obvious reasons why they would interfere either.

So far I have not had any issues since I deleted all unnecessary crafts.

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yeah found out that my self, i should more often reading manpages

didn't see that you even have written some type of install application

Ya well its not up to date for 23.5 :) i tend to be a few weeks behind the curve.

I love seeing others work to the same problem. more apps that do a similar thing = better choices for end users. I'm sure many just want to yous your quick launcher over my bulky solution.

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the patcher doesn't start from launcher, other stuff launches but the update button grays out momentarily and then nothing. There are no error messages to be seen in console that I started Launcher.x86 from. Is this a known issue? Preferably with a known solution ;)

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Same issue. 32bit client on Intel HD 4000 gfx. Game would crash and always have "RenderTexture.Create failed: format unsupported." at the end of the unity Player.log. I spent all night trying to track down which mod was causing it but it turned out not to be a mod. I applied the same fix and it seems to be working fine now.
I'm CTD'd at 32K Meters on re-entry every single time with the 0.23.5. 64bit client. Too weird!

(EDIT) Solved: I suspected it was graphics in nature because that height is normally where the re-entry effects start showing so I used the 'enable shadows on Intel Ivy Bridge' fix in the OP....worked like a charm!

Another +1 for this! Worked for me to fix the " RenderTexture.Create failed: format unsupported " issue on 0.23.5

Fresh install here. Upon arriving at the launchpad, throttling up, and launching, everything is normal. Shortly after launch, the game crashes (process reports abortion and core dump [which I guess I can retrieve for you guys if it's somehow helpful... ]). Specs and situation leading up to the crash are present in this linked log file.

The log appears identical in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions (launching them manually from the binaries present in the Steam installation folder). If necessary, the 64-bit log can be retrieved.

This is strange, given that with higher graphics settings (and roughly the same process environment on my machine) the game ran slowly but didn't crash during the launch cycle...

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49817-How-to-enable-shadows-on-Linux-for-Intel-Ivy-Bridge-graphics?p=929000&viewfull=1#post929000 - give it a try. I had the same symptoms and this not only fixed the issue, but gave me shadows too :)

Edited by flipmcf
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If I switch to 64-Bit linux, will I be able to transfer the windows save files and mods to my KSP directory? Or are they incompatible with eachother?

Due to the fact that all Saves and Crafts are are Textfiles with json encoded data: Yes

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Due to the fact that all Saves and Crafts are are Textfiles with json encoded data: Yes

That's a yes to the first part, they transfer just fine :)

Plugins are written in Mono so will work cross-platform too.

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Quick report: Debian unstable with Radeon HD 4350 (oldish video card) using driver fglrx-legacy-driver from the repositories → black screen (but loads correctly otherwise, according to logs and sound). Applying LC_ALL=C will not fix the issue. Neither will LANG=C and LANGUAGE=C, neither combined, neither applied for Steam start as well. Game runs almost fine through Wine though.

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I'm getting a CTD every time with the Linux 32-bit version when I re-enter the atmosphere at about 30K altitude, when the re-entry effects are about to start. I can see some discussion of a patch to the 64-bit version, is there a similar patch (and script) for the 32-bit version?

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