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The Linux compatibility thread!

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Thanks for adding linux support, that is awesome! :)

Installed KSP through Steam yesterday, getting crashes every now and then. Tried voidi's installation script (and running without Steam), installed fonts, tried both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, all seem to be affected. I've noticed that if I do the flying 101 tutorial, the game crashes everytime a few seconds after launch.

I'm on Intel HD Graphics 4000, no mods for KSP, running Xubuntu.

Seems like it may be related to "RenderTexture.Create failed: format unsupported.". Also getting this in Player.log:


Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates

a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries

used by your application.


Player.log: http://pastebin.com/H1BhcYKn

KSP.log: http://pastebin.com/EC0VudkU

Any ideas?

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This keeps coming up Tausen, and every time it's with Intel graphics, I'm fairly sure it's a driver issue but there's no real fix apart from trying the segfault fix and the fixes for Intel cards here.

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This keeps coming up Tausen, and every time it's with Intel graphics, I'm fairly sure it's a driver issue but there's no real fix apart from trying the segfault fix and the fixes for Intel cards here.

Thank you very much for the quick reply!

Wow, that is the craziest hack I have ever seen. I just gave it a try, noticed I got shadows and took the flight training - no crashes. I'm completely baffled. Thanks a million! :D

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Looks like it might be the Intel driver again, see the fix linked here for Intel cards, it may work for you :)

Hmmm...It's strange because I'm using a retina MacBook Pro and it has integrated graphics with its CPU. Would any of those fixes still work?

lspci lists this : VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Crystal Well Integrated Graphics Controller

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Yo. Hopefully this is the place to ask for tech support. If it's not I can move this post and such.

I'd been putting off buying KSP for a while because I figured it wouldn't work on my Arch Linux computer, but yesterday I grabbed the demo (0.18, I think?) and it went fine, so I sprung for the game on Steam. Unfortunately, the new version has not gone well.

I think I'm having two separate issues. The probably simpler one is the game crashing when I go from the main space center screen to the launchpad. It doesn't seem to happen when I just move from the vehicle assembly building to launching. According to Player.log, this seems to be due to a NullReferenceException somewhere or another.

The second issue is more important and makes the game unusable. It hangs at hard to understand points. Sometimes during the second menu screen (after "start game", I mean) and at two different points on the launchpad (gotten to directly from vehicle assembly to circumvent the above) before and after Jeb's face shows up.

I haven't tested this second bug much because when I say it "hangs", I mean my entire system goes unresponsive. The fan spins up so I assume it's in some kind of loop, but I have no way of knowing, as the CPU monitor, rest of the screen, mouse, etc. are all inoperable. Can't even switch to console. Music seems to keep playing, however. The only way I can stop this is a soft reset of the whole computer, so I don't know what kind of logs are available. This bug report might be relevant?

As I mentioned, the demo on Steam worked fine. The only issue I had was the font thing mentioned on the Arch wiki, but that didn't cause crashes or anything and was easily fixed.

I've already tried throttling down the textures and other graphics effects, including disabling anti-aliasing, but no dice.

I realize my system isn't officially supported, but I'd really like to play, and any support would be appreciated.

Some system details:

uname -a

Linux Syadavaktavyah 3.14.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jun 8 10:08:38 CEST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux

CPU is 6x AMD FX-6350 Six-Core Processor

GPU is AMD Radeon R9 200 Series

I am using the fglrx proprietary driver, like in the bug report. Specifically, I am using Arch's "catalyst" repository. The control center reports a "Driver Packaging Version" of 13.251-131206a-166303C-ATI.

Oh, and everything's updated as far as my distro goes as of a few hours ago.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by altruizine
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I think this'll be a tricky one, full system lockups are usually a sign of some other fault in the OS or hardware, maybe a library is not correct for KSP or the graphics driver just hates it.

Do you get the same crashes with the mesa/gallium driver? Also are you starting KSP with "LC_ALL=C" ?

It's worth trying the segfault fix as well, back up your KSP.x86_64 binary first though.

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By now i already saw many people on Linux having problems with the Radeon R9 200 and the fglrx driver.

Looks like there is some issue with it.

I have an Arch Linux machine at work and it works without any problems with an older Radeon 5700 and the fglrx driver.

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I tried setting steam's launch options for KSP to include LC_ALL but everything seems to work the same so I'm not sure I've actually done so.

I'm not sure what you mean by "the segfault fix" - is it not linked in the OP here? Anyway this doesn't seem like a segfault, and I think I'm just using a 32-bit binary (at least, I keep seeing that _64 is experimental, and I haven't switched to it).

Uninstalling fglrx and installing mesa is rather an ordeal but I suppose there's not much else to check.

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Others have probably noticed this as well, but when you are in the space center view and right click to rotate the view, the cursor is hidden but it's still there. When you move the mouse so much that the cursor goes beyond the edge of the window (you could see this if it was not hidden), it suddenly jumps back to the center of the window.

This causes the camera to make a sudden movement opposite to the direction you tried to rotate it. You can keep moving the mouse, and it'll keep rotating the camera, but every time the invisible cursor hits the edge of the window you get that nasty "jump".

Ignore the above, I am being an idiot here.

So when moving the camera, it does have these small "jumps", but it certainly doesn't jump all the way back to the center. However, when you right-click anywhere on the screen, the mouse will be instantly moved to the center of the screen, and the camera will follow it. Unless you right click at the exact center of the screen, you won't be able to rotate the view without some annoying uncontrolled camera movements.

Edited by CaptainKorhonen
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Mesa drivers on my distro are apparently incompatible with Steam in some way with nothing to do with KSP. The fact Steam can cause X to segfault promises to be enough of a headache that I'm just going to try things again in a few weeks and hope the bug maelstrom has worked itself out. Thanks for the help.

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altruizine, the fix is here, and you can find more help for Arch Linux here.

As for Steams launch options, see here :)

CaptainKorhonen, that may be due to your computers language setting, try deleting the settings.cfg and then start KSO with "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86"

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that may be due to your computers language setting, try deleting the settings.cfg and then start KSO with "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86"

Nope, I tried that and the camera is still weird. Could it be caused by my mouse? I have a Saitek/Mad Catz R.A.T.7 Infection which (apparently) doesn't work with Ubuntu straight out of the box - I had to create a custom xorg config for it. It only does this at the space center, and it's more of a small annoyance than a game breaking problem, but it's still a bug. Whether it's caused by the game or something else, I don't know.

Also, another problem: I'm getting lockups/freezes in the space center view. I'm running a modded installation. I've experimented a bit (removed all mods and added them again one by one) and it doesn't seem to be caused by any particular mod. Instead, it appears to happen when I have a lot of complex mods installed (KW Rocketry, NovaPunch, Interstellar etc) - I tried it with KW and NP installed, and then with Interstellar and it still keeps freezing.

CPU is usually at 100% on the first core and 0-50% on the second core. RAM stays well below maximum.

I'm on Ubuntu 14.04, running 8GB of RAM and a 4.7GHz i7 2600K. I've installed Nvidia's latest official drivers (downloaded from their website) and am using voidi's script to make sure KSP starts with the right settings.

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Try another mouse? You can rule out the Saitek that way, or not.

I tried it with another one and it got rid of the jerky movements, but the off-center click thing was still there.

We'll need your logs to figure out the crashes, see here.

Judging by the fact that it doesn't create a crash log, the game doesn't actually crash. It just freezes for an indefinite time and may or may not start working again later. I can, however, post my KSP.log and Hardinfo output:

(Couldn't get Pastebin to work so I've uploaded these to Mega)

KSP.log: https://mega.co.nz/#!XMl1wCrD!T7j8476DQu_GuAV6HJssKIHYuLTTKgwSeHh37TXB6C8

Hardinfo: https://mega.co.nz/#!zQEWgByC!CQ6sMYy8yY8BdgHSueRiEkJscO7UAYrhcT1ruF4UDxc

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How would one go about applying the segfault fix in 32 bit?
Requia, it's for the 64bit version only, sorry.

This bug is only present in the 64bit version because there Unity tries to reference a 32bit code path, meaning this bug does not affect the 32bit version, hence no need for a fix, and no need to be sorry ;)

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Ok, for 64 bit. Initially it worked at like 1 FPS without AMD drivers, I installed those, and now the screen blacks out a second into loading, it *doesn't* crash, in fact sitting there running cat KSP.log lets me watch the loading progress, but the screen never comes back (no mods yet).

Also launcher does nothing now, just shuts down when you hit play.

This bug is only present in the 64bit version because there Unity tries to reference a 32bit code path, meaning this bug does not affect the 32bit version, hence no need for a fix, and no need to be sorry ;)

That's a somewhat ridiculous statement given I had the problem in 32 bit.

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The segfault problem could be caused also by other problems like corrupted librarys and such. Unfortunately it will be very hard to find such an corrupted library if it's really causing it for you.

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