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Eagle Base, on the surface of Mun near to the monument (we promise you that the monument is somewhere around here, but you'll have to look through all these craters...), is taking shape now. Note the floating rock :P




The Kerbin Orbital Station has been completed just now with the addition of the fuel hub. Weighing in at 80 tonnes (I think that's what it is...) and 211 parts, it's not too laggy AND it's my best-looking station ever :D

Very wobbly though when moving rotating it :rolleyes:

I'm also gonna say right here that I love the Universe Replacer mod :D

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Space is rainbows!

Just because there's a sliver of the ole' purist in me, does anybody else realize that most of the images of space released on the web are assembled using different filters to produce false colors? Don't get me wrong, I love having some visual interest, and that image is really pretty, but that part of me that enjoys the realism aspects of the game would hound at me for the visuals to be more subtle than that.

Anyway Killjoy switch toggled back off.

/still think it's screaming to be a wallpaper

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does anybody else realize that most of the images of space released on the web are assembled using different filters to produce false colors?

Okay, killjoy! ;.; The source image I got this from was a fake nebula, anyway.

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Note to self. Explosive decouplers can cause issues. Still, the home only suffered damage to a single solar panel. The damaged main generator however is going to cause issues during the very long night.


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I'm sorry, I didn't want that to come off all harsh and mean-spirited, because it really wasn't intended to be. :(

I get what you're talking about deadweasel. I've been on the fence about replacing my skybox for that very reason. Only problem is I have no way of knowing whether the photographs that are available of star-fields seen from space represent how it would really look to the human eye. Scott Manley should have asked when he was hanging with that shuttle astronaut. shucks.

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