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...he says, after 123 pages of posts have been created...

118 or so of those pages were before the thread was dumped into the fan-fiction forum, from the general forum.

There has always been an active "general pictures" in the general forum, for the last year (at least). This thread needs to be moved back where it belongs.

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A few things:

1: Those are some absolutely GORGEOUS rovers. My god, like seriously you have a talent. Love love love them. Favorite manned rovers I've seen so far. Ever. In all of KSP.

2: This was moved to Fan-Works by one of our moderators recently. NOT originally posted there, so that's why the reaction is also recent.

3: I've moved the thread back to General, as I agree, that's where it belongs.

4: Moraru, how did you get those emblems on those gorgeous rovers?


Edited by M5000
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A few things:

1: Those are some absolutely GORGEOUS rovers. My god, like seriously you have a talent. Love love love them. Favorite manned rovers I've seen so far. Ever. In all of KSP.

2: This was moved to Fan-Works by one of our moderators recently. NOT originally posted there, so that's why the reaction is also recent.

3: I've moved the thread back to General, as I agree, that's where it belongs.

4: Moraru, how did you get those emblems on those gorgeous rovers?


The space station thread should also come back to general discussion. I don't know it was moved to the spacecraft exchange.

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Here are 3 pictures of my brand new station "Kerban Dragon I" - completely re-built since upgrading to 0.2.2 - Pictures also show one of the B9 craft that is in the brand new B9 mod pack :) - Also zekes I like the first picture better :)




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cant resist the lens flares JJ was right they make things more awesome

souz mrs-g getting tested on the north pole for a future mission to duna


mss-flare ( a lighter version) getting tested at the kerbal space center, future mission dres


That second one is crazy photogenic, and I'm still not entirely sure what all is on it... is that all stock?

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rendezvous 9 complete.


station core stack en-route to rendezvous.


rendezvous 10 complete.


power mast on approach to rendezvous.


rendezvous 11 complete.


crew modules 1-4 en-route to rendezvous. For some reason this rocket liked to flip over, and the only prescription, was moar fins.


crew module 3 retrieved from delivery vehicle.


crew modules 3-4 installation successful. rendezvous 12 complete.


crew module delivery vehicle preparing for deorbit burn.


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Hello all! I started a new save so that I could create momentous 'first touchdown' sites with the new flags. I do have a life, honestly :)


ALL those tanks are over 90% full...

I salute thee, sir! That just made my day.

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