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Postcards from Laythe - Cancelled indefinately


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Does sauerkraut, sausage and beer plus the special serving methods contain special, anti-radiation properties hitherto unknown?

And the colour scheme?

Edited by LeonG17
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OdinBait.exe started

Chobit, how effective are these things, you must have a stockplie of them for dissenters. I'm wondering, because I'm considering buying a few and giving them to any Kerbonaut who shows even the slightest bit of fear.


(Image from The Onion, America's Finest Fake Funny News Source)

OdinBait.exe terminated


Edited by Flymetothemun
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Don't know, never seen anything like that, I only eat military MREs and Toblerones.

ON-TOPIC: After doing a few other art-ish related things I'll hop back on PfL


PS. That glowstick kinda looks like a lightsaber. :)

They use something like that at airports for directing traffic at the terminal, I've also seen them used by traffic-cops in Japan

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Oh? You mean the red? Or the sunsetness? SHUT UP! I DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN A DAMN THING!!! MWAHAHAHAH!!!! I AM THE GOD-EMPRESS!!!!


That said, it's a painting of Germania from Dawn of Victory, a mod for Sins of a Solar Empire

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I did not bow to that before and I shall not again.

You have become mad with power. For power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Also, the colour scheme on the pillars.

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Oh, I'm not that scared. Chobit want this fic written, after all.

Also, there are... circumstances.

But what happens when the fiction is written and the circumstances become null?

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But what happens when the fiction is written and the circumstances become null?

At the rate I'm going, the stupid thing'll never be done. As for the circumstances... I don't foresee them becoming null anytime soon

Then she helps me with my next big project

GoOZ? I'm thinking GoOZ. xD

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So, on topic.

I'm planning to do some more writing tonight. Monday's chat over coffee clarified some things. I'll probably have several more questions later, but I can almost always find you, Chobit.

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That's a lovely looking German cityscape though. The Alder statues look great, just the iron cross kind of makes it obvious who built it.

And what's all this about Odinbait?

One does not simply summon me, I appear precisely when I intend to. Unless you get lucky with a ninjapost.

Rollout in it's complete form seems a lot darker than I expected. I dunno, I kind of thought it would have more of a brightly lit work area impression. Although if the scene depicts a completed assembly being brought outside at night it would make sense.

Edited by OdinYggd
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