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Postcards from Laythe - Cancelled indefinately


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So, while working on Canopus' request flag, I'd stumbled on something:

According to developer NovaSilisko, Laythe is planned to have volcanic activity and high radiation levels in later versions, making it a much more hostile moon than now - KSPWiki

However after talking to Mekan1k, it's possible that Laythe's magnetic field would deflect most if not all of the rads, so I'm very much confused as to the future of our favourite blue world

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Makes sense I suppose, but that's the first time PfL has made ANY sense
Makes sense? What fun is there in making sense?

While vaccumming, I had more plot ideas. This does not mean I'll vaccumm more often, however...

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Oh, the solution is simple. Submerge your colonies. :D Water is surprisingly effective at keeping radiation out, and Laythe has a lot of it.

Besides, what's cooler than a base on another planet? A submarine-base on another planet, of course! :D

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I've been pondering that actually, but that'd require a TON of materials to be landed. But Mekan had some thoughts about how to bathe the planet in rads, yet keep it safe from them. I'm considering sending his argument to Nova

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I've been pondering that actually, but that'd require a TON of materials to be landed. But Mekan had some thoughts about how to bathe the planet in rads, yet keep it safe from them. I'm considering sending his argument to Nova

Even so, it would still be freezing cold and the atmosphere would probably be some unbreathable mix of oxygen and sulfur. If you have ever read the book 2061: Odyssey Three, it discusses a melted Europa, and that's what I imagine Laythe to be like. So far all of Nova's posts support this "melted Europa" theory.

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There's a number of ways to do it really.

The easiest way would be an inflatable dome underwater serving as an initial structure inside which a solid permanent structure was made. Such could be done using locally-refined material, only the initial dome and enough compressed gas to inflate it on the seafloor would be required to provide a shielded habitation for the crew operating the refinery.

Metallic ores are fairly common in space, with lots of space rocks having iron in them that can be easily refined using whatever energy and free carbon is available.

Really the only thing you'd have to transport is lifeforms and enough life support materials to last until local production of required materials can be established.

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There's a number of ways to do it really.

The easiest way would be an inflatable dome underwater serving as an initial structure inside which a solid permanent structure was made. Such could be done using locally-refined material, only the initial dome and enough compressed gas to inflate it on the seafloor would be required to provide a shielded habitation for the crew operating the refinery.

Metallic ores are fairly common in space, with lots of space rocks having iron in them that can be easily refined using whatever energy and free carbon is available.

Really the only thing you'd have to transport is lifeforms and enough life support materials to last until local production of required materials can be established.

Easily done considering the Izumo Expedition had 4 ships and only a dozen crew. As for a full colony, that too can be easily accomplished.

Even so, it would still be freezing cold and the atmosphere would probably be some unbreathable mix of oxygen and sulfur. If you have ever read the book 2061: Odyssey Three, it discusses a melted Europa, and that's what I imagine Laythe to be like. So far all of Nova's posts support this "melted Europa" theory.

And so far all of my images support the "I don't give a $#%*" theory ^.^ I draw what I want, if that includes my own Laythe based on the given information about it when I started PfL, so be it. It's not the first time I've bent reality or changed facts to suit my own fictional works.

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VOTE TIME!!!!!!!

1. Laythe in PfL is a desolate wasteland full of radiation volcanoes and other not friendly stuffs as depicted by Nova for the eventual incarnation in KSP.

2. Laythe in PfL is warm, sunny, nice weather but still barren and empty. The only difference is it won't kill you to hang around in a bikini.

Votes will close after 10 posts

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I'll vote for 2 on this one, and next time I see silsko to bug him to keep Laythe pleasantly habitable. It'd be a nice vacation spot, with a Class-M atmosphere and the slightly reduced gravity making it relaxing for kerbals on summer vacation.

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Yeah but if you make a really strong magnetic field, you'd cause problems for ships passing through it. They'd have electronics malfunctions from the induced voltage, and could be disoriented by its effects on navigation equipment as well as inductive forces from moving through a strong magnetic field.

The undersea approach seems to be the simplest to implement, and would work well on Laythe. You have a spaceport on the surface, which then leads into a tunnel into an undersea city for your habitation areas with the only surface structures being either spaceports, industrial complexes, or research stations.

Magnents also work well for calling up lightning bolts upon those who break the rules.

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