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Postcards from Laythe - Cancelled indefinately


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Chobit has a tendancy towards unrepentant fact-smacking. Don't take it personal.


As a result of scrubbing stairsteps, I have a few more ideas for plot points. Gotta run them past Chobit before I can start writing them down, though.

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*Also uses Chrome on Windows 7*

Well there's your problem!

Hey Chobit, bite me! *also uses Chrome*

I have been having problems with it. I think it's the HTML 5 thing. It was fine before...

Heh, I find it amusing how chobit is one of the few people on the world wide web to hate chrome :P

Also, Trekkette, You'll be bitten anyway.

However, what's this slow loading problem you guys are bothering with?... Must be I don't have run into any problems because I assume you people use WIFI as I use a cable...

In my time... Oh wait, I'm still in my childhood... :P

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On topic: Any ideas when we will see more lore?

When the mods stop sending me infractions for every damn thing I do on this forum ^.^

(Seriously, I have nearly twice as many infraction points as I do reputation points. 120 vs 62, counting the hundred from the Weak Week Ban)

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When the mods stop sending me infractions for every damn thing I do on this forum ^.^

(Seriously, I have nearly twice as many infraction points as I do reputation points. 120 vs 62, counting the hundred from the Weak Week Ban)

So... never, then? Excuse me, I'm just gonna cower in the fan-rage proof bunker over here...

Related - remember the ideas I mentioned earlier? They're apparently good to go!

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So... never, then? Excuse me, I'm just gonna cower in the fan-rage proof bunker over here...

Related - remember the ideas I mentioned earlier? They're apparently good to go!

why? we like you

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When the mods stop sending me infractions for every damn thing I do on this forum ^.^

(Seriously, I have nearly twice as many infraction points as I do reputation points. 120 vs 62, counting the hundred from the Weak Week Ban)

Perhaps you could stop giving such interesting opinions and art on things?

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We're now in the year 244 2E.

What's 2E and What's 244 based on?

One thing for Sure, 2E doesn't mean millenium 2 and 0 is not christ.

IF 0 would be christ, 1-1-2013 (1-January-2013) would be in the year 5032, on the 4th day of the 36th mün (4-36-5032).

Assuming the duration of 1 mün would be just as accurate as the duration of a month (6 days).

Edited by MmPMSFmM
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We're now in the year 244 2E.

What's 2E and What's 244 based on?

One thing for Sure, 2E doesn't mean millenium 2 and 0 is not christ.

IF 0 would be christ, 1-1-2013 (1-January-2013) would be in the year 5032, on the 4th day of the 36th mün (4-36-5032).

Assuming the duration of 1 mün would be just as accurate as the duration of a month (6 days).

E is usually used in fantasy settings, it stands for Era. So basicly 224 2E stands for the 224th year of the second era.

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A single very brief appearance by a prominent celebrity in a movie or song.

____Famous comic book writer Stan Lee had a cameo in the Spider-Man movie. He was on screen for perhaps ten seconds, but aficionados distinctly remember him.

Edit: You did this on purpose, didn't you?


2013-70=1943 Part of World War II

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Well I did try to beat an entire ground crew to death once with an elevator (flight control surface, not a lift) after it fell off my glider during take off, but that's another tale for another time.

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Well I did try to beat an entire ground crew to death once with an elevator (flight control surface, not a lift) after it fell off my glider during take off, but that's another tale for another time.

you do gliding?

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