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KSP'ers new and old, come say hello :D


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Hello, Uh, I'm Josh. I'm new to the forums lol. I've been playing Kerbal for probably a month now (since it's sale on Steam). I saw someone mention this game on twitter and wondered what the heck it was, investigated it on steam, thought it looked interesting, and I've been addicted ever since XD

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Hello all, new to the game. I put my first sat in orbit yesterday and can see this game will be addicting and amazingly frustrating. Looking forward to building my space program with some help from the boards here.


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Don't start with a planet with an atmosphere, or with kerbin-like gravity. Minmus is a good next target. Then go to Ike. Don't forget to check out the mods, there are a lot of good ones. Just be sure you don't get too many or your game will bog down. For some additional parts that look like stock, KSP X. For resource mining, Kethane. Either way, have fun and good luck with your landings

hint hint, try probe landers first. They don't have to return ;)

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Greetings fellow spacefarers!

Been lurking around the forums for about a week now, figured I'd pop in and say hello! Seems to be a pretty great community here, hope I can get to know some of ya! I picked up KSP just under 2 weeks ago, and if not for the (supposed) imminent release of .21, I'd have well over 72hrs into the game already, I'm sure ... I've just been trying to not get too into it before I lose my save... not to mention I feel that if I'm going to be learning the whole game anyways, I might as well learn it with the new features coming in .21 as opposed to learning all about .20 and then re-learning for .21 ...

Up to now I've had a few successful Mun landings and returns, a couple rovers (one manned, one unmanned) on the Mun and also an unmanned rover on Minmus. No interplanetary stuff yet, and I'm also yet to try out docking. All in due time.... I am having just as much fun flying my sub-orbital planes around Kerbin. Just last night I completed my first successful recovery mission, picking up Donsted Kermin from almost halfway around Kerbin (total flight time was around 3hrs IIRC)...

Safe travels everyone!

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