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KSP'ers new and old, come say hello :D


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Hello all.

I have just lost a large portion of the last 24 hours to this game I downloaded.

I've have built many pointless, dangerous spacecraft. My sum total achievement is a pointless satellite in a very, very strange orbit. and a x15 clone that actually flies and lands. But never on the runway.

Er, so, hello. :)

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Landing on the moon is easy! Nicely on the legs on the other hand...

Responsible for many additional craters on the mun... :blush:

So true. :rolleyes: I insisted on doing it several times by hand, before I allowed myself to use MechJeb. After all, Neil Armstrong had to.

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Hello, everyone! I'vehad this account long enough to survive the great forum purge, but I haven't been very active. So, I'd like to introduce myself as Krisztian, rocket science "expert" and space (?) plane designer.


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New to the forums, one of the very many who finally grabbed the game during the steam sale and since that fateful day I haven't bother loading up anything else I bought this year. KSP owns all my free time now and I love it.

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G'day all, Oelitto from downunder,

I've been using this software to promote STEM subjects at my high school, yes another teacher making something fun - educational.

Good work guys totally loving to challenge of ksp.

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It's good to see everyone's getting back to their feet. We're like kerbals: No matter how many times you crash your massive Eloo rocket . . . Screw it, I'm gonna build a bigger one this time. With more struts, probably.

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So, two welcome threads, so I'm not really sure where to post, but here goes.

First saw KSP at the steam sale, missed the chance to buy it, but then curiosity got the better of me and checked out some youtube videos... Hours later, I realized that if I'm having this much fun just watching videos, the game has already earned it's price before I even bought it... Then it came up again for sale on the last day, I snapped it up, and have been playing ever since.

I've had a blast so far... SSTO's are especially addictive - I can't resist the challenge! :D


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Lost everything in the forum crash. But I'm back. I posted to the main page but should have done so here but missed the hello again thread at first. No way to move it yet.

I'm thinking I want to do a mod of an actual solar-thermal engine. It has an ISP around 1200 sec in its most efficient form, and an ISP of 800 sec in an easier to build form. Either would get us to Mars without all the NERVA anti-nuke politiks. However, I'm not sure where to start as I don't own any 3d tools and most free ones are crap. Given the ISP of such an engine it beats nuclear I'd like to popularize the idea. I'm not exactly someone who can call up Elon Musk and say "Try THIS to get to Mars...." I need something I can model mirrors on and make them extensensible or something. I've got extensive Visual Studio/C++ experience but haven't done 3d modelling before.

Anyway, I'm still working on rovers and landing them. Here's my latest accident and rescue....


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I've been watching this game for a bit, and only held off buying it because of the upcoming steam sale so when it showed up there, I snapped it up. So far I've logged close to 60 hours, and it would be a ton more if I weren't working over 60 hours a week right now. I may possibly spend a lot of my time at work planning my designs/launches for the evening. In retrospect, I have a slightly better idea now why my Kestrel class ultra-heavy lifter (5 meter base with four 5 meter boosters, asparagus style) failed so utterly last night... you're supposed to angle the noses of the rockets in to increase stability, not out. :P And I know this, normally. :P

Anyways, since I'm saying hello on the forums I thought I'd include a picture of an unintended result of one of the early tests of my Encomium Command Module/Lander:


Happy Kerballing!

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Completely new Kernoob here! After one weekend without sleep and now knowing the voice of Scott Manley better than that of my wife I've managed to land Jebediah on the Mun and on Minmus and get him back in one piece.

I've since then started a bit more structured program advancing from putting unmanned probes in Kerbin orbit into putting them in moon orbits, and I'm now starting my own "mercury" project. In the mean time I'm busy brushing up on my orbital mechanics. It seems a lot easier to figure out things than it was in highschool physics, apparently college was good for something!

Happy Kerballing!


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So I spent perhaps an hour with the demo and was convinced to buy the full version...Definitely well on my way to becoming addicted...err...trying to develop competency!

I've orbited Kerbals around Kerbin, and successfully landed, using the 'stock' rockets.

My current goal is to build a probe and rocket from scratch and reach the Mun, and Eve. My heavy lift probe designs started off a bit shaky, either with the probes not having enough fuel to reach a stable orbit, or the delivery package failing rather spectacularly somewhere between the surface and space. I've had boosters take off on their own, the whole stack come crashing down....Annnnd then because I was building rockets from the bottom up rather than top down I've fired the probe off while on the launchpad...Whoops!

The latest version of my heavy lifter/probe combo has finally met with some success. I have a science probe successfully in orbit, with science instruments operating and enough power to maneuver <slowly> with an ion engine.

Next up is getting the probe up into orbit with one more rocket to be able to send it towards the Mun!

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Hello to all!

I've been playing KSP for around a month now, and only today I signed in to the forums.

Here's a pic of the KSSP I (Kerbin Space Station Prototype I), which I assembled in the course of this month. It is orbiting at around 90km (not circular), equatorial.


In this pic, you can see the RCS storage module, the Fuel Module, the small Habitation Module, and the Solar Power Module. As this is just a prototype, I plan considerable changes to the design, using this Station as an outpost on Kerbin orbit, to achieve Station more complex in higher orbits.


This is an older pic of the KSSP I, but with a nice view of outerspace!

I also succeded in stranding several kerbonauts on the Mun, including Jeb Bob and Bill, but I saved them!

This picture shows the two remaining crash-sites:


And this one shows poor Merrod, Sidsted and Philsen, with enough fuel to return from a nice crater landing, but with a really poor designed rescue ship, that disintegrates upon entering Kerbin...


Well, this about sums up my adventures with KSP, it's nice to enter the forums!

Edited by aarknevorious
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