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KSP'ers new and old, come say hello :D


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Hey everyone, I'm hardly a newcomer, but I have greatly enjoyed reading all the posts from those who recently discovered KSP and found themselves drawn to it. That was my experience too! Once I started playing, I couldn't stop.

Somehow the developers of KSP have found that perfect sweet spot of fun and realism. The game is cartoony enough that explosive failures are fun, yet realistic enough that successes feel like real accomplishments. In my opinion KSP is one of the greatest games ever created. I've prodded my friends at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to try KSP and support it.

Anyway, it's exciting to see so many people exhibiting their passion for spaceflight. It makes me optimistic about the future of Humanity, truly it does.

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Why hello everyone, my name is ForScience, and my goal is to test multiple spacecraft to determine the most important things to add, and what can be ignored (such as those stupid safety features), and to test theories brought to me by my drunken college friends. Time to start launching these spacecraft worth billions of dollars into orbit to see what happens.

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I've been playing KSP since .18 and just got around now to joining the forum after getting lost in a screenshot thread for half an hour.

I've been so addicted to this game that whenever I have time for gaming I almost always load up KSP. I've hardly played anything else recently. I originally discovered the game watching a video from Robbaz on Youtube. I was so impressed by the game that I skipped the demo and went right for the full version of the game and I feel I've already gotten my money's worth, and I've only touched a fraction of what the game has to offer, I've never gone beyond Minmus and there's still so much more I can do just within Kerbin's SOI!

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Greetings all. I'm mostly new to this game. I bought it a while ago because of the Insane Rockets Division stuff on youtube. I've been fiddling about with it, but haven't gotten around to actually paying attention to what I'm doing. I just started up actually trying to get places, and I've got some stuff in orbit and a plane that can make it around Kerbin in an hour or so, with no glitching. Yay. Thought I'd join up here at last so I can ask questions if I need help. Or something. :)

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Hi everyone, ive been playing KSP since 18.4 and I lurk the forums every and I meen EVERY day. I wanted to share some of my thoughts and works and went to log onto my name and realize I lost my account when the forum went down. So i figured i would come on here and say hi to everyone and i love this game!

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  Zanis said:
Man that sucks I lost mine too. it's also kinda sad that all of the posts and comments are gone. I'll miss all of the awesome things this community has made.

wish you all the best that you find all your posts back and don'be sad ..and also please inform about all awsome things that community had

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  HarvesteR said:
It's good to be back. It's unfortunate about the lost data, but at least we have our home on the internets again.

Welcome back everyone!



i am new in this community please tell me how you have lost your data,so that i be careful here:0.0:

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Hello everyone. I'm a novice rocketeer from Crimea, Ukraine. Bought KSP on Steam Summer sale and now have 300+ hour of playing :) I enjoy developing complicated launch vehicles and multi stage missions and looking forward to share my designs with others.

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Ok, Ok ... I have the feeling that I should introduce myself and not just appear on the forums.

Hello, I'm hstde, the one and ... oh never-mind that. Anyways I own KSP for quite a while now, I have to shamefully admit, that I first pirated it, but than I tested it out and bought it. Well now I play for quite some time now and have achieved some things, although I haven't landed any Kerbals on an alien stellar body, but I have build a nice little spacestation in MKO around 2Mkm, if I'm not mistaken.

Well now, here I am, and I think, I'm going to stay :D

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Good day, I am Dracarys Blackfyre, and am new to this forums. I was recommended by the fairly skilled Cby, and would like to introduce myself and ask a simple question: Why am I not able to upload an avatar? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/smilies/k_sad.gif It just doesn't give me the option to use an avatar...

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G'day all, I'm Cephas from Melbourne, Australia! I've been lurking for a while learning as much as I can and laughing my guts out at the "You're not going to space today" thread. I hope to add some spectacular stuff of my own!

I've just posted a longer "g'day" message, but it's still in admin approval mode. If anyone's remotely interested... I look forward to learning much and having as much fun as possible!

To infinity-1 and beyond!

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Saying hello from Tokyo here. First heard about KSP through xkcd, and finally got around to purchasing it a few days ago. Have managed to get a Kerbal to orbit and return safely, while also accidentally shooting an unmanned probe into deep space. Am now working out how to dock spacecraft in order to rescue the three Kerbals I accidentally stranded in orbit.

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