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[1.12.5] Stapler - Re-parent parts without moving them


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Stapler adds a construction mode to the editor that lets you re-parent parts without changing their position.

You use re-parent mode just like you would use the re-root function in stock; it even has its icon in the same place. The keybind to enter re-parenting quickly is 5 (6 if you have TweakScale Rescaled installed, which also adds a construction mode). In the demo I'm combining a fragmented wing which allows me to move it around as one.

This is a minimal remake of @Spartwo's Stapler mod, with none of the other planned features. They may be merged at some point in the future.

Please report any issues here.

- Spartwo
- Halban



SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3721/Stapler
Github: https://github.com/Halbann/Stapler/releases




The complete source for Stapler is available on Github:


Stapler is distributed under the CC BY SA license.


Edited by Halban
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