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Gravity assist masters

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After my first challenge didn't get much resonance, here is the next one. It took so long, because I was busy with my Jool mission.
Since I play KSP, I saw many brilliant players, who did incredible gravity assist maneuvers. In most cases, the goal was fuel saving. I thought about a different challenge, which could be challenging even for them. That means, completing the mission with a vessel, which is far from ideal, with a fairly tight fuel budget, in the shortest time.

The vessel for the challenge is called the Dumb Probe. It's a ridiculous machine, I don't know, what the kerbal engineering team had in mind during the construction. Maybe... to make your life more difficult? :D
It is powered by one RTG and one ion engine, has a huge amount of useless liquid fuel as ballast, and a probe core, which can't follow maneuver nodes. It has a total dV of 2247m/s, it can sustain maximum thrust for 126s with an acceleration of 0,49-0,52m/s² (61,9-65,1m/s), or 0,04m/s² with persistent thrust.

There are two different missions available.
Mission 1: Get the Dumb Probe to an escape trajectory from the solar system, with reduced fuel (empty one of the Xe-tanks, so you have only 1512m/s dV).
Mission 2: Do a Grand Tour, and visit the SOI of all celestial bodies of the solar system.

The date (not the mission time), when the mission is completed, will determine the ranking.
In mission 1, it is the date, when the probe is on an escape trajectory, and it isn't within and won't cross the SOI of any of the planets or moons.
In mission 2, it is the date, when the probe reaches the final SOI and isn't on a collision course with a celestial body.

To start the mission, download the Dumb Probe from KerbalX (https://kerbalx.com/DennisB/Dumb-Probe). Start a new game with CommNet switched off, because the probe doesn't have an antenna. If you try mission 1, empty one of the Xe-tanks. Except this, there are no further changes on the vessel allowed. Cheat the Dumb Probe into Kerbin orbit with Alt+F12. Both your PE and AP must be within 80-100km, within this range, you can set the orbital parameters, like you want. Switch the clock to Universal Time, and go. Don't forget to document your route and your maneuvers to show afterwards. You can use visual and information mods, but no flight assistant mods, because it's part of the challenge, to execute the maneuvers manually.


I tried to do some tests, to get the fuel levels right, unfortunately, I'm not good enough in gravity assists. I hope, the challenge isn't easy nor impossible.


Edited by DennisB
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