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[1.0.4] (2015-07-04) Telemachus – Telemetry and Flight Control in the Web Browser


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Alright. Wish I knew how to help. :(

Thanks to alexmoon of github there is now angle to prograde on the "Orbital" page (version available from the OP). Phase angles were also put in but I have yet to create a web page to expose them.

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Access denied you say? Well that is odd. The following are the only problems I can think of.

  1. Are you using the IP address of the machine running KSP and not that of the Kindle?
  2. Maybe the Kindle doesn't like using a port other than 80, so try telling the Telemachus server to use port 80 (you might need admin priveldges on the KSP machine to do this)
  3. It is possible the baked in browser does not support Google graphs; can you get Chrome from the app store?

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Access denied you say? Well that is odd. The following are the only problems I can think of.

  1. Are you using the IP address of the machine running KSP and not that of the Kindle?
  2. Maybe the Kindle doesn't like using a port other than 80, so try telling the Telemachus server to use port 80 (you might need admin priveldges on the KSP machine to do this)
  3. It is possible the baked in browser does not support Google graphs; can you get Chrome from the app store?

1. I used the ip that the mod gave me

edit; as in the ip the page that "open link" button opened

edit2; I tried the secondary ip on the website, chrome could not connect, please tell me I dont need to open a port...

2. how?

3 on it

Edited by chaoko99
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1. I used the ip that the mod gave me

edit; as in the ip the page that "open link" button opened

edit2; I tried the secondary ip on the website, chrome could not connect, please tell me I dont need to open a port...

That would explain the access denied error as the default IP used is, which is the address of the machine the browser opened on. The secondary IP is the correct IP to use if you want to connect to the machine running KSP from a different device. If your firewall is being a pain you will need to create an exception rule. Usually when Telemachus first tries to listen your firewall will ask you if you want to allow it, but I guess in this case it has not.

What operating system are you using?

2. how?

Telemachus has a config file (config.xml) where you can specify the port number. This file can be found in the PluginData folder which is somewhere in the Telemachus directory you will have installed.

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All the pages are just HTML files in the Telemachus folder. So to prevent people from accessing specific pages you can either delete/move a page, or obfusticate the page name.

neeat. any way I can set up dns for the mod page? for privacy reasons?

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Could you tell me what sensor I need to get a graph for the g-force information? I put on a GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I can't find any other science sensor that would even remotely have this information.

Actually, I'm having a bit of trouble getting it to work on my ipad. I can see some of the information, but not all. For example I can use the Altitude & Velocity graphs, but I can't use the Liquid Fuel & Oxidizer graph (BTW, you misspelled Oxidizer). Is this just a problem with the ipad? When I use a browser on the same computer I can see the Liquid Fuel & Oxidizer graph no problem, but I still can't get a G-Force reading, though I can get a gravity graph, which is something I couldn't do on the ipad.

Okay, slight update. If you use Safari on the iPad the graphs for Liquid Fuel & Oxidizer work, as does the Gravity (with the GRAVMAX sensor), it's just if Chrome is used on the ipad.

Edited by Runescope
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Could you tell me what sensor I need to get a graph for the g-force information? I put on a GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I can't find any other science sensor that would even remotely have this information.

The accelerometer is required for the g-force information.

(BTW, you misspelled Oxidizer).

If you are referring to the fact that I have spelt it as "Oxidiser" then this is the English spelling. If I have screwed up the spelling in some other way, I would be grateful if you could tell me the precise location of the error.

Okay, slight update. If you use Safari on the iPad the graphs for Liquid Fuel & Oxidizer work, as does the Gravity (with the GRAVMAX sensor), it's just if Chrome is used on the ipad.

I do not have regular access to an iPad so limited testing has been done on this device. However, the reports I have received concur with your conclusion - Safari seems to work better for Telemachus.

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Ahhhh, that must be the American way of spelling it. British and Canadians use a 'z' instead of an 's'. (like how we spell colour with a 'u')

The accelerometer hmm? I wouldn't have thought of that. Though in retrospect, I should have. Thanks.

Not sure why chrome on the ipad doesn't work well with it. That's just screwy and frustrating for everyone involved. No worries though, there are always ways to get things to work.


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Not sure why chrome on the ipad doesn't work well with it. That's just screwy and frustrating for everyone involved. No worries though, there are always ways to get things to work.

Indeed. If anything I would have expected Chrome to work better as the graphing API was written by Google. Thanks for your post - I have reflected on your comments and have the following to say.

1. I have yet to find a good way to debug JavaScript on a mobile device. I do plan to rewrite all of the pages using a different graphing API anyway, so hopefully that will improve cross browser compatibility.

2. I will update the information page to list the required sensors next to pages which need them.

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Hey Rich, this mod totally rocks, and I was wondering if you would post a version / create a branch (on github) including the mechjeb camera function. I know its not complete, but it would be very useful for a mission control type thing I am planning. Thanks!

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If you are referring to the fact that I have spelt it as "Oxidiser" then this is the English spelling. If I have screwed up the spelling in some other way, I would be grateful if you could tell me the precise location of the error.

Incorrect. Oxidizer is the correct spelling in English. (Please see http://www.thefreedictionary.com/oxidiser%E2%80%8E as it has no results. I know it's not a complete dictionary, but it's a start)

Whoops. Just looked a bit deeper, turns out both are correct, though it's spelled "Oxidizer" in KSP. Probably makes a bit more sense to spell it the same way as in-game. :)

Edited by tyler00337
Looked a bit deeper, found new info
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I have just consulted the Oxford English Dictionary and it seems to suggest that "oxidizer" is the only correct spelling. Strangely, the dictionary indicates that both "oxidise" and "oxidize" are acceptable. Wikipedia seems to say that both are OK.

Probably makes a bit more sense to spell it the same way as in-game. :)

Given that I am no longer sure how to spell it correctly and continue my crusade of British English, I think your above suggestion makes perfect sense. I have added it to my list of tweaks to include in the next release of Telemachus.

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... I should've read the op in detail when I first saw it, I thought it required coding and stuff to link computers, but now that I've read it more, I want to try it!! But I doubt anyone in my family will volunteer to be my mission control :(

Does it have something where it shows the stress on a certain joint? And maybe beeps if it nears the breaking point?

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I do plan to rewrite all of the pages using a different graphing API anyway, so hopefully that will improve cross browser compatibility.

Which one are you planning to use? I use Highcharts a lot in my day job and it doesn't tick me off all that much. I'm a backend guy, so that is saying something. If you do use it, I'll fork on github and see if I can find some free cycles to assist.

Love this thing by the way! Great stuff!

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Hey Rich, this mod totally rocks, and I was wondering if you would post a version / create a branch (on github) including the mechjeb camera function. I know its not complete, but it would be very useful for a mission control type thing I am planning. Thanks!

I doubt the code I have still works with KSP 0.23.

Does it have something where it shows the stress on a certain joint? And maybe beeps if it nears the breaking point?

It doesn't. I had considered exporting a model of the current ship and displaying data on it, but that idea is on the back burner as I have cameras to complete first.

Which one are you planning to use? I use Highcharts a lot in my day job and it doesn't tick me off all that much. I'm a backend guy, so that is saying something. If you do use it, I'll fork on github and see if I can find some free cycles to assist.

Love this thing by the way! Great stuff!

Highcharts looks interesting, especially this demo: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/dynamic-update

Even better that it is free for use with a non-profit project.

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