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Post your Rover MEGATHREAD


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  Awaras said:
Nice rover. Did you also have a problem with the wheels jittering in place? My rover refuses to keep still and constantly vibrates and makes tiny jerks, even with the brakes on. It seems to be something related to the new wheels since the stock ones do this as well but it is less noticable because they are larger...

Thanks, yours was a great inspiration :)

And I only had that occur once, for about half a second when I first took it to the launch pad. I've been test driving it on the Mun all day and I haven't seen anything like it since, even in the reduced gravity. I also haven't seen anything like that occur with the normal-sized wheels... hm, weird thing I guess.

The only real driving issue I have with the rover is that once you go over about 12/13 m/s, you're seriously at risk of the whole thing flipping end over end and killing your exposed Kerbals as it smashes into the ground, once you take even a small turn. Docking controls help this a bit, though.

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  Dilin said:
These Vehicles are super awesome, but I'm In desperate need for a fast safe transport to save my kerbals in large numbers on Kerbin! Rookcole's could work but I'd need more seats, someone please I've been running towards KSC for the past 2 real life hours slowly I'm going INSANE. :confused:

you might want to just do a vtol plane thing or small jet rocket to pick them up and hop back to KSC. rovers are quick but nothing compared to flying. :)

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Hey all. I'm a bit new to the forum, but not new to KSP. See my thread in the newcomers section. I made an IMGUR account specifically for KSP so here is my Rover and the lander it's attached to:





The Skycrane setup has gone through at least four iterations and the current model is still not good enough. The Lander seems to land well on Kerbin so hopefully on a low gravity planet/moon it will perform better. I have no idea how I'm going to get it to the Mun at this stage but hopefully someone here can give me some pointers.

I'm having more fun experimenting than I was when just building and launching Satelites

Edited by F1refly
Trying to fix screenies
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  F1refly said:
Hey all. I'm a bit new to the forum, but not new to KSP. See my thread in the newcomers section. I made an IMGUR account specifically for KSP so here is my Rover and the lander it's attached to:





The Skycrane setup has gone through at least four iterations and the current model is still not good enough. The Lander seems to land well on Kerbin so hopefully on a low gravity planet/moon it will perform better. I have no idea how I'm going to get it to the Mun at this stage but hopefully someone here can give me some pointers.

I'm having more fun experimenting than I was when just building and launching Satelites

Am I the only one who is seeing broken images time and again with a lot of these posts, even though the URLs are fully functional??

In case it's not just me, and to the posters: If you aren't aware of it, Imgur has a "copy BBCode" feature that you can use to post images instantly here on the forums (click a photo in your album and look at the link options on the right). Every image has to be wrapped in %7Boption%7D tags before they'll show up. Simply posting the image URL will not allow them to show here.

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  automcdonough said:
you might want to just do a vtol plane thing or small jet rocket to pick them up and hop back to KSC. rovers are quick but nothing compared to flying. :)

There's a reason they are all stranded out there Cough Cough... Atleast if it's on ground I cant crash it into pieces and kill more people.

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  Deadweasel said:
Am I the only one who is seeing broken images time and again with a lot of these posts, even though the URLs are fully functional??


Broken images??? Where?

It's because you said there are images in his post otherwise I had never known.

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Alright, I'm back, so after tweaking my previous rover (See it here) for .20 I decided to see if it would fly, and believe it or not, it does!


I do understand that when it actually gets to launch it will have a bit more rocket to carry, but I reckon it'll be fine. I still have some minor details to add from the last version, but they shouldn't increase the weight too much. Oh, and this version has seats on it in case of a sunny day :D

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I wanted to see if I could make a rover using the I beam as the root part.


I hope Bill and Bob don't mind sitting so close together.

EDIT: Jeez, what's with always getting the top of the page in the screenshot threads?

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  TwiggyShip said:
Presenting the (Apollo-style) Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV)!


So I was inspired by the 0.20 trailer's Apollo-style moon buggy (which, btw, I really hope Squad either releases or releases the model for so a modder can create it in-game...), and decided to take a crack at it using stock parts, seeing as mod are a bit short right now. However the only wheels I could see working were Awaras' scaled down medium wheels so I just replicated that with a quick .cfg edit.

I'm pretty pleased with how it came out, managed to recreate the silhouette and most of the shapes nicely. The only things I don't like are that the umbrella can't unfold without looking ridiculous (so I keep it closed) and the wheels stick out much too far. Other than that, I'm pretty pleased with it, as it looks quite a bit like the real thing. It's probably also small enough to attach to a LEM like in the later Apollo missions :)

.craft file

.cfg file for rover wheels (place this in your Parts folder)

I like it! Downloading it now!

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  TwiggyShip said:
Presenting the (Apollo-style) Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV)!



So I was inspired by the 0.20 trailer's Apollo-style moon buggy (which, btw, I really hope Squad either releases or releases the model for so a modder can create it in-game...), and decided to take a crack at it using stock parts, seeing as mod are a bit short right now. However the only wheels I could see working were Awaras' scaled down medium wheels so I just replicated that with a quick .cfg edit.

I'm pretty pleased with how it came out, managed to recreate the silhouette and most of the shapes nicely. The only things I don't like are that the umbrella can't unfold without looking ridiculous (so I keep it closed) and the wheels stick out much too far. Other than that, I'm pretty pleased with it, as it looks quite a bit like the real thing. It's probably also small enough to attach to a LEM like in the later Apollo missions :)

.craft file

.cfg file for rover wheels (place this in your Parts folder)

Your resized wheels are spot on. :D

They are the perfect size to build fast stable Munbuggies.


Planting the KerbOil flag.


This NOT how you want to see your Kerbals. (Did I really say stable?)

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I have posted my rover in its own thread, but never got feedback from anyone else, so, here we go.

I't equipped with a little ship, for further exploring, and kethane apparatus for refueling. Also, it can jump around from kethane mining spots to others.



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  Draemar said:
I have posted my rover in its own thread, but never got feedback from anyone else, so, here we go.

I't equipped with a little ship, for further exploring, and kethane apparatus for refueling. Also, it can jump around from kethane mining spots to others.

Does it fly anywhere besides Minmus?

Edited by protoz
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so, i'm testing the isplore on minmus and the new wheels are acting very strange. the brakes are hugely overpowered despite the gravity, can easily flip itself over. using RCS to keep it shiny side up and i've converted all speed to vertical! not too cool.

also if i leave the parking brake on the thing has a bad case of the jitters, turning on the space spoiler makes it even worse! very odd. I'm going to switch back to the other wheels and see if this is just the wheels or a .20 thing. :/

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  automcdonough said:
seems neat, not overbuilt. the smaller ship mounting looks difficult to re-dock for refuel though.

On Minmus it is fairly easy to make this, I'm working on the control thrusters as we speak, to have better balance while maneuvering. Just have to retract the solar panels for precaution.

Maybe I'll have a new exploratory ship developed now that we have the new seats (lighter). I had to put it on top for balance reasons also. The rover has a landing platform on the back. Maybe I'll equip it with two small ships, then.

Probotz, It was made to get to the Mun, but this was the first time it brought the small ship, so I targeted Minmus for testing reasons due to low gravity.

It might get to other systems, but I reckon we'd have to review the entire launch system.

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yeah, old wheels are working normally. no bouncing around, no brake stoppies, etc. they do seem to have less traction, ion about doubles it. Wish I had a vid of this, they both have the brakes set on and the one with new wheels is just bouncing around and jittering.

  Draemar said:
Isplore looks cool, but not very practical...

How so? I made it to be lightweight, fast, and be maneuverable off world. In this regard I've done well. Sure there are lighter examples but they are not as capable at speed. This thing hauls and is easy to keep shiny side up.

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  Varyon said:
New, from Paradigm Industries (formerly Silverlight Solar Solutions), the JN-5 DunaBuggy! Isn't our marketing department so creative and witty?


The JN-5 was originally built as a high-impact, long range terrestrial rover for scientific missions to Duna and beyond. However, when Jebediah spotted the drone in the proving grounds, he demanded that he be able to "Ride Johnny Five". So we slapped a few metal tubes, two foot pedals, and a pair of non-functional doohickeys on the top, and Jeb was none the wiser. :wink:


Here's the JN-5 demonstrating its off-road capabilities. To the extreme. Dude.


Do not, under any circumstance, allow Jebediah to attempt turning the probe at over 20m/s. It's not pretty.

Now with 62% more craft file!


This is freaking awesome! I made a minor change, and moved the seat on to the front platform, on the back of that battery It protects the driver better and looks like it fits a bit better. Still, freaking sweet!

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I'm taking the new wheel discussion here, not intending to derail this thread.

At the moment I believe the trouble is disproportionate grip in the lateral direction, drift=instant rollover.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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