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Help with Visual Mods

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What is this glitch and how do I fix it:

I have only observed this glitch messing up my rockets but it might affect other things too. I know the glitch isn't super visible so go into full screen to see it better. The second video is the most illustrative in my opinion.

My Mods list is this:


Distant Object Enhancement

EVE Redux





I just got into KSP mods and I don't know what causes this. It is quite annoying. I've tried:

- Reinstalling Nvidia driver

- Resetting Nvidia control panel

- Uninstalling and reinstalling all the mods (this glitch doesn't happen in vanilla KSP)

- Validating game files

Any suggestions are helpful.

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2 hours ago, nolannootnoot said:

I know the glitch isn't super visible so go into full screen to see it better.

It might be helpful to provide a short text description so we know what to look for. Is it something to do with the textures on the craft?

2 hours ago, nolannootnoot said:

The second video is the most illustrative in my opinion.

If there's another video, can you share a link to it, so we can see it? So far we have just one.

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