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Kerbal Reusablity Expansion grid fins not working when it is the only mod in a fresh KSP v1.12.5 install

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I've been having problems with grid fins from KRE with a KSP using 183 mods and decided to start from a fresh install and add mods slowly to isolate the problem.   With the fresh install the first thing I did was to manually add the "KerbalReusabilityExpansion" folder to the GameData folder, as stated at the KRE mod site.  I started KSP and loaded up a MK1 command pod and added a set of KRE four grid fins and set the authority to 20-degrees, launched the test craft and the authority was some god awful high number of degrees.  So, it appears to me that KRE currently has a built in issue now.   I have to assume others are experiencing this and have they found a solution.

Just in case it matters this is how I made the "fresh" install...  I deleted the Steam instance in CKAN, uninstalled KSP via Steam and stopped the Cloud Sync.  I then totally deleted the rest of the KSP folder from the Steam common folder and then went back to Steam and reinstalled KSP and reenabled the Cloud Sync.  I then copied this KSP from the common folder to a new temp folder for testing things out and right off the bat the KRE grid fins failed.

I'm also going to start a similar topic to this one in the KRE mod site hoping somebody is monitoring it and will respond.

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First off, don’t use Steam KSP with mods.

Secondly, did you install KRE with CKAN? It should have installed all the dependencies but just to make sure, open KSP/GameData and delete all the ModuleManager caches so they get regenerated- something might be wrong in the cached files.


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Finally came back to look at my post here.  Thanks jimmymcgoochie for the reply.    This KRE testing was done on a fresh copy of KSP from my Steam common that I pasted into a new temp folder.  This fresh install was made with the cloud-sync turned off and without a KSP folder present in Steam common.  So, nothing but stock stuff in the Gamedata folder.

Yes, I used CKAN and did delete the cached files for KRE and its dependencies and got the same results, but on the fresh install Steam copy in the temp folder.

Edited by rnyboy
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