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The Fading Light exploration initiative

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Kerbal scientist have recently discovered a binary blackhole system they dubbed "Kargatua". at first they were skeptical of it, but after they kept looking they eventually found 1 star with a few planets orbiting it

The mod is here, wait for update 0.5 to be released

they sent some probes to explore and found a moon they called "Kory", named after Kory Kerman, the discoverer of the system with water and the potential for life

They have also found wormholes that can take you there

the KSAEA wants you to explore it and some of the other planets in a collaboration before they attempt to colonize 

your objectives are as follows

 Explore Kory


Send a atmospheric probe to analyze Melvin, the a gas giant with little known about it other than it is more then 2.5 times the size of Jool

Observe Kory with an Atmospheric lander

  Explore the gas giant Coronia


We want you to explore the moon called Goos, Kerbal scientist have yet to know what its composition is, and believe it might be habitable 

 KSAEA is waiting for your data

Mods are allowed, and as a extra bonus, maintain contact with KSC at all times

Edited by Kevin_kerman
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