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[WIP] Pulsar Technologies - Light up your day!


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As all of my 3d modeling work was completely lost, I had lost interest in creating stuff for kerbal.

I'm happy to report that this is no longer the case. To expand upon this, I have decided to start work on a new project. The VCM, or Voice Command Management.


Hello there, Zaeo here, President of Pulsar Technologies Inc.

Our engineers have been Sleeping on the job hard at work to bring you some illumination for your Vehicles and constructs for all of your kerbally needs.


An ambitious project to bring about voice control for most of your kerbally needs.

Here's the origin thread for the idea: Idea origin


Disclaimer: I am currently in the research phase of making this mod a reality. I am also looking for anyone who might have some insight on how we can go about making this mod happen at all. As such, Voice Command Management Plugin is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license. As there is currently no source, I can not provide one. However, as soon as there IS one, it shall be linked.



Section 1: Radial Bar lights

Aside from Aurora BD-15, All Aurora series lights feature a rectangular shape

  • Aurora BD-15 - A moderate size station light, Square in shape. Brightness is dim, And design is simplistic, but it gets the job done!
  • Aurora BD-35 - A moderate size station light, and design is simplistic. Two BD-15's in one!
  • Aurora SD-655 - A small Spacecraft light, providing 2 Directions of bright light. Rectangular in shape, Why add more, when less is more!
  • Aurora SD-1058 - A varient of the 655, This model has a dimmer light, with two extra directions! A 4 way light!!

unavailable at this time, sorry!

Section 2: Stack-light-anything combo!

  • Everglow C-LAMP - Pulsar Technologies finest! the C-lamp is a C battery stack with radical lights on the sides. It just grabs ones attention.Comes in 4 sizes!
  • Everglow STORM - Description pending review!
  • Everglow Magmatar - Secret project! Stay tuned!

unavailable at this time, sorry!

Section 3: Misc parts

  • Details are Secret for now. Stay tuned!

unavailable at this time, sorry!

All parts and plugins are licensed under the BSD 2-clause license!

Edited by Zaeo
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Concept Phases:

Phase 1: Conceptual "get used to blender" phase. This includes size tests in relation to blender units, use of different tools to get different looks.

Phase 2: Once the desired look is obtained, Experiment with different model optimizations. This is to improve part performance, and is generally a good idea to do before texture phase, due to making it easier to unwrap, as well as to make "fuller" textures.

Phase 3: Texture UV map practice. UV unwrapping can be considered an art, as such it should be approached as such, with care. Getting this right will SERIOUSLY help the artist later.

If you set the scene in Blender to use metric as its unit, and as long as you set up all scaling in the CFG to be 1, and don't use any rescaling, then 1m in Blender will come out as 1.25m in KSP.

For future reference:

0.5m Blender = 0.625m (probe scale)

1m Blender = 1.25m

2m Blender = 2.5m

3m Blender = 3.75m

4m Blender = 5m

Anything bigger than that starts to look ridiculous and act in strange ways with the physics set up. Even 3.75m parts in KW Rocketry for example tend to act a bit weird.

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If you set the scene in Blender to use metric as its unit, and as long as you set up all scaling in the CFG to be 1, and don't use any rescaling, then 1m in Blender will come out as 1.25m in KSP.

For future reference:

0.5m Blender = 0.625m (probe scale)

1m Blender = 1.25m

2m Blender = 2.5m

3m Blender = 3.75m

4m Blender = 5m

Anything bigger than that starts to look ridiculous and act in strange ways with the physics set up. Even 3.75m parts in KW Rocketry for example tend to act a bit weird.

Thanks for that!

I was just listing out the phases we plan to do things in. However, this info will help alot!!

Screenshots are coming soon btw, just getting some stuff together.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Question, what is the scale difference between KSP and Unity. I built a cylinder that has the dimensions of 4x6x4 and then again at 8x12x8, yet in both cases when I wrote the file using the PartTools my fuel tank came out insanely small, smaller than the orange fuel tank. So obviously the scale between the 2 is not 1:1.

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The scale difference depends on the modeling program you use. I use blender, as an example, and to get 2.5 meters in game, leave the cylinder size to 1. 1.25 > .5, .625 > .25.

In unity, you ALWAYS want the scale of the game object to be 1:X 1:Y, and 1:Z, And THEN the model to ALSO be 1:X 1:Y and 1:Z. the rescaling will be handled by the game with the "Rescale factor" property in the part config file*This MAY change, keep an eye on more seasoned developers for more information.*

My development on this addon pack honestly has ceased until further notice, I lost all of my work in a reformat*forgot to back up the files like an idiot* and has since lost interest in designing parts for kerbal*Making parts and addons sadly means you have very little time to play the game without some sort of bugtest in mind*

Maybe when kerbal is further along down the line, I may start designing again, but so far, that is not the case. My released part was sub-par anyways, More me experimenting with maximizing UV maps and poorly chosen shaders*super shine!*

Sorry to everyone who was looking forward to the lights, but after loosing 27 different models of lights, I just lost all motivation. I Was aiming to release one big super pack in one go, I should have kept quiet until they were done, to avoid letting people down.

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  • 1 month later...
when I wrote the file using the PartTools my fuel tank came out insanely small

This happened to me as well, with my part being 100x smaller than it should have been based on Blender metric units. Having a poke around Unity I clicked on the model I had imported and noticed that the inspector showed import settings that included, right at the top, a scale setting that was set at 0.01 (no idea why) which I promptly set to 1, which fixed the problem: http://bit.ly/1hJjCAr

Perhaps we want to set this to 1.25 if Blender doesn't match up to KSP, to compensate (not sure if that's a good or bad idea).

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  • 2 months later...

I know this is bringing up a post thats a few months old. I've been having problems with scaling too. I made my part in Blender and setup the diameter as 1m (setting my units to meters). Yeth, in the game the part is in between the size of the rockomax tanks and the FLT tanks. Pretty sure I had the settings in Unity set correctly and I used the config from a part that is already the size of the FLT tanks (1.25 I imagine). Going to try again starting from scratch and make a part thats the size of the small probes and see how it goes. Though I'm using one of the newest versions of Unity I believe, maybe that has something to do with it.

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