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How to lose 10 days of your life...

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Maybe I'm the last one to know about this, but there might be some out there who also didn't; if you want some epic background for that first Mun mission, here you go-


just click on either of the two buttons, and then revel in all the options you have as to which channels to listen too for TEN STRAIGHT DAYS of lunar-landing audio.


I apologize to everyone's partners and family.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those interested in this kind of thing, I can recommend the Youtube channel of Lunarmodule5.


For many years he's been putting together videos that contain the audio for multiple NASA missions, including (but not limited to) the Apollo missions. What they've done for most of their videos is to remove the really long gaps between transmissions, so although they're not fully realtime transmissions, a set of videos for a single Apollo mission will still last multiple days, when played back to back.

They also include a lot of still images actual mission footage in their videos, that relate the current portion of the mission. These are interspersed with clipsof simulation software showing the craft and plantary bodies, e.g. the Apollo vehicle heading from the Earth after TLI, manoeuvring to dock with the LEM.

I've watched a lot of these (mostly Apollo missions, but also the STS-1 Shuttle mission) and can highly recommend them.

Here's a couple of pics to give an idea of what they look like.



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