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Accelerator driven fission drive hybrid orion.

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Suppose you have particle accelerators that can take tritium nuclei and accelerate them to >.9c.  You arrange these accelerators like the arms of a squid or octopus.  At the center is a pusher plate that looks similar to an Orion drive but the plate itself is made of fissionable material.  We could use natural uranium, or several other elements.  The plate is subcritical fissionable material, but when struck by a tritium ion with sufficient velocity, neutrons are liberated.  Free neutrons cause temporary criticality near the surface of the plate itself.  These fission events near the surface of the plate are the primary driver of the propulsion system.  Over time the plate would crack and ablate and the fission products would leak out as part of the propellant.  

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On 2/3/2025 at 6:43 AM, farmerben said:

Suppose you have particle accelerators that can take tritium nuclei and accelerate them to >.9c.  You arrange these accelerators like the arms of a squid or octopus.  At the center is a pusher plate that looks similar to an Orion drive but the plate itself is made of fissionable material.  We could use natural uranium, or several other elements.  The plate is subcritical fissionable material, but when struck by a tritium ion with sufficient velocity, neutrons are liberated.  Free neutrons cause temporary criticality near the surface of the plate itself.  These fission events near the surface of the plate are the primary driver of the propulsion system.  Over time the plate would crack and ablate and the fission products would leak out as part of the propellant.  

How do you keep the plate from going KA-BOOM?

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i often contemplated gas gun initiated fusion targets. but you need a fuel that can generate charged particles such that they can be vectored by a magnetic nozzel. so aneutronic fuels, which are harder to fuse. i mean you could use lasers, but i figure gas guns would take up less mass, assuming the consumables aren't a problem. the possibility may exist to use an external laser to initiate targets, but you could only perform burns while the ship is in range of the laser.

Edited by Nuke
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