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KSP Homing missile problem I need help :)

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Hello guys! im a new KSP player, but i always loved planes, fighters bombers etc etc... and i wanted to make a fighter jet with homing missiles, i made the homing missiles kinda work, but they always, just before reaching the target on the ground hit the ground like 5-15 meters before the target and i dont know how to fix that, i think its because after clicking the SAS "target" the purple ball on NavBall is just at the horizon and not above it so it means that the missile is just tracking at the point where the purple circle is, and the game registers the target as it is like at 0 meters above the ground and not like 10 meters above the ground if its a building or something, does someone know how to change the target point to be higher above the ground or just how to fix this problem? cheers! :D

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Can you target behind the actual target so that the missiles get closer?  Maybe deploy a beacon of some kind to hiver above the target and aim for that?

Are you isng any mods?  BDArmory might have this solved.

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@Scarecrow71Hello! Well, i dont use any mods, i wanted to do it with stock ksp just because i dont really like modding literally any game, i think it kinda destroys the fun from building something working "myself", also with the beacon, i dont really know what it is, ivce never seen it i think, but if its possible to place the beacon like 10 meters above Z axis then it probably would hit the target but i dont know how to place it, also thanks for replying :)

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Hello! Well, i dont use any mods, i wanted to do it with stock ksp just because i dont really like modding literally any game, i think it kinda destroys the fun from building something working "myself", also with the beacon, i dont really know what it is, ivce never seen it i think, but if its possible to place the beacon like 10 meters above Z axis then it probably would hit the target but i dont know how to place it, also thanks for replying :)


You should install ckan. It makes modding the game a lot easier.

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