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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Downloads will be available soon - there is ALOT to update to the new version of KSP. 12th Aug 2015


I accidentally let the domain expire, and some asshats called New Venture Services registered it and want $350 to sell it back to me, well they can <insert painful description here here>

Hi Kerbals, well it seems alot of our old threads were dissolved in the last major forum earthquake. All we can do is pick up the pieces and start all over again! This actually helps me a little and allows me to put everything into one thread, as a merge before would have been very messy. It is sad that all the posts, input and information this forum contained is gone, but thats life, it wouldn't be the first forum disaster I've survived through. I also will be combining all of my threads into this one, so ther will not be an additional development thread. I would really like to have everything in one place, it would much less clutter. Devronix has been dissolved, but I will still add the models I did for that also.

I'm a big Sci-Fi fan, and pretty much my goal is to bring as many TV and movie based ships into KSP, all modelled from scratch. I do do my own stuff also, it's a bit of a mix. Obviously alot of my stuff is inspired by some 35 odd years of Sci fi movies and TV, so expect to notice things you have seen before pop up in my mods. Yes, I know Weyland Corp. is spelt Weyland Corp. Wayland is just a bit of a gag, you could also look it as short for "far aWay Lands". We also send little green men to the moon, so really.. you have to have a bit of a sense of humour to play KSP in the first place :)

A lot of people have mentioned that my mods don't go together. They were never designed to. I like to experiment with new texture techniques and styles so for every mod I make, nothing really gets re-used from an old mod, everything is new, models and textures. I have experimented alot and have almost come to a style I am happy with to go for a full stock pack but before I can attempt that I really need to at least have made one of everything, or a version of it so I can figure out how it works. Some things are easy to mod, some things take alot of time, so it really depends on the part.

Mods are listed from newest to oldest:

the latest mod is in it's own thread HERE

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Associated videos:

Mono Hover Wheels:

WT-52 Cargo Transport



Well, why not a release, I figure people can enjoy it at least while we get the IVA finished and other stuff.. will get you to the Mun and back :)



MSI Mech Pod Mk1 V.0

A self contained escape pod containing:

* tri-landing legs

* 3 seater command pod ( intergrated RCS thrusters, animated command pod glass hatch)

* retracting triple engines with heatshield

* custom parachute.

* ASAS Cpu unit with animated twin cooling fans.

* SPH Craft file.

V1.1 Planned updates


Finish custom IVA

add MSI animator plugin


made for Leonov but its just so damn versatile I decided to release it...







The winner of the Poll..

Please note, when Damned robotics is fixed, the rear VTOl engines will rotate again, but for now they are static - but it still works OK.

Descriptions and assembly video are on the spaceport link:



Pack Updated!


Freelancer FL-1 Rover




This mod was built in honour of Bobcat, and the million uses I have had of the DEMV vehicles, they always perform flawlessly. These are meant to go on the DEMV MK2 chassis, but you can modify them for anything really. enjoy :)

Short note, these are MK1 and MK2, I have 6 more versions.. Im just too tired, ill upload the rest tomorrow :)





Demo video: http://youtu.be/0xD8EGBiaRg

Also featured in this video by Robbaz:

PACK UPDATED for 0.20.2!

The WT51 Kerban transport was designed... well.. really with no design plan in mind. Each piece frabricated

after the other, many beers were consumed by many kerbals in the wake of the forum disaster, and this was the result.

As per usual, this is the intiial release, please report any issues you find.

The included ships are in two configurations:

1. MK1. Single Rear engine, 2 xTwin Vtol, 4 x HEX RCS.

2. MK2 Triple Rear engines, stubby tank, 2x twin VTOl, 4 x HEX RCS

Notes to save comments:

* Yes, engines are overpowered but I think they fit the overall feel of the craft. Logan will also understand the need for it, the fuel

was being drained too fast and no matter how it was loaded or the amounts, to do this in a single or 2 stages was the aim, without mechjeb

engine toggling or mumech engines. These are all liquid engines, not a big deal to some, but the first I have ever released as I always used

mechjeb engines. So please, go easy on me :)

Tips for flight:

* If your nose tips at 10,000 metres, reduce thrust.

* Make sure you evenly balance cargo. Add extra VTOl if required for weight. Its 100 Kerbal Tonnes, it can lift half its weight when used correctly.

* If you cant surface attach or build inside the cargo, build it outside on the top and then move it inside.

* Windows are not colliders, this is intentional.Allows exiting the cargo bay area while doors are closed, while in space.

* Can be configured in many ways, the way I have balanced it is for mid centered mass and slightly rear thrust, with thrust vector.






This ship requires Mechjeb to run:

We do not use anti-gravity or any other hacks on this ship, as they tend to break the game, be wary of mods that use antigrav, as the save games can often break using it. We believe Squad will intriduce antigravity in the game soon (we hope also)

Welcome Kerbals!

A brand new version of the Space Eagle 1999 Transporter, complete with experimental Alpha Munbase Launch pad. Craft comes complete with Pod, ASAS, RCS thrusters, Animated legs, VTOl engines and a seriously overpowered engine and gigantic fuel tank to get you to unbelievable far places.

Version MK3 will be out soon, we are working on finishing them up now. Containing 5 Cargo pods from the TV show, all animated with their own VTOL and fuel and habitat spaces and custom IVA.

We also plan on releasing parts of the Entire Alpha Munbase with each pack. This pack contains the launchpad, the next pack with contain another piece of the giant puzzle!

Make no mistake, this is a ship meant for Sci Fi fans, not hard core Rocket Scientists!

Pack includes:

1 x ASAS nosecone

1x Command Pod

1 x Truss + fuel tank combined (with empty section for cargo)

1 x VTOL Engines, to be used front and rear

1 x Nerva Engine, Space Eagle design

1 x Alpha Munbase Launchpad

2 x Animated Landing legs, containing monpropellant (500u ea)

1 x custom RCS Thruster block, which can be used on each of the pods for stability, or you can place

as many on the ship as you like.


Older Releases (Devronix was dissolved in the great forum apocalypse of 2013, but I did manage to get a few things out during that time...)




Transparent command pod, useful for all sorts of things.. I did not create this mesh, I just reworked it and created a texture for it as it was a blank

model and was a sketchup model, which sort of sucks to use in blender lol.. All credit goes to essjayvee for creating the model.

Demo video

Older mods compatible with 0.19









Licensing Information


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

All movie and TV based mods are of course licensed to their respective owners and are presented here purely as fan works.

Any sites found hosting my mods without my permission will be damned forever in hell.

Edited by Devo
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Oh cool! Here you are! Test Pilot Logan reporting in! As you may have seen up in the general pic thread I've been busy flying the HELL out of your Eagle transport. And I've got some good screenies. Some of which are downright "beauty shots" suitable for ads etc.

Some of these you've seen before of course, but they got wiped in the forum apocalypse. So here they are again, with some new ones.




























Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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Hi Devogen,

I liked your space station ring pack but never had much luck getting the parts to work, possibly due to changes in KSP itself as it seems you are forced to build a rocket in the VAB - but would very much like to use them, is there any possibility that you could dig them out, place a connection point in the middle of the detailed hub top and bottom?

It would also be very nice if we could have a version that unlike the fixed one could rotate around the centre axis.

Cheers and keep up the good work.

I myself am planning my own small mod - my first task is learning to use blender to make the 3 small models I need which in itself is no small task.

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That looks pretty cool, a bit too sci-fi for my taste, but cool nonetheless.

It may be a bit "sci-fi" but it's not overboard. I think the Eagle is one of the most plausible appearing space ships of all time. Unlike with Star Trek and many others, there's no mystery about how or why it works. Everything is right there in the visual design. You see the rockets and RCS working when it flies. It looks chunky and feels "solid". And - it may not be the prettiest ship ever, but the rugged Eagle has a style all it's own. True, they fudged it in the original show by giving it some limited form of inertial/gravity control. But it wouldn't be much of a stretch to imagine it working without any of that. I think it's a perfect mod for KSP.

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CGBoorman over on Youtube has some excellent tutorials on Blender. The sound quality is pretty horrendous to start with but it slowly gets better through the episodes. What makes them so good is the logical way he presents information, and constantly reminds you of important hotkeys and techniques.
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How I mod my Eagles:

I've typically been running with an anti-grav mod on my Eagles while test flying as a back-up "Panic" Device in case things go wrong. But I've gotten to the point where I feel comfortable removing it off of my variants. I had begun to forget I even had it equipped anymore! I didn't even need it to get off of Eve.

The main mods I've added to the base Eagle are a pair of the nuclear generators fore and aft clipped into the main body so that they are invisible, a set of spotlights for night side illumination and landings, a pair of docking ports on the truss, top and bottom, a set of linear RCS thrusters for left/right translations, and an ISA GPS unit for looking up maps that my ISA mapping satellites have already surveyed.

EDIT: Oh almost forgot. Also added a probe to the Eagle as well. It can now fly itself. I did that after I noticed on one of the Space 1999 sites that it said the Eagles could be flown by remote if necessary. (And that's also how I got that last pic above with the two Kerbals on the ground and the ship hovering.)

One of my Eagles has a Kethane detector and prospecting rig. Another has a KAS winch underneath the truss. I'm also thinking of using the Buran Arm on one of them, with the arm attached to the top of the frame.

There's two main drawbacks to the current design from Devo.

One of them is that the main fuel tanks don't currently use the resource system. They can't be refueled. At some point you're going to have to fly them back to the KSC for re-servicing or just "end flight" on them and fly up a new one.

The other is that although the current rig is perfectly balanced for VTOL with no load. WITH a load, it has a tendency to want to nose dive when you apply thrust from the main engines, particularly on Kerbin or worlds with similar gravity. On the Mun, or other low gravity worlds, this flaw is much more manageable and RCS can compensate.

I had mentioned before in one of the lost threads that I thought that a "two position" engine - if such a thing were possible - would be a possible solution. This is based off the solution that Redspar came up with (and that Devo applied) for the main engines. The thrust has to be angle slightly up off the horizontal (I think about 5 degrees) for the Eagle to fly forward in a straight line without nose-diving when the main engine thrust is applied.

I think that - rather than gimbaling the engines further, it'd be great if you simply "flipped a switch" and the default angle is changed from the main (5 Degrees?) to add whatever degree of tilt is needed to offset a load on the middle truss (let's call it 10 Degrees for the sake of argument, though that may not be the number) and the gimbal of the engines is based off either the 5 or 10 degree angle of thrust.

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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Can we get some pics of that new HLV in flight?

Yep, in about an hour, on my way home, traffics a b*tch :)

@Falloutboy more than happy to teach you blender mate, it's pretty easy once you spend a good week or so going over hotkeys and such as Hooji said.

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Test Pilot Aggressor, Alive, well, and eager :)

Back to it!

First, regarding the '51:


She's more door than ship!

Second, pre Hurricane DDS, we were discussing work on some VTOL code that would allow better control of VTOL engines. Specifically with regards to balancing thrust across engines to adapt to various payloads and changing CG points. I had been experimenting with plugin referred by another member, (I can't remember their name atm, sorry :( ) Engine Thrust Controller, but unfortunately it didn't seem to be working with your VTOL engines. I need to do more testing with other craft, but in general it seems to lack the range of control for finer trimming of VTOL ops.

Any thoughts on this moving forward?

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Test Pilot Aggressor, Alive, well, and eager :)

Back to it!

First, regarding the '51:


She's more door than ship!

Second, pre Hurricane DDS, we were discussing work on some VTOL code that would allow better control of VTOL engines. Specifically with regards to balancing thrust across engines to adapt to various payloads and changing CG points. I had been experimenting with plugin referred by another member, (I can't remember their name atm, sorry :( ) Engine Thrust Controller, but unfortunately it didn't seem to be working with your VTOL engines. I need to do more testing with other craft, but in general it seems to lack the range of control for finer trimming of VTOL ops.

Any thoughts on this moving forward?

Just trying to re-assemble the projects! so much gone, I just need to now think whats worth re-viving, some older mods of mine I might just let go, like the icarus pod etc, I cant see me updating those anytime soon.

I will release the WT-51 tonight for sure, she is ready for testing. Making short video now, upload in a couple hours.

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*Takes second look at the 51. Does DOUBLE-TAKE at scale of the damn thing!!*


I think you could park the EAGLE inside that freaking bay! :o

hehe yep, you pretty much can :)

I was going to use the pegasus as a base for this craft, but decided on just starting from scratch, funny thing.. all parts and texturing completed in about 2 days, the actual balancing and flying tests have taken 4 ... she is one heavy beast.

I went very very low poly on the entire model, so even tho it is big and heavy, it is not polygon heavy, so it performs pretty well in-game..


Practice run to the Mun.. (I hyperedited this one after I got into orbit , the craft can lift 3 times this many vehicles, but its one slow trip.)

Also, I have not landed this thing with more than half a tank of fuel. You really need to burn it up before you attempt to travel. Also so far its one way only lol,

havent managed a return trip yet, but that requires much less fuel, just neeeds you guys to help with some balancing. Seeing as all the tanks and engines are using the new resources,

it should be alot of fun.


"Thats where im heading!" says Jeb


Ramp is inbuilt, and retracts making for VERY easy loading and unloading of vehicles.


Mental note...

Close the bay doors before roaming around inside...


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BTW - I did mention the Eagle is pretty rugged. Quite by accident (as these things usually go in KSP) I found out just HOW DURABLE it really is! I was messing around with settings on MechJeb and attempting to switch control of the ship from the pod to a docking port in mid-flight and things went screwy on me as Mech-Jeb got confused, and I didn't have enough altitude between me and the ocean...

The first time this happened, I was so gobsmacked I didn't get screenshots. So I went back and "re-created" the accident as best I could and this time took pictures. I assure you, this happened originally just as depicted.

Since there's a LOT of screenshots, I'm going to put this into it's own sub-album and link to the slideshow.

As to what it is that I discovered? Well... for those who don't follow the link - Let's just say - I have discovered how to make the Eagle Mk 2 into a submersible, if at least temporarily... >.>;


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My post fanished,but here is the picture


Would be really cool to launch the Pegasus with this.

Yep, I was planning on doing that originally just never got round to it. That model was the one I actually got in the first place, cut it up into a billion pieces, realised it wasnt going to work in KSP lol then set about remaking all the pieces I had cut up. I did use the low res version of that texture for the pegasusX. The only way the PX-2 could happen also was to remake the mesh, it's a real pain in the A** when you want to cut something out of a mesh and you cant get the right slice because the mesh is too complicated. When you make it, you can think ahead and add sub divisions (like thinking ahead where you might add a cargo bay etc..)

Because both shuttles can take off and land without assistance thats probably the other reason I never got round to it. I have alot of other sci-fi stuff I want to get finished.. and also have to rebuild this thread ergh.. a few mods to bring back, and ill pop some new ones in too..

@Darklogan, about to send you a PM.

Enjoy :)

its 2am, i need some slee[

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I'm Back Baby!!! You can't keep a good Test Pilot down! :cool: Take more than a little Forum Apocalypse to stop us from flying eh?

Nice new ship Devo!!! I like em' BIG! :sticktongue: Anxiously awaiting some new test assignments!

On the Eagle front, I have started from scratch with the MK2 version from the spaceport, and I hope to have a fully resource and action-group using Eagle very shortly!

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