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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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So - I've mentioned previously that I was lobbing a space station into orbit with the Gojira? Well here's how things went.

I designed a very long station core. Too long in fact. The whole thing wouldn't fit end to end in the bay of the Gojira. So I broke it into 3 segments that could be docked together, put docking nodes in the bay, docked them then braced the hell out of them. I also made sure that each segment had it's own probe brain, power source, and RCS thrusters and fuel.

You can partially see all three of them here. This was a test of the lighting. Yow!


I first tried with the Triple engine version of the Gojira. Looks real impressive on take off!



However... things went spectacularly wrong not long after take-off. Cascade imbalance started...


And nothing worked to correct it...


Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!



A truly ground-shaking impact! I think they felt that over in the VAB!



Next - things go better! (How could they get worse?)

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After tweaking the Gojira - I switched to the single engine version, removed the jet intakes (and what ARE those for anyway? The Gojira doesn't use jets!) and doubled up on the RCS blocks and braced the tail some - I had much more success.



Cargo is still stable. No breakage. Good.



Next - Orbital ballet and wondering modules.

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Now for the hard part! Getting the station out of the bay and assembled!

First I got module #3 nudged out of the bay.



Then module #2 -


And finally the big one - Module #1. I almost didn't think I was going to get this out of the bay! But finally I found the right angle!



WHEW!!! Made it!


Modules 2 and 3 get docked together first.


And then got the two halves of the station lined up, and...




This was NOT easy. I think I spent about 3-4 hours total on jockeying and maneuvering - and CHASING DOWN stray segments that wandered off while I was getting other segments out of the bay! By the time I got segments 2 and 1 out of the bay, I looked around and at first couldn't find #3! Had to go to map view to find it! It wound up something like 3 miles away! And I've only got RCS to maneuver with! So I had to go to the main menu, switch over to #3, boost it back quick before the OTHER segments wandered...

But success nonetheless!

And now for Aphrodite stations party trick!

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Gravity rings and lights!


And this is just the CORE! There will be more additions to come!

Eagle Skycrane coming in for a rendezvous. I had grabbed one of the crew off of the Gojira with the KAS winch and was bringing him over to board and get some housekeeping set up.



But then - the Kraken showed up and starting biffing me around like a cat with a toy!

First - the Kerbal on the winch was killed - POOF - with no apparent reason! And the winch cable was played out to what looked like HUNDREDS of meters, not just to what should have been its max of 50!

Okay... Kenzon, the co-pilot of the Eagle skycrane - new assignment - you're the new station commander of Aphrodite!


But the Kraken wasn't done with me yet! Next - the Eagle itself got swatted by some random physics bug and the main engines exploded! So now Jebediah has to bail and boost over to the station as well!


I rebooted my computer to clear things up.

But now I have a rather large piece of space junk floating nearby the station in the form of the broken Eagle.

Not to worry! I equip my Eagles with probes! They can fly themselves in a pinch! And this one still has its VTOL thrusters. So with some careful maneuvering we can de-orbit this Eagle so that it's not a danger to the station.






Fortunately the Gojira makes a more dignified return.

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I was running REALLY low on mono-propellant in the Gojira. And I knew I needed that for any kind of stable landing on land.

But I also know the Gojira is indestructible in a splashdown and the crew will survive that. But I'd like to have as controlled a landing as possible. No breakage so we can say that the Gojira simply gets towed back and refueled with a minimum amount of downtime. So carefully I splashed him down just off the coast of the KSC.




Success! No breakage of any components. Just get a tug out to pull it in and the Gojira can loft the next few components!

Interestingly, the WT-51 is sitting MUCH higher in the water and is rolled over partially. I guess that's because most of the fuel was expended and there's not enough ballast to keep it upright, unlike the first time.

So there you have it! The WT-51 Gojira is a success at it's main purpose - hauling extreme payloads into orbit!

I really do need to test the Pegasus soon. It should be able to carry up some of the smaller segments.

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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Where does that go in the config? Does that replace the section in a MJ 1.9.8? Or added to it?

The third row is "Module = MuMechJeb"

This can just be replaced with "Module = Part".

Then insert



name = MechJebCore


just at the end of the cfg and save. Congrats you have got R2D2 with mechjeb 2 :D

By the way, many many thanks for all these parts and ships Devo, nearly every ship in space (and some still waiting in VAB or SPH) are branded with a Wayland logo ^^ Nice Job!!

Edited by Xerberim
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You always give me reasons to continuously check this thread. <3


Holy crap. Awesome, awesome, and AWESOME work with the Eagle.

Think you could attempt to land a Pegasus on-deck?! ;D

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It's coming.. soon

Just working out a few kinks.. The landing legs actually want to walk sometimes.. which is cool and funny, but not intended lol..

Test pilots, and anyone who's pm i've overlooked I will get to them all asap, this dropship has alot of moving parts, but so far so good for a

close release...

couple of teasers of the front legs assembly. Both legs are in one module so you can even use them on another flat based ship if you like, but they are meant

to fit in the Dropship in a certain place, infront of the cargo bay.

Just finishing off the textures, not too much to go, in blender shot, the back legs animates differently, so yeah it has to be a different piece. Texture in this shot is just for effect, it hasnt been done yet.


in-game front legs ,retract all the way to the foot, picture shows about 85 percent retracted on the right, and the left hand side is fully deployed. Yes, I did bother to animate the hinge joints and pushrods, it was a bit of a pain, but the front legs were easy as they dont rotate, the back leg retracts, rotates and slides... so that was fun :)


Edited by Devo
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ok its not a pegasus =)


but i don't know if it works with the 2.5 carrier these are some parts from the r3 testbuild

its a "little" bit larger than the 2.5 carriers


Oh its not the finished product, the textures aren't finished yet the bow and the foward castle will change too.

But Dice did an awesome job only 220 parts with 98 struts, round about 220m long and 45m wide and capable to carry a WT-51 ^^ or if you use the 64% scale rule its nimitz size

Edited by Ariellus
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ok its not a pegasus =)


but i don't know if it works with the 2.5 carrier these are some parts from the r3 testbuild

its a "little" bit larger than the 2.5 carriers


Oh its not the finished product, the textures aren't finished yet the bow and the foward castle will change too.

But Dice did an awesome job only 220 parts with 98 struts, round about 220m long and 45m wide and capable to carry a WT-51 ^^ or if you use the 64% scale rule its nimitz size

lol very cool man, you guys are gonna love trying to land the dropship, you can come in full speed, pull the nose up and literally come to a complete stop.. I am surprised how well it's working out to be honest.

Only a day or so to go!

@Ultravires lol, you should start designing the ships textures, you always find the cool stuff

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Im looking forward to it ^^

btw devo, are you changing your freelancer pod with the sfr plugin that we can see the pilot sitting in the cockpit ? that would be really cool

Umm SFR plugin? would be happy to use it if I knew what it was! :) point me to it and for sure!

I have the same problem with a few ships and I don't like making internals (the way Squad did internals pisses me off greatly) so If you could find an alternative I would be more than greatful.

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The VTOL version of the Pegasus X-2 that comes with the pack has a missing part apparently. "Wayland.PegasusX2.Tankv5" You know what that is?

That means it's an old pack you are downloading, I was sure I fixed the one on the spaceport.

Unfortunately for me, spaceport is totally broken, cant upload addons, cant update them, it sucks. I wish they had someone to actually look after the spaceport, it was great to start with.

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Just wanted to drop another image of my favorite robot for reference:


a.k.a. I.Q.-9 from StarBlazers

It's a very naughty robot. It deserves to be bolted to the hull of a spaceship.

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I don't know about textures Devo, but I got stickers and logo's by the truck load! :) I wouldn't mind trying some textures, but I know very little about 3d modelling etc.


I think I got a bunch more of these hiding on my hard drive somewhere... and I have the one's from the first Alien movie, so if anyone wants a Nostromo mission patch... I got it covered :cool:

Edited by UltraVires
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I don't know about textures Devo, but I got stickers and logo's by the truck load! :) I wouldn't mind trying some textures, but I know very little about 3d modelling etc.


I think I got a bunch more of these hiding on my hard drive somewhere... and I have the one's from the first Alien movie, so if anyone wants a Nostromo mission patch... I got it covered :cool:

Man.. do you have photoshop or paint shop pro? I wouldnt mind running you through it, its not really hard stuff just more time consuming.

@Ultrasquid, Actually did some of that model last night, it came up really really well with the shiny red metal!

Now im gonna go back to watching starblazers lol.. i missed that cartoon

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I felt there should be a little context in case any youngsters didn't recognize it


"We're off to outer space.

We're leaving Mother Earth.

To save the human race.

Our Star Blazers."


Don't know if we should mention it too much tho, Devo will start getting Ideas, and before you know it, We poor Test Pilots will have to figure out how to get the Space Battleship Yamato into orbit!

And I have Photoshop Devo, but I've never really messed around with it. Made the second one with GIMP (all straight lines, and a few easy curves) the other 3 I got from the internets... I'd love to take credit for them, but that would be a "Pyratical" thing to do... :sticktongue:

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