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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Yes, that vessels (i mean Eagle and Kerbal transport) was really a thing we needed. I know, there are plenty of Rocket Scientists, that love building and launching that orcish rockets consisting of decades of stages and tens of jumbos, screaming WAAAGH! during flight and shaking their BIG CHOPPA over their head, but (no offence!) real technologies require elegant decisions. Like that multy-purpose transports of yours.

Space Eagle is really good for KSP. Can't count all the purposes for it: orbital tug, Kerbin-Mun-Kerbin transport, recon vessel for mapping (ISA, Kethane), drilling, sampling etc. He can bring a habitat module for base or couple of rovers or rescue the kerbals... but he's not so big to be omni-purposal. he can't carry a single DEMV Mk.1/2 or somewhat like it. (BTW, can we wait for 0.20 update of Eagle and more parts like cargo bays etc?)

So, when the Kerbal Transport was released, it was the thing we missed. But what the hell is with his hull joints& they are not enough strong, the nose falls apart if vessel's achieving high speed in atmosphere, all hull's vobbling when extending/retracting legs etc. Can it be fixed? It's a big piece of pure 'eavy metal, it must be strong and hard! =) God, it can carry a spacemarine detachment with Rhino APC in one launch... oops, no sm's, it's not Warhammer... BTW, what about making the Warhammer's Thunderhawk for KSP? =D

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THANK YOU for the WT-51 update Devo!!!

friggin love this thing!!!

soon as I cen SQUID system working again I gonna be doing little experiment with wt-51, using squid panels to secure cargo.

I tell ya, you've never seen anything more 'mars colony' looking than a WT-51 landing on duna and unpacking colony building made with Lack Luster mod....AWESOME!!!

Not saying ya should.....but IF you ever did find that spark of passion for ksp mods again maybe try colony stuff, not just the ships ya know. In my honest opinion you could blow HOME away...just a though =P

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THANK YOU for the WT-51 update Devo!!!

friggin love this thing!!!

soon as I cen SQUID system working again I gonna be doing little experiment with wt-51, using squid panels to secure cargo.

I tell ya, you've never seen anything more 'mars colony' looking than a WT-51 landing on duna and unpacking colony building made with Lack Luster mod....AWESOME!!!

Not saying ya should.....but IF you ever did find that spark of passion for ksp mods again maybe try colony stuff, not just the ships ya know. In my honest opinion you could blow HOME away...just a though =P

No problemo!

I have actually been in some talks with some people here, I just have to work out my weekly schedule and see how much time I can actually devote to making mods. I just won't be doing massive works in progress, as that tends to be the biggest issue. The second you say you are making something, the following tends to happen

1. People bug you constantly about when it's going to be released

2. Someone get's shirty that you are doing the mod, so they go and rip a 3D mesh from a site and import it to beat you to the finish line, regardless of quality <sigh>

3. You get stuck and stale working on one thing, or spending ages trying to get something that wont fly, to fly.

4. The overall quality can suffer because you are trying to do too much.

5. Rushing mods isn't the way to go, sure I could pump out the sulaco now, but it's crap and it's not a fun ship to use - I spent too much time worrying about the dropship, when in reality it was only

meant to be a small addon for the sulaco, instead i sort of took over.

I've sort of become obsessed with the rover wheel assembly, so I might make a pack of just rover wheels for a range of choice.

Does anyone have any types of wheels they want to see in KSP?

Sorry to hear you are leaving KSP :( you always made the coolest sci fi type mods.

thanks, but does one ever leave KSP? :) Extended vacation, spend time with the wife and kids and my new 3D dual colour printer :)

Will be printing out all my ships from KSP !!

Have new nylon and rubber ABS so I can print the rover wheels in rubber now too :)

Awww Man! Sorry To see you take a break from KSP Devo... hopefully, once the game gets farther along... maybe you'll come back. Until Then...


"Here's to ya, Lads."

Don't worry mate, the eagle will be updated post haste.

Edited by Devo
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KSP could use some better wheel choices for sure!

Some tire ideas id like to see:

Mudtires (I see 'super swampers' in my head) that have silly grip in all terrain types

Off-set tires where the caster/camber can be adjusted (this is something I learned from building circle-track cars, I think it would be useful for making odd shapes/ non-semmetrical rover types)

But by far my biggest issue with wheels in KSP is how easy they break....

Even today we have wheel/tire types that are darn near indestructible under normal driving conditions...

Run flats and the military honeycomb tires (npt's) are first to mind..


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KSP could use some better wheel choices for sure!

Some tire ideas id like to see:

Mudtires (I see 'super swampers' in my head) that have silly grip in all terrain types

Off-set tires where the caster/camber can be adjusted (this is something I learned from building circle-track cars, I think it would be useful for making odd shapes/ non-semmetrical rover types)

But by far my biggest issue with wheels in KSP is how easy they break....

Even today we have wheel/tire types that are darn near indestructible under normal driving conditions...

Run flats and the military honeycomb tires (npt's) are first to mind..


The problem is mainly the tyres in KSP do not actually move (as in they dont change shape with the terrain) so yes I could make those wheels but it would be aesthetic, and yes we could make them virtually indestructible..

Hmm lets see what I can knock up in my lunch hour..

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First time I saw those I soooo wanted some on my truck, but they are....not cheap...not even a little lol!

Well, I managed to build most of it, just working on the Hex transparency for the actual wheel bit. These will turn out quite ok I think, ill throw a picture up soon, boss is here he's in a bad mood :)

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So I just figured out why MechJeb would make my rocket crash into the ground trying to keep a heading of 0 using the Freelancer Mk2 cockpit: The cockpit's "front" is actually the bottom of it. -.-

EDIT: Maybe I should get the updated version... LOL

hehe yeah I messed the import the first time, but fixed that up and I added the IVA Sirkut did for me, its pretty cool flying from inside the cockpit now :)

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hehe yeah I messed the import the first time, but fixed that up and I added the IVA Sirkut did for me, its pretty cool flying from inside the cockpit now :)

Now if I can get some panels onto the existing one it will be awesome. :)

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Now if I can get some panels onto the existing one it will be awesome. :)

What version of Unity are you running mate?

I can convert the Pod and rover original files to whatever. I can't think of more fun interiors to do, mainly because what you see is what you get, the interior IS the inside of the ship,

none of this making totally seperate models for interiors anymore!!

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What version of Unity are you running mate?

I can convert the Pod and rover original files to whatever. I can't think of more fun interiors to do, mainly because what you see is what you get, the interior IS the inside of the ship,

none of this making totally seperate models for interiors anymore!!

I'm running 4.0.1f2 testing a theory but I can run the newer version if I have to.

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That rover body is pretty awesome. There is one issue I'd like to mention, though. The wheel wells aren't recessed anywhere near deep enough. The thing looks funky with the wheels sticking out nine miles to either side. It'd look bloody awesome if the wheel wells were recessed enough for us to fit the stock ruggedized wheels in with maybe the outer 25% of the tire beyond the side of the hull.

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Wall of text alert..

Well, the tricky part is that because the wheels hang so much lower than the vehicle, just a simple decoupler on the bottom wont work, so what I do, is I put a node connector part in the cargo bay then attach the rover and the decoupler on the bottom to that node, which gives you the extra height you need to accomodate the wheels. Bear in mind, the rover was not really resigned for the WT-51, but its about the only ships I have created capable of taking something that big into orbit.

Also, it looks like yes the game project im working on with some friends is going ahead, but at the moment my only job for it is to make a few basic models for the initial engine to be worked on, as I won't be doing much coding at the moment for it, I really need to scrub up on my python, the last time I seriously got into coding was Pascal and fortran, sure Ive made a tonne of crap in vb.net, but really who can't? drag and drop programming while easy doesnt teach you anything unfortunately and it's those years of relying on quick and easy ways that basically got me out of practice. I'm not by nature a mathematic person. I'm good with figures and percentages, profit margins etc.. but when it actually comes to complicates physics, it's just out of my ball park - luckily have people to help with that part. We've made 2D multiplayer games before (and our own engine) so we have some clue as to what we are doing :)

So, all the work I need to do for the first few months of that project is actually almost done, so ironically im almost back to having some free time. So I spent a few hours last night designing something new (yes I actually got some pen and paper out! :) ) I thought to myself, what do I actually want to build? Once you start looking at Sci fi ships, you go nuts.. I mean how many things are there out there that would be cool to put into KSP? But... really, the game is neither designed for that type of ship and also it just doesn't fit the over all feel of KSP.

I started making mods originally after seeing Bobcat's and Tiberions stuff. Sure, there were other modders around at the time but they had probably the most neat stuff you could download (we're going back a bit here.. not that things have changed :) )

Only once you start making mods, can you have any appreciation really at all what goes into actually making a massive pack (like HOME or KW Rocketry) , I can't say I could accomplish anything as great as the B9 pack, but If I was unemployed, didnt have kids, and didnt have to worry about mortgages and life in general, I think I might actually have the chance (and time) to try and do something as professional looking as that - it takes alot of time :/ Hand painting textures etc etc.. So I often cheap out to save time. Last night I asked myself (I talk to myself alot lol...) Why do I cheap out? Why am I rushing? do I really feel obligated to churn something out because 40 people are hounding my inbox for it? Would it be worth actually making a serious effort and putting 100 percent into it? I don't know, mainly because I never have..

The WT-51 and the PegasusX1/X2 are the most popular downloads I have at the moment. There are about 10,000 of each floating around out there in someones space, hopefully being flown. That's one thing about the Spaceport, it does give you a pretty good general indicator of the types of mods people want. So my two most popular mods, are the ones I spent the least amount of time on! :) No plan, not idea just started making stuff. The pegasus was of course a modification of the original, but still we are talking a day or two. I did the WT-51 in the time the forum was down in april from start to finish, I think it was done even before the forums came back up.. Anyway the point I'm trying to make while I sit here and type this wall of text, it's clear that If I just stopped, sat back and concentrated on one thing, like the new large pack Im working on, then it probably would be all for the best and the finished mod would be alot more polished. I love making 3D models of sci fi ships, but so do a million other people, and most of them do it better than me! :) At the end of the day, you are not re-creating the wheel, you are simply sprucing it up, cutting it apart and giving it a paintjob. Also, with the new PNG optimised KSP, I will probably be going .PNG for all my textures from now on too, so you wil be able to edit them as you see fit.

The next pack (and really the only pack I am working on) is going to be very large, all original and hopefully fits with the style of KSP alot more.

@Khaos yes the KAS hooks work well on it

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Now I'm super curious.....!

Sounds like your gonna make what you want to in this pack, and Im all for it.

Your dropship/rover mods is awesome, you did a wonderful job on that. Honestly though, in my humble opinion (I cant make anything in vb.net....not sure what that even is lol) the drop ship cant hold a candle to the WT-51 or the Pegasus. And it seems like ya made those under same conditions....doin what ya want with the mod. I think its because your a truly creative person, following a mold, trying to make something look and work in a pre-defined manner, that stifles creativity.

Whatever this mystery pack will have Im willing to bet its gonna be 110% awesomeness!!

and a little update on my cargo test....squid panels do NOT work for anything with wheels, something with nice flat bottom works..and that's...not much useful stuff lol

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