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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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I dont know if this has been posted before but will you be making Prometheus stuff and releasing the Sulaco soon

Don't even know if I'll finish them to be honest. I have no inspiration to re-make things anymore. At first it was a desire to re-create Sci-fi ships form movies and TV, but in reality the game does not and probably won't natively support such vessels as it was not designed for such flights of fancy.

I could use Kerbtown to speed things up, put an alpha moonbase out, even the valley forge in it's entirety is possible now, but they would not be the best I could make them.

I've done the sulaco, its done.. ive done the dropship and the APC but spending the required hours to complete the pack and upload it I just can't justify. There is not one mod I have released where I finished it and thought "wow I did a good job on that" I always think "hmm I could have done that better, but stuff it.. release!"

So I would like to not make any mods right now and not update any of the previous ones. If anyone wants an older mod to work, its a matter of adding the PART tags to the config file - there is no need to wait for me to add that then re-upload, because I most likely never will.

When I retire from making mods I want to have at least 1 mod that I am actually proud of and can honestly say I put in 100 percent effort, and right now I can't say that. What this super-authentic project will be, even I don't know yet. No one wants another gigantic aerospace pack, thre are enough shuttles to last everyone a lifetime.. so yeah I'm just sort of in a temporary limbo while I figure what and if I want to make next.

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Thanks Devogen for your continued efforts. The Eagles are awesome. I hope you are inclined to make a lab pod for it.

Nice landing!! took me about 10 attempts to get it that good myself, its a challenge.

Now that it is updated I probably will release at least 2 cargo's for it, one for habitat and another for transporting things like small rovers.

I figured at least in its current state people can use it and no point waiting for me to make more things before uploading it. At least with the open truss piece you are free to put whatever you like under there.

Also someone asked about the seperate fuel tanks?

I won't do it for you, but I'll tell you how. Go to the first post, get the Space Eagle MK1, this contains the separate pieces you desire. But, they wont work.

You will need to add two things to each of the fuel tank configs, first is the PART {} tags, and secondly you need to create a fuel resource for the tank as it used to run on mechjeb, but the new engines as you know are liquid fuel.

Big secret (not) - there is no difference between a mechjeb fuel tank and a stock fuel tank besides some lines in the config. Check out a stock liquid fuel engine and delete the lines in the old config pertaining to the fuel amount.

Have you done anything personally with KerbTown? If so I for one would be very interested in seeing some screenshots.

Soon.. there are several things I'm making, just taking my sweet time thats all. making gigantic things with a low poly count and keeping them looking semi-believable can be a challenge without resorting to texture trickery.

Edited by Devo
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This ship is quite cool, if you are a coldblooded Pilot :D

Hitting full throttle for all engines doesnt work....well, except you put on RCS and SAS, then it's a straight to Orbit carrier :D

Good decision to rework it for 0.21., challenging fun ship. :>

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This ship is quite cool, if you are a coldblooded Pilot :D

Hitting full throttle for all engines doesnt work....well, except you put on RCS and SAS, then it's a straight to Orbit carrier :D

Good decision to rework it for 0.21., challenging fun ship. :>

It does fly very differently now, but I think people can accept that considering all the mechjeb stuff has been removed.

The big difference with mechjeb and normal stuff is the new weight calculations. When you make a mechjeb tank, you set the fuel amount and the weight of that tank - which means balancing a craft can be done very simply in under a minute. If something didn't balance well, you just adjusted the weight and kept the fuel as-is. Now with stock parts you set the dry mass and the fuel amount and the game calculates the weight of the tank. So basically, everything that was easy to make sci-fi is not when you switch to normal stock stuff, well not without rediculously overpowering all the engines and fuel consumption.

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Well, i succeeded to land it on the helipad yesterday with several tries (proof Picture in the previous page) ... almost ...:D

It's well balanced, even while burning fuel. the difficulty is just to hold it in the direction, you want to fly. :D As seen in the Video, it's extreme hard to hold back-up and straight to get a clear landing trajectory.

I like it anyways :) Cant await your next Project :D

Edit says: FU german Auto correction System...

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Well, i succeeded to land it on the helipad yesterday with several tries (proof Picture in the previous page) ... almost ...:D

It's well balanced, even while burning fuel. the difficulty is just to hold it in the direction, you want to fly. :D As seen in the Video, it's extreme hard to hold back-up and straight to get a clear landing trajectory.

I like it anyways :) Cant await your next Project :D

Edit says: FU german Auto correction System...

I think I maybe put too much into the RCS thrusters, that's why it's harder to keep a steady heading. Too much thrust and you go too far and keep having to correct, but I did that for a reason - the high powered RCS is there to keep the nose down also when you are at full throttle - if no RCS, the nose want to go up up UP! I could make the command pod heavier I guess, but Im doing the whole new command pod with the IVA so it is being re-done anyway, MK4 probably another week or so, im taking it slow at the moment.

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I was heavy into VTOL ships a while ago and I learned the trick - sliding the VTOL engines fore and aft even by almost single pixels is the difference between succass and failure. I actually did slide your aft VTOL group just a little to reduce the nose up tendancy. I haven't tried too much yet, but I think for this sort of thing, it might be a good approach - start high, and keep coming down, kind of like the Blade Runner Spinner approach. I never did it here, but I think it might be the way to go. Also, I never used translate controls, which also I thin is the way to go. Second joystick for that I guess.

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I dont Play with Joystick :D

tipping the qwasde keys quite frequently, abuse the trim and so on. it worked, done the "landing" in about 3 minutes after takeoff...and overshot the helipad a bit cuz i didnt cut the rearengine (Needs to be pulsed quite often to define the heading).

The most challenging flight i had in that game. :D

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agreed sir - I started out with the joystick, and then I discovered the pulse method you described to work better :-)

To me - it seems - piloting a VTOL needs a software level between the pilot and the machine, but not an autopilot. Just enough to remove the wackiness. Much likethe F-16 or perhaps Airbus.

Some rules might be:

Panic button - return immediately to zero pitch roll and yaw - level with the horizon

Never allow rotation in pitch or roll axis to exceed x degrees - like you're a professional pilot or providing a ride to VIPs like Heywood Floyd

Never allow rotation in any axis to exceed X degrees / sec

Provide some rudimentary intelligence, to provide positive, confident handling of the ship. If I bank to the right with the stick, don't roll me upside down, ease it slowly right and then add a little yaw like I want it to to turn. Very small amounts, up to the redefined maximum degree displacements, and continuing as long as I hold the joystick displaced.

Allow zero bank (a mode): passengers are perfectly level the entire flight - yaw and translation only - with joystick controlling.

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These parts are so freaking sweet! Found the hyper ring and just had to snag it!

So I'm playing around with the ring, and added the mounting nodes called out earlier in the thread for its config file.

While the nodes work very well (thank you very much to those involved with working those out and posting them for the rest of us!), it seems all the attachment points on the ring are very weak, even the central connection points.

Just for the lulz, I threw together a quick ship based on the ring, but no matter how I try to fly it, anything attached to the ring seems to just pop off extremely easily. This thing looks very rugged and solid; why won't parts attached to it stay connected under nominal stresses, at least as much as the stock parts will endure?

Is there something I can adjust to up those mount point strengths?

Thanks again!

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These parts are so freaking sweet! Found the hyper ring and just had to snag it!

So I'm playing around with the ring, and added the mounting nodes called out earlier in the thread for its config file.

While the nodes work very well (thank you very much to those involved with working those out and posting them for the rest of us!), it seems all the attachment points on the ring are very weak, even the central connection points.

Just for the lulz, I threw together a quick ship based on the ring, but no matter how I try to fly it, anything attached to the ring seems to just pop off extremely easily. This thing looks very rugged and solid; why won't parts attached to it stay connected under nominal stresses, at least as much as the stock parts will endure?

Is there something I can adjust to up those mount point strengths?

Thanks again!

Add or adjust these values in the config:

breakingForce - How much will the attachment between this part and the part it's connected to resist to linear forces?

breakingTorque - How much will the attachment resist rotational forces?

See http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation

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Add or adjust these values in the config:

breakingForce - How much will the attachment between this part and the part it's connected to resist to linear forces?

breakingTorque - How much will the attachment resist rotational forces?

See http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation

Thanks very much for reminding me of these. I actually ran through the wiki previously, but didn't think in terms of the whole part. One thing the wiki doesn't really go over, though, are the numerical ranges for these configs. What would be a somewhat sane value to use for these in the config? (Don't want to necessarily set it to unbreakable).

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Thanks very much for reminding me of these. I actually ran through the wiki previously, but didn't think in terms of the whole part. One thing the wiki doesn't really go over, though, are the numerical ranges for these configs. What would be a somewhat sane value to use for these in the config? (Don't want to necessarily set it to unbreakable).

Infernal Robotics parts have been using 999 as it's basic value. I haven't heard any issues yet so give it a shot.

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I'm still here..

just been working on alot in the background, no time for screenshots and yapping :)

Pegasus X-3 being built as we speak. Pegasusx2 is now discontinued, I am sorry guys. 0.21.1 broke it and I just couldn't be stuffed re-building it from scratch to fix all the collider issues, so going to just build a whole new shuttle instead with all the things I want on it, but will still use a few odd parts from the px-2 to save time.

IVA is coming along, ive added a few things and all went well except the navball which wants to point the wrong way but ill figure it out..


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I'm still here..

just been working on alot in the background, no time for screenshots and yapping :)

Pegasus X-3 being built as we speak. Pegasusx2 is now discontinued, I am sorry guys. 0.21.1 broke it and I just couldn't be stuffed re-building it from scratch to fix all the collider issues, so going to just build a whole new shuttle instead with all the things I want on it, but will still use a few odd parts from the px-2 to save time.

IVA is coming along, ive added a few things and all went well except the navball which wants to point the wrong way but ill figure it out..


WOOO HOOO! This is the giant Pegasus now right? Glad to hear from you btw, been quiet recently.

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wall of text warning...

Yes, I have been quiet, the more I stay away from the forums the more I seem to accomplish in the time that I have. That and also the long loading bug in 0.21.1 has given me some time to just spend modelling and texturing and not worrying about putting the model into the actual game. I would rather sit here and make mods and then add them all when they fix that bug than to sit through the pain that is a black loading screen for every single button I press. It's been 2 weeks now and no hotfix, I ran out of patience last week so yah, just not really bothering with playing the game so much at the moment just making stuff for it.

Which brings me to another ship I wanted to make but basically did not have the right skills to pull it off, but come full circle and I am pretty confident I can do it properly. Out of all the requests I have ever received, there was one ship that I always wanted to do and I said to myself if I learn enough and enough people ask for it, I will do it (I am not joking, betweek facebook/youtube and here I am over a couple hundred requests for this ship) I have spent countless hours, days nights thinking about how I would cut it up, how I would make it fly and I think I have finally come up with a decent plan.

The main reason I have decided to finally tackle this ship is because I love it. I need a ship that I like so much that I have the motivation to both model it and to also hand paint it, I want this to be something I am proud of, not something that I whipped up in a week and splashed up on spaceport because someone wanted it in a hurry. It will be ready when it's ready.

Now, like most of the big sci fi ships I do, I expect another thread to pop up in a few days with someone else making a Serenity (happens everytime..) . Good luck to them. It's a hard craft to model and there is no cheat. The models already available suck or are way too high poly to use, so the only way this ship is going into KSP is to be modelled from scratch. (I will be starting a seperate thread for it when I am happy it has made good progress, it's going to need a fair amount of modelling work)

I already mentioned this to a couple people and the first thing they asked me was "what about the Sulaco???? pegasus??? WAAAAAAAAHHHHH NOOO!"

I would love to finish the Sulaco, but I need a KSP that runs and doesnt break my mods every time there is an update. so I am going to spend months on one mod like others here tend to do and not be concerned with the changes so much, I already have lost so much work and there is no way they will let the people who need early release have it, I almost think sometimes the dev's wish we didn't exist, they show so little interest in our threads that's all you can assume.

when you guys eventually do see the Sulaco, don't be surprised if it is in the form of a Kerbtown addon. I had it pretty much done and for no explainable reason, when I load it under 0.21.1 it breaks itself apart, but under 0.20.2 its perfect.

"So what is this ship you are going to make hmmm?"


I have made a very crap place holder, which truth be told was my old prometheus Hull from this video


But as you can see, the general shape is not that far off Serenity, so I will probably just use this hull while I get all the engines etc modelled.

Due to advancements in other plugins, some things I had planned but failed will now be possible, so if I said I was doing it, most likely I still am just not putting priority on it. In the past week I have taken up about 3 projects and already they bore me to tears, the only thing right now that's holding my interest is Infernal robotics and Sirkuts MSI animator plugin.

So, right now in order of priorty or promises wayland corps workflow looks something like..

Current/completing work

* Infernal Robotics pack #2 (70%)

* MSI Animator plugin + parts pack (80%)

* Pegasus X-3 (99% needs more props in IVA)

* MechPod IVA (99.999%)

* Initial model and concept for Serenity > KSP

*Valley Forge 60%, enough for start of import into Kerbtown.

* Sulaco, Still on hold due to being broken after 0.21.1

"Why aren't you still making a prometheus?"

While the ship was cool, the movie was a pile of steaming dog doo. I make these ships because they hold fond memories or are legends in their own time.


A bunch of misfit scientists are in a cave, next minute they are going across the galaxy with more misfits in a ship worth apparently trillions, with 2 security guards and the guy who is a geologist and has little tracking devices manages to get lost...

Not sure what Ridley scott was thinking.. but, ... oh thats right, he wasn't thinking! :)

Edited by Devo
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Not sure what Ridley scott was thinking.. but, ... oh thats right, he wasn't thinking! :)

I still enjoy the visuals. It's a great "getaway" movie for pure science fiction value. I agree that there are some HUGE holes in that movie, but I liked it nonetheless.

That said, I'm still looking forward with some hope as to what might be done with the sequel. Now that the whole xenomorph thing has been dealt with and kicked off for the rest of the Alien franchise, I'm interested to see if the smart decision is made to follow Elizabeth's journey to find the rest of the Engineers. There were some interesting angles I'd like to see expanded upon, in a completely different direction that isn't a 2 hour monolith to Alien fanservice and call-outs.

Back on-track: I'd really like to see what comes of your latest effort!

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I still enjoy the visuals. It's a great "getaway" movie for pure science fiction value. I agree that there are some HUGE holes in that movie, but I liked it nonetheless.

That said, I'm still looking forward with some hope as to what might be done with the sequel. Now that the whole xenomorph thing has been dealt with and kicked off for the rest of the Alien franchise, I'm interested to see if the smart decision is made to follow Elizabeth's journey to find the rest of the Engineers. There were some interesting angles I'd like to see expanded upon, in a completely different direction that isn't a 2 hour monolith to Alien fanservice and call-outs.

Back on-track: I'd really like to see what comes of your latest effort!

Look, being an Alien fan, ANY new movie is good..:)

I am looking forward to where they take it, the only two characters besides good old Mr Weyland was Liz and David. It sure is a different movie to the original tho, I still think 3 is my favourite, not sure why.. just was more authentic, believable.. I loved #2 but #3 when they went back to 1 alien, and then the theory of it taking shjape dependant on what animal the host was was a cool thing, and something they strangely had not touched on in 2 previous movies. The reason they are humanoid is because of us basically.

Looking forward to getting home from work and working on this puppy, it's good when I actually have inspiration to make something, things tend to look alot better then.

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