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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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I assume that the above powerplant notes are in regard to the VTOL engines?

Yup they are indeed, they are also used for primary power for forward flight up to about Mach 2 where they are shut down and the ram jets take primacy.

And yup UD stands for Utility Dropship. According to the manual there are also AD-19C/D Bearcat and AD-17A Cougar Attack dropships plus UD- 22 Navaho and UD-4 Cheyenne Utility dropships. Though it doesn't give any details on these other Dropships at all.

All this info comes from the Colonial Marine Technical Manual. I don't know if you can still buy it, I got mine in the late 90's but if you can I recommend it. It's a good read for those who like details.

Ideally I'd say the Dropship needs three kinds of engines, a jet engine for VTOL and low altitude/low speed stuff. An aerospike for high altitude/high speed stuff and a rocket motor for non-atmo flight. They really squeezed alot of guff into this thing which apparently weighs only 18 tonnes.

Also love the pics Logan, that back flip is pure Kerbal testing at it's finest :D

And for the lols a quote from the tech manual.


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Indeed! Many thanks! I'm wondering now about going back and testing those mods again with those ASAS/Pod changes that improved the torque that Col. Neville provided.

Hmmm didn't think about that... might work after all. :) I did try building a version where I angled the engines themselves to angle the thrust, and that was a lot more stable. Away from my own computer atm, but I'll be back shortly to Ride with the Angels once again :cool: Things keep going this well and we'll have this baby flying just like Bricks don't! lol

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Wow.. informatoin overload on wake up coffee.... lol

Well, where do I start...

First thanks for the reference shots, Ill be honest the only ones I don't have are the schematics, which will help greatly...

Thankfully with this ship, one only needs to google images for a million reference shots.

@Bigant yeah I saw that design, if people are asking me to do a more KSP feel to the texture, I dont think that will work. I am working on 3 alternatives...

Note to everyone but the testers (who already know this..) the texture you see in the screenshots is simply a placeholder. I made it very fast and simply to get the pieces imported and

look semi-ok for testing screenshots. I am doing a hand painted texture for this one, most definitely.

1. The movie, dark green (bumped, more hand painted feel like a small model or the movie miniature.

2. Camoflauge (grey/white - already done, in fact was done before the dark green texture) (diffused))

3. Kerbal palette. Greys, whites - dull silvers. (Bumped Specular)

I spent 5 hours last night ripping an Apache cockpit out of a really good helicopter model and cleaning it up, the apache was about the closest to the movie as I could think, unless anyone

can think of a better helicopter cockpit (it has to be modelled off one, it's just too close in the movie)

If anyone is interested, here is an interview with the man who designed all these himself,


It is very interesting, as you will read alot of the ship designs and re-designs were in aid of better camera angles and focal lengths, not sci-fi design or aerodynamics :)

Now, its not confirmed but it seems the apache AH-64 is the likely cuplrit for the original chopper james cameron ripped apart, ive read that now in several places, so

yeah it might be correct. The APC history is interesting logan, I did not know it used to be a tug.

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Point of interest- after the concept art and initial model, James Cameron just kitbashed the Ud-4 model with parts from an Apache model set and something I can't remember. So it's not a coincidence that it looks remarkably Apache-like.

Danger Takes a Backseat- That's not Spunkmeyer coming up behind you, Ferro.

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I've been thinking today about something. Just gonna put this out there see if anyone has any thoughts to bounce back my way.

I've got a save called "Munbase Alpha". And it's where I've been doing most of my testing/playing with the Eagles etc.

But I'm wondering. What would an actual "campaign" of a Moonbase Alpha look like?

Would it logically even start with Eagles? How long had Eagles been in use in the original show? Were they a recent development? Or had they been around for a few years? Say for the sake of argument, 3-5 years since the first Eagle went into production?

Didn't the show have an orbital station or two before the Moon was thrown out of orbit? I think there was at least a station in Lunar Orbit.

So maybe build a couple of way-stations for refueling in Earth and Lunar Orbit? Kethane mining would come in really useful for stocking the re-fueling station in Lunar Orbit for ships heading out to Jool for example. (Meta Probe to Laythe or Eeloo anyone?).

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Sorry folks,

Trying to fly the Eagle, I have no throttle control, and the main engines are putting and exhaust plume out at 90 degrees to the engines, ie straight up when its on the pad.

Okay - so it's the Eagle then?

I've seen a SPH/VAB bug where the engines are producing their effects as you describe them. But that's only in the assembly area. Not out on the field. Is that what you're seeing?

When you actually get the ship on the runway is it -

a) Producing that 90 Degree engine thrust there?

or -

B) You simply have no throttle?


c) Both?

Do you have MechJeb installed? The Eagle MUST have MechJeb in order to have access to the throttle! If you don't have MechJeb installed, then your engines won't work!

Here's the download for MechJeb at the spaceport.

Also - I recommend Dishy's Jeb 9000 part. It's small and can be tucked away under the trussworks of the Eagle.

(Not required, but Devo and the Wayland Test Pilot Corp have been getting some good use out of Hydrotech RCS Autopilot as well.)

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Well the show's fan base likes to think of the show "UFO" as the precursor Moon base.

There is even a Moon Hopper mod somewhere.

Huh. Yeah you're right. I remember seeing that somewhere. I was slightly too young to have caught UFO (that or it simply wasn't on in my area). I was about 10-11 years old when 1999 came out. I only recently came across that bit of fanspec.

I remember seeing some pics of the SHADO moonbase. Not as extensive as Alpha. Might be easier to put together in another location.

On that note - somebody did a nice composite that shows the details and relative sizes of the SHADO and Alpha bases.

(Original Source)


I'd say the SHADO style base would be a good first outpost. I can already see ways of making that with existing mods!

( And DAMN Moonbase Alpha is HUGE! :o )

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Waste Me's Issue: I'm getting it too, I think it's in the new download of the Eagle that Devo put on the Spaceport... I DL'd it again just today to see what changes Devo had made, and it's giving me the same problems. The Vtol Engines have their thrust pointing way out the top, not down to the side like they should. Do you think Spaceport has corrupted the file somehow???

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Waste Me's Issue: I'm getting it too, I think it's in the new download of the Eagle that Devo put on the Spaceport... I DL'd it again just today to see what changes Devo had made, and it's giving me the same problems. The Vtol Engines have their thrust pointing way out the top, not down to the side like they should. Do you think Spaceport has corrupted the file somehow???

None of my new uploads seem to be taking. I update them, and the files im updating apparently get uploaded, but no change.

I also cant upload any new mods :(

ie spaceport is busted, it would be nice to get some feedback on what they plan on doing with it,

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Waste Me's Issue: I'm getting it too, I think it's in the new download of the Eagle that Devo put on the Spaceport... I DL'd it again just today to see what changes Devo had made, and it's giving me the same problems. The Vtol Engines have their thrust pointing way out the top, not down to the side like they should. Do you think Spaceport has corrupted the file somehow???

So this IS a real issue, yikes! Glad I've got back-ups!

None of my new uploads seem to be taking. I update them, and the files im updating apparently get uploaded, but no change.

I also cant upload any new mods :(

ie spaceport is busted, it would be nice to get some feedback on what they plan on doing with it,

Maybe make them available temporarily to Mediafire?

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Yeah, usually, the Spaceport works like a charm, though I've never uploaded anything to it... It's a shame that it seems to be corrupting things, I haven't really noticed anything else I have downloaded from there not working as it should. I guess Logan is right, we'll just have to use mediaFire until the Spaceport get's sh*t wired on straight... :D

In other "good" news... more testing done on the Drop ship... Still trying to build one of my own from scratch. I changed the attach rules for the cargo bay to be surface attachable to see if that would help, but I still can't get them to attach. Here are some screenies...

The Eagle Problem... Also did some testing as well on the Eagle, I think we can just make one landing leg pod and use the symmetry function of the SPH to put them on both side, you'd just need to have the little black "x" thing on both sides of the model. That would make building the Eagle a little easier and faster, plus it will help when we finally get the Mk.3 version done, cause proper balance is gonna be key on that one.


The Bad Attachment Blues... :rolleyes:


This mostly works... mostly.


And the wings look cool, but it's hard to get them attached just right...


I fiannly got mad and decided to use whatever parts were needed to get something to attach somewhere... anywhere! :huh:


It almost worked too, but then... this happened. :cool:


I also made some missles out of Seperatrons... Too bad KSP has bugged animations.


I did come up with a way to set the Drop ship down on the runway without putting the extra stock landing gear on it. Just stick some "Launch Stability Enhancers" on there. You can see in the last pic here, they work the same way they do on the launch pad, just put the Dropship at about the right height in the SPH and stick em on, when you stage them, the just pop lose and fall over. Works well.

Edited by UltraVires
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I use the sub assembly loader, solves all those problems when attaching to the sulaco.

can you stilll deploy wings with those damned rotators on the side?

Also guys, any feedback on thew dropship? should I release it? anything I need to do really before that (besides textures etc?)

Edited by Devo
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Still working on figuring out how to fly it reliably. I really do think adding one more VTOL engine up front as indicated from the blueprints in the original would help a great deal. I have figured out more or less how to fly it unloaded. But I did discover that (sans that VTOL engine) that a few more RCS ports up front were needed when I loaded the bay with a DEMV Mk 4 "Rat". But I think if we could balance it at least as well as the Eagle (which despite the nose-diving issues, CAN carry a decent load) then we'll be golden.

Also - do you know how much mass the actual APC is going to be? If so, that would really help. Flying the thing unloaded is one thing. But you know no one is going to be completely satisfied (myself included) unless we can fly down, drop an APC, and lift off again.

Just in case it's not available - we don't need the actual APC. Just need to know the mass so we test pilots can load a "dummy" weight.

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@ Devo, Yeah the wings still deploy, but rotatrons just stay where they are and appear to be floating in air :D Same for the "missiles" I made

It's up to you it you want to release it, but I think with a little more work we can have the Dropship balanced so it won't need hyrdoJeb, especially since we now know that there is a forward Vtol engine. :cool:

I'm going to start testing that tomorrow using the "nipple" vtol's from peggy to see if we can balance the Dropship that way. Also going to experiment with increasing the mass of the tail section to use it as counter weight to see if I can get the balance right, so it won't fly like a brick when you load an APC in it. Do you know about how much your going to have the APC weigh?? That would be useful, I know you've been using a DEMV mk5 Ant, did you increase it's mass at all? Cause it's weight now would be amazingly light for an Armored Personnel Carrier :)

EDIT LOL Logan... we both said the same thing... now I'm the one getting scooped in the thread... :wink:

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I'm going to start testing that tomorrow using the "nipple" vtol's from peggy to see if we can balance the Dropship that way.

Just a heads up, Vires - I already tried that. Doesn't work. The "nipples" use the same engines/fuel as the current Eagle. Won't work with the Dropship. Unless you put a fuel tank in the cargo bay of the dropship that is compatible or something or edit the Peg VTOL. One or the other.

You know how to do this better than I do - but I bet you could swap the engine properties of the "resource" Eagle VTOL and put them into a Peg VTOL. Then you need to tweak the thrust so that it matches the thrust from the back two VTOL engines.

If you do that, send a copy my way? :D

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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Well, this is roughly what I was going off, so yeah loaded with fuel is 43t, alot more than the max of 35t, so really I need to make these engines suck less fuel if we want to take the weight down.

Wayland Corp:

Product line - UD-4 Dropship transport series

Model: UD-4L

Class: Dropship

Technical specifications

Length:25.18 m

Width:15.3 m (pods deployed)

Height:6.05 m

Mass :18,620 kg loaded; 34,630 kg maximum

Maximum acceleration : upward of Mach 12 with TF-220/A-14 ramrockets

Engine Power: Twin Republic Dynamics TF-900 turbines / Two TF-220/A-14 combined cycle engines

Fuel Source: 310 kN dry thrust for each Republic Dynamics TF-900

Armour: Superlplastic-formed diffusion-bonded metal matrix composites (MMC)

Navigation Systems : Herriman-Weston 5 / 480 flight computer

Armament (none currrently)

Crew : Pilot and Weapons Officer

Minimum crew: Pilot

Passengers: up to 12 (cut from 60)

Cargo capacity 103.6 cubic meters and payloads up to 16,000 kg

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@Logan If you still have the Eagle Vtol's that I made, just delete "Nipples" (lol) engine info, and copy the Engine and Gimbal Modules from the config, over to the "Nipple"... BUT... If Devo did not add a thrust vector for the part in Unity when he made it, then it won't work.

Explanation: "New" Stock parts from 0.18 up use the unity engine for more of their configuration, whereas the "old" style parts were just a model in Unity with the engine information in the config file. The Eagle and Peggy both use "old" style engines, which can be upgraded, like I did with the Eagle Vtol's but only if there is already a thrust vector on the part itself...

If it doesn't have one, Devo would have to redo the part to add it... I don't know anything about Unity, so I don't know if that would be easy or hard... :confused:

It's getting late here, I'll try making one myself tomorrow, and if it works I'll PM you a copy! :D

EDIT: Just change this out for LOGAAAAAAAN! :0.0:


Seriously though... That's some good flyin' boy! I've taught you well. :cool:

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