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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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I'd love to give you some feedback, but I didn't get the new engine.... Whaaa (crocodile tears) lol.

I think your right though, Logan, the Eagle is a multipurpose utility craft, the Dropship only does one thing... it does it well, but that's about all it does... unless we get those fuselage parts and adapters :)

Did'ne get much testing done yesterday, by buddy owns a movie theater here in town and invited me out to see an early showing of the new Star Trek movie last night! Only me and him and his Dad and Sister in the whole theater :cool: Spoiler Alert: Khaaaaaaan!!!!! lol jk, I won't ruin it for you.

Oh, and Logan? About your new signature....

"We pray for one last landing, on the globe that gave us birth. To rest our eyes on the fleecy skies, and the cool green hills of Earth."


Edited by UltraVires
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I'd also love to give feedback.... but KSP has finally quit on me. ;~;

My computer is out of RAM and out of disc space. I need to get some upgrades soon, but to do that I need a job.... x3

This really does stink for me... I was hoping to be able to fly this beaut.

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  Kethevin said:
This dropship is exactly the type of craft I've been searching for!! Will it be released soon?

Thank you so much for the time you put into your mods. :-)

Glad people enjoy them, I figured with 19,345 other people making Stock type parts, we needed some serious sci-fi injection!

Looks like dropship will be in about... oh.. 8 hours? it's friday night for me tonight, so will have ample time to get it packaged and uploaded when I get home. We will still be working on it, but I don't see any

reason it at least can't be flown, I have successfully taken it from Kerbin to the Mun and landed safely about 12 times, trip to Duna and land safely once (but no fuel for return trip)

and I actually got to Eve and .. sort of landed.. well, Jebediah survived but the dropship crushed under the planets gravity.

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Hey Devo i was thinking that you could take a go at making some ships from Star Trek like the variants of the USS Enterprises and i do know it is going to be hard due to the unbalanced parts but i was thinking you could change the weights if thats even possible or put abunch of RCS Thrusters on it and hope for the best

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Saw this video and immediately thought of this thread. Please excuse me if you've already seen it, but it's a very close look of one of the Eagle models used filming Space 1999. Figured that y'all would enjoy it.

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  Knight123 said:
Hey Devo i was thinking that you could take a go at making some ships from Star Trek like the variants of the USS Enterprises and i do know it is going to be hard due to the unbalanced parts but i was thinking you could change the weights if thats even possible or put abunch of RCS Thrusters on it and hope for the best

Was going to do Trek ships before anything else, but then I got into KSP and realised the IVA is very limited.

Alot of people here rave about IVA, but I have to put my 2 cents in here, it's pretty frustrating. Can't unbuckle the seatbelt, can't go for a walk around (let alone float around) in IVA, and if you are

doing the Enterprise, or any other star trek ship - IVA is pretty crucial, especially when making something like an Enterprise bridge. I can't walk around, all I can do is have a tonne of kerbals sitting in seats and then control the camera angles to show different views. To me, this is a touch dull :( I want to give people an IVA they can walk around in, and with all the artificial-gravity in star trek, I don't think right now we could implement it with any decent authenticity.


Edited by Devo
awful spelling
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  Knight123 said:
You could try using MMM parts they are pretty much exactly what you are looking for you can walk in them in space he will soon also have an airlock for them and who know what else

Nah, not a fan of the MMM parts TBH, nothing in there I haven't done in some form or another on one of my ships.

Airlocks can't be added unless you use a special plugin or wait for squad, and as far as walking on them in space, no, he can't. You can float inside them, like the WT-51, but

unless he has invented some sort of magnetic boots, he's not walking, he's floating.

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  Texfire said:
Saw this video and immediately thought of this thread. Please excuse me if you've already seen it, but it's a very close look of one of the Eagle models used filming Space 1999. Figured that y'all would enjoy it.

That's a fantastic video. I think I may have linked to it myself back before the Kraken ate the forums. There was also another one that was a "behind the scenes" showing them doing the special effects. Had an interview with the designer IIRC.

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  Logan.Darklighter said:
That's a fantastic video. I think I may have linked to it myself back before the Kraken ate the forums. There was also another one that was a "behind the scenes" showing them doing the special effects. Had an interview with the designer IIRC.

God I love youtube :)

I actually had not seen that one yet.. man I want one of those 44" models! I love how they actually machined the RCS thruster cones and made brass fittings for the feet.

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  devogen said:
The amount of work that goes into doing a proper IVA is just not justified to me at the moment. Making models sure, but setting up an IVA so people can have the luxury of a few more camera angles doesn't appeal to me.

Hope this doesn't mean you don't want to do them at all. Such as smaller ships where the Kerbals are going to be sitting down and not moving around anyway. In particular I hope you do finish up the Eagle cockpit. The IVA from the Novapunch Gemini is a decent stand-in. But it would be awesome to have the actual cockpit from the Eagle. :)

BTW - I did mess around with the IVA on the Dropship. Ultimately I went with the B9 cockpit IVA. That works nicely. But you know what? You've got the bloody cockpit viewpoint INSIDE the cargo bay! LOL! Surely that can be worked on? :D

There's at least ONE very good reason to have an IVA - it's the only place where you can put a radar altimeter. You've got a general altimeter in the open view. But especially with ships like the Eagle and the dropship that need to work close to the surface a lot, being able to double check how high you are off the actual GROUND instead of where you are relative to sea level (or Zero level arbitrary for planets/moons with no oceans) is very important!

So yeah - we do need IVA's if only for that. (and who knows - there may be other things that Squad puts inside the IVA view later.)

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  devogen said:
God I love youtube :)

I actually had not seen that one yet.. man I want one of those 44" models! I love how they actually machined the RCS thruster cones and made brass fittings for the feet.

Oh yeah - I love the fact that the metal truss really actually IS... a metal truss. For real! :D

Though the brass feet are only on the passenger pod. the main landing gear pads are done in perspex.

You know what's REALLY neat though? The old school physical effects of jetting compressed gas out of the bottom thrusters to simulate the rockets. That's just F-ing awesome. :D

EDIT: Oh - and just because this is awesome in it's own way - a LEGO EAGLE. :D

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
adding video link
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@Logan, no I will still do IVA's but just not really focus on them. If I'm going to add them, it is to ships that can be flown effectively from the cockpit view, like the Eagle, the Dropship etc.

  Lazurkri said:
Any thoughts on making a Halo Pelican or a Phantom? I'm just curious if it'd be possible, as both are rather big ships.....

The Pelican is essentially a modern version of the Cheyenne dropship, it wouldn't be that difficult I don't think.

The Halo Phantom is a little too Alien looking I think for KSP... I agree it would look absolutely stunning in specular shading with that nice glossy glassy purple hull, but hmm Im afraid

I don't think I will be making those sorts of alien ships. Ideally anything I make sort of needs to be flown by a kerbal.

The developers have a list of things they are never going to add to KSP, one of which is alien races :(

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  Simplicity said:
What about the original Battlestar Galactica :)


am all for a galactica :D after the Sulaco ofc! need more huge ships in orbit how about one of the warhammer 40k ships i know lionhead had one but it dosn't work anyone :( they are big blocky and have lots of guns on also loads of places you can go abit crazy with details :)

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  Bigant said:
am all for a galactica :D after the Sulaco ofc! need more huge ships in orbit how about one of the warhammer 40k ships i know lionhead had one but it dosn't work anyone :( they are big blocky and have lots of guns on also loads of places you can go abit crazy with details :)

If I had some modelling help perhaps, it's a lot of work to try and get done in your spare time :/ currently I'm devoting pretty much every night to modding (my wife works nights, I works days.. hard with kids sometimes..) so yeah I have alot of free time to devote to it. Coming into winter here too, I don't really feel like going out in the cold and flying my drones or helicopters, so it's indoors for this aussie.

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i don't have much modeling experience with computers basically unfolding 3d models to make paper templates for my *Real* models thinking the newer galatica might be easier/better. its trying to become spring here *uk* so longer days. currently unemployed so i have plenty of time. what programs do you use for the modeling and things?

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  Bigant said:
i don't have much modeling experience with computers basically unfolding 3d models to make paper templates for my *Real* models thinking the newer galatica might be easier/better. its trying to become spring here *uk* so longer days. currently unemployed so i have plenty of time. what programs do you use for the modeling and things?

Just Blender and Unity, both free. There are a tonne of youtube tutorials there for blender, truth be told, I watched one tutorial on how to model something simple, I think it was a screwdriver from memory.. anyway, that tutorial pretty much covered all the basics, and once you have the hotkeys practiced, it's pretty quick to use.

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Someone made the "new" Galactica way back, I think in KSP v.13 or so. I remember it was impossible to control (almost) and not even close to the right size. I was just a little bigger than the launch tower back in those days. It was fast and had lots of fuel though, back then you could fly right into the middle of the sun, where the gravity was so high even that thing couldn't escape. It eventually tore itself apart in the center of the sun and I never flew it again. There were no other planets to go to, so it wasn't really much fun otherwise.

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Personally I think the new Galactica would be -

a) Easier to balance in terms of the engines

B) more interesting to model

c) It actually has bits to animate, unlike the original - the retracting launch/landing bays etc.

The old Galactica is a classic, no doubt. But the new one has become iconic in it's own right.

Plus - and this is a subjective call on my part - it seems to me to be a wee bit closer to the "near future" look that I think has come to characterize Wayland's output rather than the "Space Opera" look. Don't ask me why I get that impression. I just do. Heh.

Of course both versions are BLOODY HUGE - that could be a problem. Either you're going to need an orbital launch via the space dock mod or hyperedit or you'll need to use the anti-gravity mod. And something else to consider - likely you'd want to make it big enough to actually use those landing bays. Those are the size of aircraft carriers themselves. Yow...

Then again - Devo is building the Sulaco - let's see how that works.

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I think the main problem with the galactica would be the scale, yeah. Do one of the many other kerbal-scale sci-fi ships. How about Fireball XL-5? It has proper staging, docking and wings, and a few animated things, so it's a good fit for the KSP engine. Plus it's not very detailed so it would be quite easy to model and good for performance FPS-wise.

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  devogen said:
@Logan, no I will still do IVA's but just not really focus on them. If I'm going to add them, it is to ships that can be flown effectively from the cockpit view, like the Eagle, the Dropship etc.

Ah I see what you mean. And yeah - there wouldn't be much point to a Star Trek bridge IVA because there's no windows. (Unless you're doing the JJ. Abrams Enterprise which actually does have a window in front of the bridge crew - the Main screen is simply projected over that and I would guess that it could be shuttered closed. But I think most people are meaning the classic Enterprise.) Similarly the Galactica (either version) their wouldn't be much point to having that IVA.

Going back to Aliens - did we ever see the bridge of the Sulaco? I don't think we did? I know we saw the cockpit of the Nostromo in the first film and that had windows.

Incidentally, you know those big wide orange panels to the sides of the pilots chairs in the Eagle cockpit? They appeared to be backlit and served mainly as cockpit lighting. But I could see a different use. I wonder if in an update (like the 2099 concept) those might large video screens able to project views from cameras giving you a much wider view around the command pod? Not asking you to do that as an IVA element (stick to the classic Eagle cockpit!). Just wondering what you think of the concept.

The Pelican is essentially a modern version of the Cheyenne dropship, it wouldn't be that difficult I don't think.

Indeed. I looked up some images on it - might even be easier to make fly than the Cheyanne. In fact I bet it would fly a lot like the VTOL Pegasus.

The Halo Phantom is a little too Alien looking I think for KSP... I agree it would look absolutely stunning in specular shading with that nice glossy glassy purple hull, but hmm Im afraid I don't think I will be making those sorts of alien ships. Ideally anything I make sort of needs to be flown by a kerbal.

Yeah - that's a little too "out there".

The developers have a list of things they are never going to add to KSP, one of which is alien races :(

Aw... Well maybe that's something some modders can do in the future. :D

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  comham said:
I think the main problem with the galactica would be the scale, yeah. Do one of the many other kerbal-scale sci-fi ships. How about Fireball XL-5? It has proper staging, docking and wings, and a few animated things, so it's a good fit for the KSP engine. Plus it's not very detailed so it would be quite easy to model and good for performance FPS-wise.

Devo's planning someday to do Thunderbird 2. Somebody in the modding community once made a TB3. But it wasn't very detailed at all. In fact I think the mod has been abandoned now and it was pre-version .16.

With all the stuff Devo has learned with the Eagle and the Cheyanne, I bet TB 2 will be easier for him to do when he gets to it. :)

I'd like to see TB 1, a new, detailed version of TB3 and maybe even TB5 someday. TB1 and 3, like the Fireball, would be pretty easy to model for KSP really.

I was just looking up some images while thinking about that and while I love the classic TB1 -


I would not mind in the slightest if someone made a model based on this re-imagining! SLEEK!


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