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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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  shadowsutekh said:
I asked and got a simple response from Harv and sal, really quickly too. I bet thats where a lot of people will be heading for answers, so they're watching it, but it appears that most simple* mods should work using the old system.


*I know mods are actually incredibly complex in execution and somewhat in implementation too, but I think you get my point.

They always seem to release KSP updates when I am on the way to work!! :( So basically right now im sort of just trying to get some time in, but wont be able to do much until this afternoon.

My main concern is things like Damned Robotics and Hydrotech. When you are relying on other plugins to make some of your mods work, it can be a bit scary when updates happen.

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  Knight123 said:
Hey how long will .20 testing be

How long is a piece of string?

no seriously, I have barely even had a chance to play with it.

The bad news is, .20 broke Damned robotics, so that in turn broke the Dropship :(

very unhappy right now, but I will just have to push on.

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  devogen said:
How long is a piece of string?

no seriously, I have barely even had a chance to play with it.

The bad news is, .20 broke Damned robotics, so that in turn broke the Dropship :(

very unhappy right now, but I will just have to push on.

The Dropship may not be that broken after all...! The Eagle definately IS though, I can't even get the parts to connect properly, don't know what happened. The Dropship is still working though, even the animations, and with the nose Vtol, I think we can fine tune it enough to not need HydroJeb. Here are some screenies of some quick and dirty testing I've been doing since the update :cool:

First, the poor Eagle...


Now a much more hopeful situation with the Dropship



Passing the wreckage of a previous test flight... I'm reminded of the movie "Moon 44" for some reason... :D


Still a bit hard to control, especially with the wings out... but it crashes spectacularly! :cool:



I'll keep testing and see what I can come up with.

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oh yeah, that's fine Devo, just wanted to kinda give you some info to help you out. If you need any other help, let me know. It's nice that we got an update, and some optimizations (I really have noticed about 10-20% improvement in my game performance, so I'm real happy about that!) but it is a pain that pretty much all the mods have to be redone every time it happens.


And I totally agree with TommyGun below here.... Let's just play the game for a while and have... fun... :D

Edited by UltraVires
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  devogen said:
So much has been broken after .20, I really don't know what I'm going to do at the moment, I need some time.

Just take time off and play with the stock game for a while.

For all anyone knows there could be a 20.1 hot fix coming out in a week.

Go have fun and come back in a week or so and take on one project at a time.

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Well, before any mods can be updated, they are going to need to get this game in order. Right now, I am not having a great time with this version, I hope they release a patch very very soon. I am all for new features, but when they make old ones not work as well (like for me I can't walk on EVA, the camera goes all jittery now.. as soon as i grab the ladder, its all ok... but any walking on any surface makes the camera jitter, its really frustrating)

So yeah. um .. bring on 0.21

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  nikkri said:
so ture i just gona ceap wayting so i can get your asume mods

We'll see, it looks like there is an issue with rescaled parts and nodes, so basically there goes nearly all my parts. It will be a very long road to recovery.

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Hey Devo would you be able to post your current stage of the Sulaco project since Ultravires was saying something about the dropship working in .20 or something like that to bad about the fall of the eagle though it has been destroyed or atleast that what he was saying all connect points have been screwed up i dunno but is it possible for you to post them

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  Knight123 said:
Hey Devo would you be able to post your current stage of the Sulaco project since Ultravires was saying something about the dropship working in .20 or something like that to bad about the fall of the eagle though it has been destroyed or atleast that what he was saying all connect points have been screwed up i dunno but is it possible for you to post them

Right now all projects on hold. Will be releasing them all back one at a time in no particular order.

Damned Robotics is broken for 0.20, so that means no Sulaco, No Dropship - very dissapointed. Hopefully its updated soon.

APC might come out, we'll see.

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Hey Devo - how about we just release everything that Wayland had ready for .19 with the caveat that it'll be somewhat broken for 2.0. I'm sure a lot of people are still using .19 until the bugs get worked out of 2.0. (I know I am.)

I know that'd make a lot of people happy.

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  Logan.Darklighter said:
Hey Devo - how about we just release everything that Wayland had ready for .19 with the caveat that it'll be somewhat broken for 2.0. I'm sure a lot of people are still using .19 until the bugs get worked out of 2.0. (I know I am.)

I know that'd make a lot of people happy.

Most of the stuff is OK and I can fix it, what I cant fix is things like the rotating engines on the dropship, or I have them animated for Up or down, thats my only other option.

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  Hatsune_Neko said:
all my wayland mods are broke with the 0.20 release ( yes i just went thru all my downlaoded mods and redid all my mods to the new format )

just an FYI

Thanks yeah, it's an issue with the scale =1 in the part.cfg files, I am basically updating all the mods in order of popularity, so pegasus then the eagle etc.. anything that had over 10,000 downloads gets priority.

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  Knight123 said:
Hey as far as i can tell one of the most wanted things right now is the Sulaco project but i may be wrong also good luck dude amazing job with all your mods

Sulaco isn't really a problem , there is a few parts that have to be altered due to no damned robotics, but it can still happen, its the dropship im gutted about, a day from release and they break it :(

I really hope r4mon gets damned updated soon, so much relying on it for me.

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