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VR and multiplayer ( help )


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My friends and I have an idea: we want to replicate the Apollo 11 mission and fly together in VR mode. Is it possible to do that?

The plan is to have three people in the module wearing VR headsets, while a fourth person sits in the cockpit and either monitors the flight through the control center or films the exterior of the ship.

I would be grateful if you could help us—we’re just starting to play the game with our friends. If everything goes well, we plan to base our university thesis projects on the game. We will credit those who assist us significantly in our work.

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There are some buggy multiplayer mods out there, like luna multiplayer, but KSP was never designed for that. These mods allow players to fly different spacecraft simultaneously, but I’m not sure if it’s even possible to control a single spacecraft together that way, or if playing KSP with a VR headset is even possible (because of KSP's compexe UI and controls).

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