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Nuclear Rockets [WIP]


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That's looking fantastic

Please do use the big spherical pressure vessel design for at least one engine. It's gorgeous and just as plausible a design (more plausible really, due to it's superior containment strength, if you assume the engine isn't being developed as an extension of existing cylindrical reactor pressure vessels like the real-world NTRs were).

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Will bimodal NERVA engines that can use Liquid fuel and/or oxidizer be implemented in this mod? What about NERVA engines that also generate power when throttled down but still active (at the expense of generating heat)?

I always like to use part clipping to hide a RTG inside all of my NERVA using designs. It would be nice to have that feature included normally.

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As I mentioned in the other thread, I've been having fun playing with your engines and their cfgs. I finally came up with something I thought could be useful, but not overlap. From what I understand about fusion technology as it stands right now, it's not terribly accurate either, but that wasn't really the point.

Using the cfg from Hikari's Sabre engine, I learned how to make it consume fuel while not on! So I made a set of "fusion" engines that constantly consume fuel (at a vastly reduced rate) to produce large amounts of electricity. Since I don't know how to make a right-click menu that will toggle the fuel consumption off/on I bumped up their vacuum-ISP and Thrust values (by a factor of 10, for now- no idea how OP that's going to end up being). Once I figure that out, I'll tone them back. But I think I've got a decent concept, so I thought I'd share. Maybe even something you could include in your official pack! I also like your tanks. Looking forward to more of your work!

Edited by loppnessmonsta
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Will bimodal NERVA engines that can use Liquid fuel and/or oxidizer be implemented in this mod? What about NERVA engines that also generate power when throttled down but still active (at the expense of generating heat)?

I always like to use part clipping to hide a RTG inside all of my NERVA using designs. It would be nice to have that feature included normally.

I've definitely considered these things, and have roughed them out using modules, but the results are very messy. Ideally I'd do a plugin that allowed usage of multiple propellants, and production of a certain amount of usable heat by each reactor that could be used for propulsion or power generation if the right equipment is fitted. Also a heat management system because I think that's something sorely lacking in the game currently.

I'd like to write a plugin that will allow nuclear rockets to use anything that will flow through them as a propellant, but as I say that requires a plugin to work cleanly. I'm an 3D artist more than anything else so plugin writing will have to wait until I've either olerant more about coding, or found someone to help.

Anyway. I work really slowly but here's what I've been doing recently, tidying up the old engines to match each other and putting some nice shiny normalmaps together:


Hoping to release some stock-alike stuff soon.

I've also been toying with a less dense propellant and fuel tanks to facilitate the stuff. A cool idea in theory, but the ingame Nuclear Engine kind of ruins it because it's unreasonably efficient using standard rocket fuel. Why make a massive rocket to accomodate un-dense fuel when the standard stuff works just fine? I'll try some rebalancing in a more full-on mod pack.


For reference it's a 5m (taking the standard tanks to be 1.25 and 2.5m) diameter part.

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I've definitely considered these things, and have roughed them out using modules, but the results are very messy. Ideally I'd do a plugin that allowed usage of multiple propellants, and production of a certain amount of usable heat by each reactor that could be used for propulsion or power generation if the right equipment is fitted. Also a heat management system because I think that's something sorely lacking in the game currently.

I'd like to write a plugin that will allow nuclear rockets to use anything that will flow through them as a propellant, but as I say that requires a plugin to work cleanly. I'm an 3D artist more than anything else so plugin writing will have to wait until I've either olerant more about coding, or found someone to help.

I'll see what I can come up with. I'm not sure it'll be anything like what you want, since I don't actually know how to code; I just know how to manipulate existing code. kinda how i learn. but i should be able to rig something up!

Edit: Hmm. I tried to create a new resource and have a bunch of generator modules convert other fuels into that (which worked fine), but for some reason the engine depletes it all instantly, no matter what ratio i give it. weird. anyway, this is the important bit.



name = ModuleGenerator

isAlwaysActive = true



name = LiquidFuel

rate = .9




name = Oxidizer

rate = 1.1




name = MonoPropellant

rate = 10



I just picked LFO to MP at random. you can make that bit consume whatever you want and turn it into whatever you want the engine to consume. I think this is what you meant by being "messy" and i agree. but it should do what you have in mind. I'll keep working on it; right now i am tired.

Edited by loppnessmonsta
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I've definitely considered these things, and have roughed them out using modules, but the results are very messy. Ideally I'd do a plugin that allowed usage of multiple propellants, and production of a certain amount of usable heat by each reactor that could be used for propulsion or power generation if the right equipment is fitted. Also a heat management system because I think that's something sorely lacking in the game currently.

I'd like to write a plugin that will allow nuclear rockets to use anything that will flow through them as a propellant, but as I say that requires a plugin to work cleanly. I'm an 3D artist more than anything else so plugin writing will have to wait until I've either olerant more about coding, or found someone to help.

Anyway. I work really slowly but here's what I've been doing recently, tidying up the old engines to match each other and putting some nice shiny normalmaps together:


Hoping to release some stock-alike stuff soon.

I've also been toying with a less dense propellant and fuel tanks to facilitate the stuff. A cool idea in theory, but the ingame Nuclear Engine kind of ruins it because it's unreasonably efficient using standard rocket fuel. Why make a massive rocket to accomodate un-dense fuel when the standard stuff works just fine? I'll try some rebalancing in a more full-on mod pack.


For reference it's a 5m (taking the standard tanks to be 1.25 and 2.5m) diameter part.

This looks cool. Just... Cool.

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Haha sure, would you be OK with it weighing 22 tons though? :P

I'll leave big engines for what I've finally figured out how I want to balance them. Currently I've got in my mind an 'afterburning' nuclear engine for high thrust use. We'll see.

Also working on textures currently. I want to add more 'depth' than in the first engiens I did:

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22 tons is not so much for a huge mothership. Especially if it can push everything to Jool and back, in reasonable time, with fuel to spare:) Cluster of LV-Ns weights a lot, and adds a heap to part count. Not to mention enginering challenges of balancing (and strutting) everything properly. Being able to stick one hefty engine with high ISP and good thrust would be beneficial. Nuclear Lightbulb engine anyone? :wink:

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Haha sure, would you be OK with it weighing 22 tons though? :P

I'll leave big engines for what I've finally figured out how I want to balance them. Currently I've got in my mind an 'afterburning' nuclear engine for high thrust use. We'll see.

Also working on textures currently. I want to add more 'depth' than in the first engiens I did:

You mean like:

normal mode=high ISP (800+?)

afterburner=sligtly more than normal ISP (450?)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Kommit you took too long with my order, I finished the newspaper I was reading and drank 4 cups of coffee before I left.

I went home and made a home-made meal.

altered your FTmN 240 to a FTmn 600.

FTmN 600:

rescale factor= 1.5 ( fits 3.75m)

mass= 17

drag= .4

crash tolerance =10

max thrust = 600kn

liquid fuel ratio=6.0

oxidizer ratio=6.6

atmosphere curve remained the same.

Worked like a charm on my keth Moon hopper miner.


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So, any updates to show us, your fatman engines have been my go-to nuclear engine, and I love the extra tanks you've added!! Looking forward to seeing what you have cooking....
where can i get that donut-like tank under the lander pod?
So, any updates to show us, your fatman engines have been my go-to nuclear engine, and I love the extra tanks you've added!! Looking forward to seeing what you have cooking....

I'm going to release a few tanks (the toroidal one included) when 0.21 is out. I'm currently reworking my fatman engines and I'll put a collection of round tanks out with them when I re-release the pack.

In fact...


Here's the FTmN 240 re-work that I'm currently finishing. Including a thrust vectoring mechanism on the model, trying to make it look a bit more 'atom punk' and lowering the polygon count in the process!

The other nuclear engines that I posted are going to be in a pack that I'm planning out to use semi-realistic nuclear propellants, which I'm aiming to release soon too. They'll need big tanks to carry around all their propellant which should make them different to play with compared with standard engines. And since they use 'hydrogen' propellant, I'm considering implementing some kethane functionality so you can mine water/ice on other planets! That'll be down the line though.

Hey Kommitz, how about a Trimodal NTR?

I'm waiting until someone produces a suitable plugin/I can convince a plugin maker to help me. I've no hope of writing my own for ages.

Kommit you took too long with my order, I finished the newspaper I was reading and drank 4 cups of coffee before I left.

I went home and made a home-made meal.

altered your FTmN 240 to a FTmn 600.

Hah, neat. I am slowly working on some larger gas-core parts but I might reserve them for a 'blatantly overpowered' pack of theoretical engines. Considering doing a nuclear jet engine too, which would be a bit broken in KSP due to the lack of fallout, political fallout or any worries about throwing nuclear reactors around in the sky...it would also not require any additional fuel.

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Hah, neat. I am slowly working on some larger gas-core parts but I might reserve them for a 'blatantly overpowered' pack of theoretical engines. Considering doing a nuclear jet engine too, which would be a bit broken in KSP due to the lack of fallout, political fallout or any worries about throwing nuclear reactors around in the sky...it would also not require any additional fuel.

But.. but.. but! You're Doctor EGGMAN! Since when have you been worried about nuclear fallout? EVER?!

I call imposter! :P

But seriously, your engines look great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kommitz, just came to say thanks for the awesome Nuclear engines you designed. Love them, always used them for my deep space probes in 0.20 and still will, I don't even use add-on parts besides the usual mechjeb + kethane + kas + kerbal alarm clock + haystack!

Can't wait for the new tanks and the reworked FTmN 240 for 0.21. Will finally send a crew out with them :P

Edited by CaptainBlue
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