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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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The verniers will not wobble. I've tested that with stock, radially attached verniers inside the Proton's 3rd stage shroud. Parts that are not in the central stack do not add wobble to the rockets. Also, for that test with Proton, the verniers are well capable of steering the rocket, despite being puny stock radials. Please, at least try it out with Soyuz.

EDIT: Also, 0.23.5 is out. We've already seen the vids, Squad improved the joints. :) So try this one out, it might just bring improvement you want. Also, they apparently made the joints configurable, so you might spend some time playing with that, make sure they're realistic.

Oh, and do reconsider some other suggestions I gave you before. If the wobble is really gone, then you can do some truly incredible stuff. :)

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Since 23.5 the Buran shuttle isn't working for me. On launch it can't get off the pad, It seems the front landing gear or cargo section is stationary and does not move. Does anyone else have this problem?

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Since 23.5 the Buran shuttle isn't working for me. On launch it can't get off the pad, It seems the front landing gear or cargo section is stationary and does not move. Does anyone else have this problem?

No, my Buran works fine. Can you check your debug log? (alt+F12)

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No, my Buran works fine. Can you check your debug log? (alt+F12)

Yes, When I go to the debug menu it just says [Exception] ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in module cannot be loaded.

I've been running over 58 mods added to my game since 0.21 and this is the first time I've had a problem. I go heck every time they update trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. This is the first time I've ever had a problem like this though. Thank you for any help you could offer.

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Get rid of Buran Arms and try again. This is a bug with Robotic Arms plugin, it came with the new joint system. Romfarer is currently working on fixing it.

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do I need all the folders in the gamedata folder? I mean I do not know what JSI is and Lifesuppoert seems to be TACLifesupport which I'd rather get directly from the source to be sure I have the latest version.

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Hey Bobcat... had a REALLY weird thing happen. Took the Altair lander to the Mun and did a walkabout. I then sent them back into the lander and... THEY VANISHED.

It's like they got deleted off the ladder and not added to the Altair lander.

Was just after I took this piccy in fact...


Before 23.5 it worked fine... I did notice that when I got the kerbals out of the lander it didn't give me control of them. I had to manually tab with the ] button to move them.

I have a few plugin mods installed (Crew manifest, ECLSS, Mechjeb) so I'm going to do some checking later...

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There was 3 days of air left in the lander.... plus the regenerator was working on a load of CO2 as well so I don't think it was that. I reloaded and did it in orbit too... as soon as they enter the lander they vanish.

I'm going to play with removing stuff etc later to track down the culprit and I'm hoping that ECLSS isn't going bananas. I love making sure they have air to breath... I've lost them to timewarp but never to getting out and going back into a pod.

Oh yeah... forgot to say. If I just send one out and then go back in then that Kerb vanished. I just sent Jeb out and left Bob inside... and Bob is fine, even when Jeb does his vanishing act.

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Hey, bobcat, can you make the old soyuz models and launch ship? Like the 7K-OK? And the salyut? Plz. :D

One: Bobcat has stated that he will only maintain one Soyuz. Two:

im try update american pack, but not addnew ships or parts soon, too much work IRL.

Which means that he won't make any new parts any time soon. You should try reading this thread.

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I am having problems getting to orbit using the provided orion aries ship and I am using FAR (Faram Aerospace). I am at almost 300km and the solid rocket booster is still 1/8 of a SRF. If I try to turn the beast it either cartwheels or literally rips apart at the SRB and 2nd stage decoupler and the SRB goes wizzing off.

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I would just remove eclss and test it I had a similar problem and that was the root cause

I did. All I have installed is americapack, bobcatind, and JSI. I deleted the lifesupport folder. Has anyone launched these with faram aerospace and 0.23.5?

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Having another weird thing happening.

Launched Orion capsule... stock launch. Unfortunately when the pod plus service module detaches the pod comes loose. I have to use Tweakables to force the staging of the service to OFF and manually activate the engine.

I think I have something messed up with my mods (what with this problem with Orion and Altair) so I will make a full reinstall and double check. But everything worked fine before 23.5.

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