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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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Can this be launched same as Apollo/lm in same launch? Or does it need 2? 1 for Orion and 1 for Altair then orbital rendezvous and docking?

It's 2 launches. Ares V will bring up the Altair lander. After that is done,Ares I will bring up the Orion and then both ships dock in orbit.

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It's 2 launches. Ares V will bring up the Altair lander. After that is done,Ares I will bring up the Orion and then both ships dock in orbit.

Note that the lander will still have the second stage (the EDS) attached, and that's what will be used for transluna... er, transMunar injection.

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Note that the lander will still have the second stage (the EDS) attached, and that's what will be used for transluna... er, transMunar injection.

You're right daver,i totally forgot about that. Thanks for clarifying it,otherwise i might have led the poor guy astray :)

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Thanks Bobcat for the Orion m8... "Flies like I stole it"!!!!

Quick question though... How do you dock a pair of them together... 3 tries now and failed on each one. Does it only dock to the ISS dock???

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Ah, I remember IFE. I always felt like and idiot launching that Ares without proper solar panel folding mechanics, so they had to be out during launch. It'd be nice if he came back, but I doubt it.

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Thanks Bobcat for the Orion m8... "Flies like I stole it"!!!!

Quick question though... How do you dock a pair of them together... 3 tries now and failed on each one. Does it only dock to the ISS dock???

No I docked to the clamp-otron regular just now.

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Ok on the regular docking port... That's good to know.

But how about docking Orion to Orion... Every time I've tried it's a no go.

They aren't designed to dock wit h each other, the ports have a 'male' and 'female' side. Because the Orion capsules have the same docking port they wouldn't mesh in real life, unlike modules that use the Common Berthing Adapter, like the SpaceX Dragon cargo pod.

I clearly know nothing about NASA docking adapters... ;)

There isn't much room under the fairing on the Ares I for any adapters, so I'm not sure what to suggest.

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Oh! maybe he got whacked with the docking bug? I dunno. They aren't *supposed* (IRL) to but I guess KSP doesn't stop ports working with themselves.

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They aren't designed to dock wit h each other, the ports have a 'male' and 'female' side. Because the Orion capsules have the same docking port they wouldn't mesh in real life, unlike modules that use the Common Berthing Adapter, like the SpaceX Dragon cargo pod.

There isn't much room under the fairing on the Ares I for any adapters, so I'm not sure what to suggest.

Orion was supposed to use LIDS, which is androgynous. KSP doesn't care though, all docking ports are androgynous as long as the collision model works.

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I think it still will use LIDS as one of it's early manned missions will be flight and docking with ISS via the PMA which also uses LIDS, the same as the Shuttle docking adapter did.

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The Shuttles used the APAS-89 docking rings that were fitted for the Shuttle-Mir program and are also fitted to the PMAs.

LIDS (Low Impact Docking System) and its NASA implementation called NDS (NASA Docking System), were supposed to become an international standard that would facilitate international collaboration while improving on the old APAS system. However, it was mothballed for the ISS project in favor of Boeing's in-house SIMAC adapter. I'm not sure about the reason, but I think it was due to some disagreement with the Russians about the internal diameter of the docking adapter.

The plan is for two International Docking Adapter rings (IDA) to be carried to the ISS (not sure how) and fitted to the APAS-89 rings of the PMAs. Then, the COTS vehicles (DragonRider, CST-100 or DreamChaser) will be equipped with SIMAC and dock to the IDA/PMA. Cargo vehicles will continue to use CBM and berthing instead of docking.

Orion is never going to the ISS. Therefore it is not constrained to SIMAC and exploration missions could use the NDS/LIDS system. I don't think a decision has been made yet.

Anyway, I have no problems with docking BobCat's Orion:


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