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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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Sure is cool all these Mods Paul keeps releasing... to bad he cant be bothered to make all the old ones "FRICKEN WORK RIGHT"..... All seriousness, I love your work, but as a Mod maker, minor developer, you need to maintain your Adds especially if they are still in use and enjoyed by the fans. Not doing so makes you look unprofessional and this leads to being overlooked in game development. Cheers people, hope this message gets through.

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Dude Not Cool. Bobcat is one of the best modders on here. That was uncalled for and totally makes you come off looking like a self entitled whiner. The only mod that still has issues is HOME and that's getting replaced soonish. So if it's that much of a issue for you, take your ball and go home.

Edited by HGGundamReviews
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  ArkaelDren said:
Sure is cool all these Mods Paul keeps releasing... to bad he cant be bothered to make all the old ones "FRICKEN WORK RIGHT"..... All seriousness, I love your work, but as a Mod maker, minor developer, you need to maintain your Adds especially if they are still in use and enjoyed by the fans. Not doing so makes you look unprofessional and this leads to being overlooked in game development. Cheers people, hope this message gets through.

How rude is it. You can't imagine how many hours we spend in making mods for you. We're not professional developpers nor programmers so many issues still be in the released mods. Sometimes we can't find a way to fix or don't want to spend hours and hours for minor bugs.

Bobcat is a great modder making great work so don't be rude with him. If you find his mods are too buggy, just try to fix it by yourself, he would be very gratefull to you and the community too.

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  NeoMorph said:
Like the update but for some reason the LER Cargo has a bad clipping problem with the LER's jiggling about like crazy. Causes an eventual collapse of the launch vehicle before orbit.

I decoupled the fairing so it is easier to see out of the cab. As you will see, there seems to be a clipping problem causing the whole LER to bounce about like crazy while the Kerbals and the platform the LER's are sitting on are rock solid. These are the stock "LER cargo AresV" craft builds.

BobCat didn't put decouplers between the LERs and the Altair cargo deck, which means they are too low in the stock .craft... and you can't deploy them once they land. In the VAB, try removing the LER from the cargo base and popping a blue stock separator in there (the one that doesn't have an explosive charge) then remounting it on the separator. Then set it up in your staging and/or action groups. I have no clipping or payload instability once I did that.

  NeoMorph said:

I seem to also be using the EDS to get into 100km final orbit. Must be doing something wrong I guess.

  Good_Apollo said:
I've been arriving at the Mun with the EDS fueled enough to do a circularization burn and at least half of an inclination burn before I stage it to the lander. It's only meant to be parked in LEO so when you factor in KSP's rescale you should be putting it into a 70-80KM orbit. At least, that's what I've been doing.

The EDS is only was intended only to circularise the orbit of the payload stage into a parking orbit, then accelerate it into a Lunar rendezvous trajectory, after which is is separated from the Altair/Orion package and left to colide with the Moon. I put mine into a 120km parking orbit just fine and it did the Munar transfer okay from there. One thing you might try if you can is using a less steep ascent profile and starting you gravity turn lower. There might be some stability issues doing that by hand, I don't know, I use MechJeb to fly my ascents because it's much easier to dial in the ascent profile and as such more fuel efficient.

  ArkaelDren said:
Sure is cool all these Mods Paul keeps releasing... to bad he cant be bothered to make all the old ones "FRICKEN WORK RIGHT"..... All seriousness, I love your work, but as a Mod maker, minor developer, you need to maintain your Adds especially if they are still in use and enjoyed by the fans. Not doing so makes you look unprofessional and this leads to being overlooked in game development. Cheers people, hope this message gets through.

You're the only person that's overlooking BobCat. Clearly you haven't noticed the huge amount of work he puts in that he doesn't get paid for. The old rule is always true, if you think you can do better, you are welcome to try...

I for one have played a lot of games over the past 10 years or so with mods and add-ons that are community made. BobCat ranks up there as one of the best. His mods are visually and functionally excellent. Sure they have bugs but we do work in this thread to narrow those down and help him fix them. Some of them have been things that are beyond BobCat's control (the game patches, plugins he uses not being ready for the new game etc.).

Edited by MDBenson
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LoL so much rage for the poor guy...Im quiet sure he knows how much work is put into it...but you must take a look from his perspective, maybe he used HOME extensively...or Jool V...or the Lunokhod...Im not saying that hes right...hell no, I appreciate BobCats work, I wonder if he even has time to play the friggin game, but theres no need for this kind of answers guys...really.

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  dimovski said:
LoL so much rage for the poor guy...Im quiet sure he knows how much work is put into it...but you must take a look from his perspective, maybe he used HOME extensively...or Jool V...or the Lunokhod...Im not saying that hes right...hell no, I appreciate BobCats work, I wonder if he even has time to play the friggin game, but theres no need for this kind of answers guys...really.

With respect, I know English is not your first language, but bold text is not shouting or rage, it's just used to make a point clear. If I was raging I'd be doing it IN CAPS! :)

To be honest, I disagree anyway. I think people who make ignorant or arrogant remarks without considering the modder's hard work and real life circumstances need telling they are out of order. If you won't do it then others will. I can understand people find bugs frustrating but coming and posting in this thread with an attitude like that stinks. frankly, and it's unacceptable.

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  dimovski said:
LoL so much rage for the poor guy...Im quiet sure he knows how much work is put into it...but you must take a look from his perspective, maybe he used HOME extensively...or Jool V...or the Lunokhod...Im not saying that hes right...hell no, I appreciate BobCats work, I wonder if he even has time to play the friggin game, but theres no need for this kind of answers guys...really.

Those mods still work AFAIK. I don't see what the problem is.

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  ArkaelDren said:
Sure is cool all these Mods Paul keeps releasing... to bad he cant be bothered to make all the old ones "FRICKEN WORK RIGHT"..... All seriousness, I love your work, but as a Mod maker, minor developer, you need to maintain your Adds especially if they are still in use and enjoyed by the fans. Not doing so makes you look unprofessional and this leads to being overlooked in game development. Cheers people, hope this message gets through.

Similar naive arguments were made about another mod a few days ago. Read what is at this link to help clarify things: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33168-20-2-KW-Rocketry-2-4?p=456681&viewfull=1#post456681

Also read #224.

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Thanks, Jack, I think sal's post (#224 in the thread linked above) pretty-much sums it up. These people work hard for no pay and produce amazing work. That the work occasionally has bugs and mistakes in is something you are welcome to point out and if you have a possible solution by all means let them know, but don't complain about it like they are required to fix it.

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I love Bobcat's work and don't have that much problem with the mods at all. I only pointed out the stock build of the LER cargo because I know a bunch of people would be screaming "YOUR MOD SUX CUZ IT BLOWS UP B4 ORBIT!!!1111 IT DWNT WERK!!!111" lol.

I've been having fun making an Altair Kethane Mining Rig. I messed built it fine then totally screwed up the staging so that when I got to the moon orbit I decoupled the EDS and found the I was still controlling EDS while the lander glided away... Switched to the lander and couldn't control it. Engine fully fueled, electric fine etc.... but I couldn't control it. Took me an age to find the problem, and yes, it was me screwing up the build. Fixed it finally but have yet to fly it to the Mun to try out.

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Wait a second...I havent meant rage like RRRRAAAAAAAGGGEEE, sure, bad wording...but what can you do :P

Anyway, I dont have any idea about HOME, I just read its supposedly not updated...if youre using 0.20, the Jool V wont work quiet out, no scale = 1.Sure, easy fix, but still, its not updated.And the Lunokhod still isnt using proper wheels, it was made in 0.18.4 IIRC, that makes it slightly difficult to control, you know.

Also, yes, I agree, the comment wasnt needed...but seriously, its like BobCat would go cry cause of that and stop making mods forever!Im quiet sure he can mark that under spam and stop caring...Whats much more frustrating is people asking for preassembled *drumroll* 3 parts landers...or an instruction on building them...now THAT is sad.

And also, the author of that post maybe isnt so good in English, maybe he meant something else?Maybe he did not want to sound ignorant?!:wink:

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  MDBenson said:
The EDS is only was intended only to circularise the orbit of the payload stage into a parking orbit, then accelerate it into a Lunar rendezvous trajectory, after which is is separated from the Altair/Orion package and left to colide with the Moon. I put mine into a 120km parking orbit just fine and it did the Munar transfer okay from there. One thing you might try if you can is using a less steep ascent profile and starting you gravity turn lower. There might be some stability issues doing that by hand, I don't know, I use MechJeb to fly my ascents because it's much easier to dial in the ascent profile and as such more fuel efficient.

Thanks for tweaking my memory about the EDS! I have the Orion and the Altair/EDS docked in Kerbin orbit (time is precious these days, so I execute phases when I can), so I'll go back and review the mission profile video so I get this somewhere in the ballpark of correct the first time. I completely agree about using MJ for the ascents. It took a few launches, but I have the profile dialed in tight now.

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Just stopped by to say Bobcat is doing his usual Awesome job making parts! :cool: If you stick a couple of solar panels and a Kethane detector on the EDS, once you detach the lander... it makes a good satellite! And the LER... what can I say about the LER... :D Don't even think I need a DEMV now! I drive it sideways half the time, just for fun! :P

Speaking of solar panels... I am having some trouble getting the solar panels to stay on the Orion Service module. When I get to orbit, and jettison the fairings on the service module they usually take off some solar panels with them. I've edited the configs to make the jettison force lower, which seems to help, but I still sometimes lose a panel or two! That's the only actual problem I've found in the pack so far...

Great Work Bobcat! Now that we have Russian and American spaceships... all we need is working multiplayer, and we can do Apollo-Soyuz! You bring Vodka, I'll bring Bourbon, and good times will be had by all! Lol

Edit: Just thought of this... Is there a way to dock the Russian and American pack ships together? Hmmm. Off to check if the Apas 69 will fit on the Orion port...

Edited by UltraVires
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  POTKC said:
Could you make a wallpaper out of that?

Click on the picture, then click on the picture again in the Imgur frame. Right-click, "Save image as...", then save it to your machine and set it as the wallpaper.

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The visuals are awesome, as usual. The problem I have is that both Ares-I and V are almost unflyable with FAR installed :( I only make it to orbit every 5th or so try... Does anyone else have same problem, or there is some issue among my kazillion of mods?

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That great... very cool, im never can make thats screenshots... ((

The visuals are awesome, as usual. The problem I have is that both Ares-I and V are almost unflyable with FAR installed

Im never use FAR. If FAR so cool , maybe squad install them to stock game. I dont know.

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  BobCat said:
Im never use FAR. If FAR so cool , maybe squad install them to stock game. I dont know.

It bring real-life aerodynamics to KSP - something that I personally miss the most in stock game. So, yes, it is really cool :) Your Soyuz, Proton and even Buran-Energia flies just fine with FAR if one is careful about piloting it.

I'm not saying that you should check it's working with FAR (although I'd certainly be eternally thankful to you for doing so :) ), I merely ask other players if they have the same problem I do.

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