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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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Paul are you saying this new format does not allow the adjustment in the cfg file, or is it by choice? Sorry to hear this if you guys "don't" have the option to include these settings. I know you have always liked giving people the choice to alter and change these settings themselves.

Thx man, some of you guys are really making KSP a much greater game to play.


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That's how it should be, Orion on it's own can't get to Moon. It needs EDS from the Ares V for that.


I did get to the Mun using the Orion and the Ares 1 second stage. I finally figured out a launch profile that left me with just enough fuel to finish civilizing a orbit of 72k. Sent up a refueling prob and docked and transfered enough fuel for the transfer burn, than had another fuel prob waiting for me in orbit around the Mun.

That gave me enough fuel to dock with the Altair lander and send the Orion home (3kerbals short). But I one thing I noticed is that there is still quite a lot of fuel left over in the lander after I landed. From the looks of it I think we can launch both the Orion and the Altair lander, dock them in LKO and use the landers rockets for the Mun transfer burn. Then once in Mun orbit transfer enough fuel back to the lander to get it to the surface and then dock the Orion to a fuel prob to get enough fuel for the trip home.

That's at least what I'm going to try on my next trip.

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Paul are you saying this new format does not allow the adjustment in the cfg file, or is it by choice? Sorry to hear this if you guys "don't" have the option to include these settings. I know you have always liked giving people the choice to alter and change these settings themselves.

Thx man, some of you guys are really making KSP a much greater game to play.


Let me see if I can translate to laymen's terms. The original rovers were created using the TT wheel mod plugin thingy, this is because at the time the game didn't have stock wheels.

The new rovers will use stock wheel module from squad and will work the same as any other wheel. The stock wheels don't have these extra cfg options, so he can't turn those on.

The reasons for using the stock wheel as opposed to a plugin wheel is ease of updating, (the mod will not become broken when squad updates) prevents incompatibilities, and smaller download.

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Was not layman's terms I needed, due to his English being a bit sketchy, and my Russian non existent, I just did not understand what you made clear. Being careful with the term "Layman" is a good suggestion. This could offend someone that has a degree in Aero engineering... But to be fair, I am extremely slow, so maybe you did the right thing.:confused:

This is really to bad, would you not agree? Its kinda sad that resizing a part to re purpose is now a bit mute, being the ability to change the spring and dampening rates are crucial to heavier loads. I am very sad now, cause I love using parts for multiple purposes. I have a large 4 piece crane system that needs different sized wheels/tracks, and I cant get the current configuration of TTModular wheels, rubberbands tracks, or the other myriad of like parts to work with out changing their spring rates.

edit: Hey Moon Goddess, would you be willing to answer a few questions I have via PM's, would love to pick your brain about a few things if you have the time.

Edited by ArkaelDren
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ModuleManager can't find a part name with a space in it. I stripped the spaces from the part names and modified the craft files to match. Now ModuleManager can modify the data for these parts. Please include these changes from MechJeb and RemoteTech for All and repack your add-ons.

Existing ships and persistent.sfs files will have to be edited to have the new part names. Maybe a batch or vbscript file could make this easy for the users.

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dont know what exactly is going on right now but.. any chance of making the Vostok spaecraft?

This question has been asked A LOT of times, and every time the answer from Bobcat has been a resounding "Maybe, but it's very low on my list".

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Anyone know if this works with 0.21?

Just took the Soyuz TMA to a 150km orbital test flight. She still flies like a dream, even thought the ASAS isn't in line with the 0.21 paradigm yet.

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Its really to bad Paul has a life outside Kerbin, cause I am going to do a little pleading, that if he checks in on the forums tonight, please bud, consider giving us a bit of your time. Because playing KSP with out your Mods for me feels like KSP is missing a right arm...


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Yeah, I absolutely love this mod but can't get it to work with 0.21.1 Everything I use has been updated and/or seems to be working okay, but I can't even get the game to load with the Soviet and American packs installed. I'm sure it will be addressed soon enough. This is the most 'on it' modding community in the gaming world.

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Its really to bad Paul has a life outside Kerbin, cause I am going to do a little pleading, that if he checks in on the forums tonight, please bud, consider giving us a bit of your time. Because playing KSP with out your Mods for me feels like KSP is missing a right arm...


True, I want to start building the Mir.

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The game loads fine for me with the American pack installed.

I've got the American and Soviet packs installed, minus the Buran parts and the dependent DLLs, and KSP is loading fine.

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American pack updated to 0.24

- 0.21.1 compatibility

- new SRB model



Soviet pack updated to 1.8.8

-0.21.1 compatibility

-delete old structure and control parts (MIR_ASAS and MIR_probe)

-delete old craft file (For new craft files wait next update)

(Soviet pack assymetric crafts Kliper and Buran have little problem white new ASAS system, wait next update)

Edited by BobCat
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@Dexadrinne, just download the soviet pack then? also, as I don't use the buran (yet). I delete all the buran parts from GameData\BobCatind\SovietPack\Parts

@BobCat: áÿðÑÂøñþ!

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Hi guys.

I'm just interested in the Soviet stuff.. From what i can gather it includes both Soviet and US items.. Trying not to clutter my list of parts :)

If you only want soviet items, then only download the soviet pack. The american pack is separate.

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Hey Bobcat, as a seperate pack, could you make parts for the rocket you see in the Red Alert 3 Soviet campaign?


That and the rocket you can see ingame taking off from Krasna-45 in the same mission as the one were you first see that image.

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If you only want soviet items, then only download the soviet pack. The American pack is separate.

Thxs for that mate.. Saw the linky at the bottom.. Cheers :)

As a Side note i found an error on the Aerodynamics page. The wings preview.. Looks well weird... Sorry to be a pain :(



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Hey Bobcat, as a seperate pack, could you make parts for the rocket you see in the Red Alert 3 Soviet campaign?

*image snip*

That and the rocket you can see ingame taking off from Krasna-45 in the same mission as the one were you first see that image.


1. Were those rockets designed for Red Alert 3, or were they based off of something else?

2. We'll need more images if there are not any pesky copyright laws in the way.

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