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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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Spiral its only military plane. totaly not.

Ah well, let's go see if CBBP or whoever manages his Kosmos pack now will do it. How about a more accurate docking module for the LOK? You know, the one that fits into the honeycomb on the LK.

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Ok. thanks. Im remake it

It should also (I think) be bigger than the current Blok-D model. The Blok-D has the same diameter (4.1m) as the 2nd and 3rd stages of the Proton, and should fit smoothly as the 4th stage of the Proton below the payload shroud adapter.

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It should also (I think) be bigger than the current Blok-D model. The Blok-D has the same diameter (4.1m) as the 2nd and 3rd stages of the Proton, and should fit smoothly as the 4th stage of the Proton below the payload shroud adapter.

He made it this size for a reason. I don't remember the reason...

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He made it this size for a reason. I don't remember the reason...

Like the man said, he made the Proton later! Seriously, I think it's scaled to the Soyuz and not the Proton. If memory serves (I'm at work and not able to access the game) it's the same diameter as the Soyuz SM.

Of course that's why I love it -- it makes for an awesome and (for the size) ridiculously powerful probe stage, besides working as intended (as the LK/LOK braking stage). But with the new Fregat, which is also an awesome and appropriately-sized probe stage, if he's going to redesign the Blok-D, might as well scale it to the Proton....

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Ok. thanks. Im remake it

That's great to hear. If it's going to be to Proton what Fregat is to Soyuz, it's going to be really useful indeed.

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It should also (I think) be bigger than the current Blok-D model. The Blok-D has the same diameter (4.1m) as the 2nd and 3rd stages of the Proton, and should fit smoothly as the 4th stage of the Proton below the payload shroud adapter.

Yea I agree. Currently Block D is so lightweight that Soyuz LV can lift it with Soyuz S/C on top of it! In real life it weigh about 18500 kg so there is absolutely no way Soyuz could lift it into orbit, not to mention Soyuz S/C on top of it.

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Bug report time! So I loaded the Buran up with the Mir Core Module (Core module, Mir asas, 6 docking ports, 2 Mir solar panels), and after a rails warp (the warp that freezes everything from rotating), the Mir teleports out of the Buran, and the debug console is throwing out the same error.



Here we see the core module has decided to break physics...


Then again, the physics were already broken :D


I'll go ahead and re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-install KSP to see if the error will get fixed.

Additional: Re-install of KSP did not fix issue... my CPU is an AMD phenom X2 955 quad core.

Additional Additional: Looks like I'm the only who has this issue. Either that or everyone is asleep. Anyway, tried using unbreakable joints, and that didn't "solve" the issue. My next test is to see if the Kvant-2 has the same issue. Back in the day, the Kvant-2 was the problem child. I expect to see it break as well.

Results from the Kvant-2 test:

An error popped up after warp

A few seconds into burn

At 4:40, structural failure between the docking port probe and the Kvant-2

Notable differences with the Kvant-2 setup: Different docking port, and obviously, the Kvant-2. Changes this round: Didn't get the infinite error thing that prevents you from ending flight. Next test: Remove Mir docking ports and use stock ports.

I almost forgot to add in that I did a couple of tests with the proton, and did not receive any errors. The set up was Proton decoupler, Pavillo probe collar from kosmos, TR-2V stack decoupler, Mir docking port drogue, Mir Core. I was testing the configuration to see if it would error out with the proton, and it did not. In fact, it's in orbit right now. This would lead me to conclude that the physics engine is in need of some attention that it might not get till later in the year.

Final test conclusions: I replaced the Mir docking port drogue with a stock clamp-O-tron, same error popped up (mir core module in buran). This shouldn't be happening as I've done this same exact procedure before, and had no errors. I do not know what's different this time around other than this is the .19.1 update. I think I managed to get the Mir core in the buran into orbit back in .18.4, and perhaps .18.2 However, I can not remember.

Edited by Deltac
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Deltac, judging by the NON-transparent windows, are you running the DEV build of 2.0.7? or the 'regular' build?

I have launched every part of the Mir via the Buran, using Mj 2.0.7 'regular' and had no problem.

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Deltac, judging by the NON-transparent windows, are you running the DEV build of 2.0.7? or the 'regular' build?

I have launched every part of the Mir via the Buran, using Mj 2.0.7 'regular' and had no problem.

Downgrade to MJ 2.0.7 had no effect. Null Reference error still pops up. I'm basically going to blame my processor.

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Deltac: Don't know if this will work (or do anything), but have you tried setting the processor affinity of KSP.exe to only use one processor? Do you have a graphics card that supports PhysX? Maybe try turning that off?

It does sound like you're getting physics hiccups, which (if you go to the support thread and spend a ton of time slogging through it....) is often related to issues with physics calculations getting mismatched with gameflow calculations. Basically, the game has moved on while the physics processor (whatever it may be) is still thinking, and when the physics processor is done with its calculation, the frame of reference has moved. Hence, parts flying around and unexpected stresses on connections and stuff.

It's worth a shot.

Separately, I was having weird slowdown issues myself, which would often lead to crashes. I was never able to fix it. Plus, it seemed that bringing a slowed-down ship close to an otherwise fine ship would "infect" the other ship somehow. Bizarre to the max. It culminated with my little refueling station suddenly accelerating to about 15,000 m/s after being unpacked, whereupon I just did "end flight" on all the affected craft. And I haven't had the problem since (fingers crossed).

The moral of the story is "keep trying stuff, even if you don't think it makes any sense, because KSP works in strange ways." I wish you luck. And there's always the Proton...

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Well, I set the affinity to one core... and then that core went to 100% load, and I lost quiet a bit of FPS. So I set it to 2 cores. I then went into my Nvidia control panel, and set the PhysX to CPU. The error still cropped up. I think I'm going to go ahead and take a break from KSP, since it is an alpha game after all.

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Not soon?SO IT IS COMING SOMEDAY?I loveyouloveyouloveyouloveyou!

EDIT:btw,you like us giving you pics for stuff,or is it not nesessary?(no,i dont have any idea how to spell that)

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