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Hey everyone,

I'm Wice and I've been playing KSP for about two weeks now. I've spent some time reading the Wiki and the Subreddit while the forum was down. In the mean time, while playing around 32 hours a day, I've mad a list of things that I thought would improve the current game. I haven't had time to work them out and crosscheck what has been said on the forums already, so I'll just place the list in my introduction thread as not to polute the suggestions forum with "Yes, this has been suggested a thousand times"-ideas :D

- Crew lashed to ship, safer EVA

- Item name in construction when hovering over it, maybe some details

- Test items in construction (example: open solar panel)

- Make/edit/move/delete folders for ship storage

- Reorder parts in VAB selection window, (Example: most used first)

- Couple with protected and inline docking ports in construction (open them, then connect)

- Component settings in VAB: Open/close & enable/disable components by default in construction (example: disable crossfeed to coupled component by default instead of doing it on the launchpad)

- Component control panel (central screen to enable/disable the components, instead of clicking on each indivdual part

- Perhaps even configurable layout of the Component control panel -> Build your own cockpit

- Stack (and unstack) parts that are not connected to main vehicle

- Space-crane to move docked parts (Move a module from one coupling point to another)

- Edit Action Groups for launched vehicle

- Throttle percentages

- Visual representation of drag

- Statistics (realtime and post-mission) -> graphs that show speed, altitude, drag over time with icons of stages on it (Like AoE 2 postgame)

- Cargoholds

- Fully electrical engines

- Double parachutes: Larger one for slowing down a bit, which is ejected at a certain altitude, after which a smaller one will slow it down more

- Moving inside spacestation from module to module

- Module builder (Build without the need for a capsule)

- Add modules to ship (connected by docking ports) before launch (instead of the modules being part of the design)

- Import components

- Selfdestruct (basically adding a bomb-component that can be detonated (timer or via macro) Example: Undock a module, blast it away with the Sepratrons and then blow it up)

- Larger Xenon container (Size of SAS etc)

- Macro’s (Select a few actions and run them. Example: Undock, then fire Sepratrons)

o The context menu (rightclick) of a part should show all the macro’s that address this part, making it easier to run a macro. (Example: I want to retract all the solar panels on the left side, so I make a macro for this and assign it to only the solar panels on the left side of the station. When I rightclick one of the solar panels on this side of the station, the macro appears in the context menu. When I click the macro all solar panels on the left side are retracted)

o Conditional macro’s: scripts that are run automatically, based on conditions (Example: If no sunlight falls on solar panel, retract it)

- Space Simulator

o Test how things would function in space, without having to actually bring them into orbit first.

o Assemble different parts to design space station layout

o Darkness like in space to test lighting properly

- Ability to enable/disable power supply from Launch Stability Enhancers

- Release clamp of Launch Stability Enhancers that is not connected to main vehicle

- Rotating disks: Rotate connected part (rotate part of your space station) and rotating ring (rotates itself and any small parts (lamps, batteries etc) attached to it without rotating the parts on either side of it)

- Moveable lamps

- Illuminated ring (Size of Z-500 battery, maybe even has small battery built in)

- Lock objects: Don’t accidentally pull something apart by miss-clicking

- Manually set rotation of solar panels

- Lock rotation of solar panels

- Start Multiple instances of KSP: Control ‘Ship A’ in ‘Window 1’, control ‘Ship B’ in ‘Window 2’

- Multi-monitor support

- Space Elevator ïÂÅ 

- Choose time to start launch sequence (instead of warping time and waiting)

- Control decoupled objects through antenna (if present)

- Enable/Disable drone modules (if more than one)

- Enable/Disable parts like ASAS and SAS

- Programming

- Default action button: Every component (that has actions) has a default action, when you rightclick in and then press a certain key on your keyboard, the standard action is used, instead of having to click it in the context menu (Example: A solar panel has ‘open’ as default action, you rightclick it, press the action button on your keyboard and the panels open. After this the default action is automatically changed to ‘retract’ so pressing the action button again will close it)

- FIX: Tricoupler functions properly upside down

- FIX: Can’t radially mount shielded docking ports to vertical Rockomax Jumbo-64

- Emotions: Kerbals sad when one of them dies

- Action buttons (Lights on/off) in “Flights in Progress†list of the Tracking Station: I have several mobile lightposts stationed around the Launchpad to light my rocket but sometimes I want to see how well the lights on the rocket illuminate it, to do that I manually have to take over all the lightposts (They’re probe vehicles) and switch the lights off. It would be nice if you could do things like this from the Tracking Station.

When I've spent some more tiem reading the forum, I'll work these out based on what hasn't been suggested yet.

Any way, it's good to see the forum is finally (back) up, and it's nice to be here!

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