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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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but from recollection KSP grabs the click before mod code so might not be any good. I'll look at em again

I meant using EzGUI directly where you have essentially full control and can do whatever you want. I think your version uses the standard Unity GUI, if I'm looking at the right thing.

Here's an example that will prevent any interaction with the SpaceCenter buildings or view but still allow the player to click on the various buttons:

[KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.SpaceCentre, true)]
class TriggerUIButtonTest : MonoBehaviour
UIButton blocker;

void Start()
var uiCamera = Camera.allCameras.ToList().Find(c => c.name == "EZGUI Cam");

blocker = UIButton.Create("ButtonTest.Blocker", Vector3.zero);
blocker.renderCamera = uiCamera;
blocker.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("EzGUI_UI");

var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
texture.SetPixels(new Color[] { new Color(0f, 0f, 1f, 0.1f)}); // nice peaceful blue for debug purposes

blocker.Setup(Screen.width, Screen.height, new Material(Shader.Find("Sprite/Vertex Colored")) { mainTexture = texture });

// just cover the screen with it
var buttonPosition = uiCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0f, Screen.height, 0f));

buttonPosition.z = 0f;
blocker.transform.position = buttonPosition;

blocker.AddValueChangedDelegate(delegate(IUIObject obj) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("You clicked the background button", 3f); });

If you placed one invisibly behind each of your windows, you needn't worry about scene clickthrough in most scenes although you'll still have a problem if somebody's Unity GUI window gets placed on top of yours

Edited by xEvilReeperx
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I meant using EzGUI directly where you have essentially full control and can do whatever you want...

Wow.. just wow.

Alright maybe more, I didnt even know you could use the EzGUI stuff - thought we were restricted to the basic Unity stuff. I'll give that a go. Thanks heaps

- - - Updated - - -

Does anyone know how to fix date alarms on our own?

What problem do you have?

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Hey, I have version v2.7.7.0 installed, and I just upgraded to KSP 0.24.1. In my career mode save, if I have the Kerbal Alarm Clock installed, I can't revert any flights. Instead I get a weird dialog window without any text and the flight keeps going. There are also a lot of object errors in the console.

Everything seems to work in sandbox mode, and after uninstalling Kerbal Alarm Clock everything works in career mode as expected, or appears to.

I'm also using VOID, Toolbar, PreciseNode and Enhanced Navball.

I can get a screenshot or w/e data if you like.

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Hey, I have version v2.7.7.0 installed, and I just upgraded to KSP 0.24.1. In my career mode save, if I have the Kerbal Alarm Clock installed, I can't revert any flights. Instead I get a weird dialog window without any text and the flight keeps going. There are also a lot of object errors in the console.

Everything seems to work in sandbox mode, and after uninstalling Kerbal Alarm Clock everything works in career mode as expected, or appears to.

I'm also using VOID, Toolbar, PreciseNode and Enhanced Navball.

I can get a screenshot or w/e data if you like.

Hiya, I havent seen 24.1 yet (but the changelog has some things that could be problemmatic) so will need to see if it works or not first, If you have the time to post a log or screenshot that should be useful. No ETA on an update for this one

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Hiya, I havent seen 24.1 yet (but the changelog has some things that could be problemmatic) so will need to see if it works or not first, If you have the time to post a log or screenshot that should be useful. No ETA on an update for this one

Hey Trigger,

So after more experimentation, I don't think the problem is actually caused by Kerbal Alarm Clock. Tonight (with no Kerbal Alarm Clock installed) I spent some time making my first SSTO in career mode (or trying anyway). When I tried playing around with it, I essentially got a game freeze whenever the flight ended or I tried to revert. I need to play around with some things clearly - uninstall all the mods, try with a different save file, etc. Point is, the behavior seems to be a bit sporadic and it was probably just coincidence that everything appeared to be working after I disabled Kerbal Alarm clock.

I'll come back with more data if needed tomorrow or so, but for now, false alarm (as far as the alarm clock is concerned anyway).

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Hey Trigger,

So after more experimentation, I don't think the problem is actually caused by Kerbal Alarm Clock. Tonight (with no Kerbal Alarm Clock installed) I spent some time making my first SSTO in career mode (or trying anyway). When I tried playing around with it, I essentially got a game freeze whenever the flight ended or I tried to revert. I need to play around with some things clearly - uninstall all the mods, try with a different save file, etc. Point is, the behavior seems to be a bit sporadic and it was probably just coincidence that everything appeared to be working after I disabled Kerbal Alarm clock.

I'll come back with more data if needed tomorrow or so, but for now, false alarm (as far as the alarm clock is concerned anyway).

No Probs, something to be aware of at times is that sometimes version changes can cause issues with existing saves too. Whenever I test stuff I always start a new save to try and replicate stuff as sometimes its simply old stuff in the save - bitten me more than once

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I may just be an idiot with this, but with this new version, I can't figure out how to make any alarm anything but a raw time alarm. What's going on?

Which Game Scene are you at? At the Space Center Raw is all you can do as there are no vessels, at the tracking Station there are some more, in flight you get all the gory alarms you could ask for

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Which Game Scene are you at? At the Space Center Raw is all you can do as there are no vessels.

Think you could enable transfer window alarms at the space center? It would be handy to figure out your next destination, so you know what to build!

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Think you could enable transfer window alarms at the space center? It would be handy to figure out your next destination, so you know what to build!

Can have a look - hopefully its straight forward so yes, am trying to get this click through thing bullet proof first though.

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... am trying to get this click through thing bullet proof first though.

For once I'd rather you didn't :P. That click-through bug is now a workaround for a Mac-specific bug introduced by 0.24.

Love KAC, BTW. I'm so accustomed to it that half the time I have to test something in stock, Jeb ends up glaring at me as I miss the maneuver node.

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For once I'd rather you didn't :P. That click-through bug is now a workaround for a Mac-specific bug introduced by 0.24.

Love KAC, BTW. I'm so accustomed to it that half the time I have to test something in stock, Jeb ends up glaring at me as I miss the maneuver node.

Thats a little funny... and a little sad. I'm gonna make the fix an option in the KAC settings as its osme pretty low level stuff, and if for some reason the game is changed and it borks the UI there will be a way to turn it off. You'll be good to choose either way.

I got sorted all the pieces, now I have to layer it in to all the windows that appear in the SC. and if I can figure out how to do it in Flight mode I'd like to do that too - but probably a later deal for that bit

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v2.7.8.0 Now Available - Download from GitHub or Download from Curse* * Once they have a 0.24.2 category and it's approved

Just two changes:

  • Fixed click through in KSC - used InputLockManager and the ControlType of KSCFacilities (Fixes #45)
  • Added Transfer Windows type to SC Alarms (Fixes #46)

As mentioned above the Click through control is an option - it is on by default, but if you wanna trun it off you will find it under the Visibility settings.

Tis not up onCurse yet as they dont have a category for 0.24.2 - once its there I can upload it

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K. Lemme state, I'm not very computer savvy. Please don't yell at me if I'm not reporting this right.

KAC is my most essential mod. Last I played (2 days ago) it was v.24 and KAC 2.7.7(?). So I loaded a sandbox with my mods that were up to date on or about the 20th of July to see if it (.24.2) broke- and it didn't.

This morn. I saw KAC 2.7.8 and put it on my list of first to do's in this rapidly evolving situation we're all in. So I dumped everything in my Steam KSP Game data folder:


Enhanced Navball (.24 compatible version)

Mod statistics (somehow)


KER developers' version ( Which I'm loathe to loose 'cause it's got biome and slope impact readouts )

into a new folder, downloaded KAC, unzipped it to desktop, and stuck 'TriggerTech' into my Steam KSP Game data folder. So my Steam KSP Game data folder now holds the following:





I always have a low tech, reaction wheeled probe I roll just off the pad called ScapeGoat, upon whose head I place all the transfer windows and important asteroid SOI changes I need.

Having said the above, I can't get the transfer windows to work.

Screen shots ( Including what I think is a DEBUG LOG that everyone howls about if newbies don't provide).

Here's me preparing to set up a transfer window alarm. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=291813164

Here's me after pressing the 'button'. Notice transfer window- lights are on ( none home but Moho ) and closest approach tab appears to be open :


Here are some "debug log beauty shots" Do they make scapegoats' thighs look fat??


After a revert to VAB:


Hope this helps. At the very least tell me how I'm not reporting Banth fodder right so I can learn to help resolve stuff without getting yelled at (not here).

Edited by Aethon
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The pictures help and it's good to see that you tested it mostly stock. I'm not completely clear what the problem is, though. Did you click the drop-down list next to Moho?

If that's not the problem, it'll be easier to help with the full log – the debug menu doesn't actually have enough information. That log is output_log.txt (Win) or player.log (Mac/Linux) and you can find it by reading this post in the Support & Bugs forum:


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Ok. So in the future I should remove even Squad mods from my Steam Game data folder?

It appears to be working. I guess it's a different interface, but it threw me off that the target closest approach new alarm indicator appears to be clicked (black background) see the second screenshot in my above post.

Um... Roger that on your link there, bookmarked. It's mostly arcane to me but I'll try to make sense of it.

Appreciate your help Master Tao san. Rep given.

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TriggerAu -- would it be possible to have an auto-repeat added for alarms? e.g., Automatically re-set an alarm for the next Kerbin-Duna window, set an alarm on every PE, etc.

Tis on the list of future things somnambulist (https://github.com/TriggerAu/KerbalAlarmClock/issues?state=open number 20 I think), I need some other transfer stuff sorted as well and its not a small task

Blank page after attempt to add An/Dn node alarm and some others

Can you provide a little more info WildLynx, what gamescene are you in, and maybe a screenshot at least?

Ok. So in the future I should remove even Squad mods from my Steam Game data folder?

It appears to be working. I guess it's a different interface, but it threw me off that the target closest approach new alarm indicator appears to be clicked (black background) see the second screenshot in my above post.

Um... Roger that on your link there, bookmarked. It's mostly arcane to me but I'll try to make sense of it.

Appreciate your help Master Tao san. Rep given.

I don't get mad about bug reports Aethon, and you should not be scared about reporting things. The more detailed you are the quicker people can look and help if possible. Your report is good and I can see what you mean about the wrong alarm type being selected in the window compared to the button - I'll have a look at that one shortly.

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Can you provide a little more info WildLynx, what gamescene are you in, and maybe a screenshot at least?

I've actually been trying to narrow down the cause for that one. Here's what I have so far. Both in staging and map views, clicking the KAC button for AN/DN or closest approach alarms blanks the add alarm window and spams KeyNotFoundExceptions to the log until I close the window with the Add button.

Here's the stack trace:

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[KerbalAlarmClock.KACAlarm+AlarmType,System.Int32].get_Item (AlarmType key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalAlarmClock.KACWorker.DrawButtonList (KerbalAlarmClock.AlarmType& selType, UnityEngine.GUIContent[] Choices) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalAlarmClock.KACWorker.FillAddWindow (Int32 WindowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

100% repeatable on a stock install of KSP 0.24.2 (Mac) with KAC Those are the only errors or exceptions in the log.

And... ninja'd by TriggerAu.

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v2.7.8.1 Now Available - Download from GitHub or Download from Curse* * Once they have a 0.24.2 category and it's approved

Apparently in programming != is not the same as == . who would have thought :)

Fixed the typo and published a new one

still not up onCurse yet as they still dont have a category for 0.24.2 - once its there I can upload it

PS. Two simple mistakes in a week, I must be getting old

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Apparently in programming != is not the same as == . who would have thought :)

Lies, I tell you, base lies!

PS. Two simple mistakes in a week, I must be getting old

We all are. :wink: Thanks for the update though :) KAC is quite helpful.

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I've actually been trying to narrow down the cause for that one. Here's what I have so far. Both in staging and map views, clicking the KAC button for AN/DN or closest approach alarms blanks the add alarm window and spams KeyNotFoundExceptions to the log until I close the window with the Add button.

Here's the stack trace:

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[KerbalAlarmClock.KACAlarm+AlarmType,System.Int32].get_Item (AlarmType key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalAlarmClock.KACWorker.DrawButtonList (KerbalAlarmClock.AlarmType& selType, UnityEngine.GUIContent[] Choices) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalAlarmClock.KACWorker.FillAddWindow (Int32 WindowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

100% repeatable on a stock install of KSP 0.24.2 (Mac) with KAC Those are the only errors or exceptions in the log.

And... ninja'd by TriggerAu.

Right on the money Master Tao.

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