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[LIST] The best space-themed movies and TV series!


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Let's make a list so that everyone can watch the very best space-themed movies and tv series!

And by space-themed I mean more or less based on the reality :)


1) 2001: Space Odyssey


2) Sunshine


3) The Right Stuff


4) 2010: The Year We Make Contact


5) ...


1) Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets


2) Battlestar Galactica


3) From the Earth to the Moon


4) Firefly


Edited by czokletmuss
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Oh right, it's a must. I watched it recently - I love this Russian officer (?) who didn't say a word through the whole movie and was there only for the Floyd to look more badass during the aerobraking.

For some reason I can't post more then 5 videos, so I'll be putting links instead.

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Well, aside of the Cylons, ridiculous space fights (II world war fighters-style) and some weird mystical themes as the reinvented series progresses, the first seasons are quite strongly based on the reality. What I mean by that? Problems with fuel, with water, even with radiation, political and social tensions, good character development and so on. For me, this is the border line between the pure fantasy and the good s-f. This doesn't mean that the SW are bad of course - for example "Firefly" is great, but it's totally unrealistic.

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Well, aside of the Cylons, ridiculous space fights (II world war fighters-style) and some weird mystical themes as the reinvented series progresses, the first seasons are quite strongly based on the reality. What I mean by that? Problems with fuel, with water, even with radiation, political and social tensions, good character development and so on. For me, this is the border line between the pure fantasy and the good s-f. This doesn't mean that the SW are bad of course - for example "Firefly" is great, but it's totally unrealistic.

Well, that's a matter of personal opinion... I would say firefly is more realistic because it doesn't have FTL and, excluding one scene in the series (the 10 km/h close flyby with the reaver ship in the first episode) presents space travel more or less realistically.

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Yup, this is just my point of view. But not everything has to be realistic - "The Walking Dead" is quite good as well as the "Game of Thrones", but were there ever any dragons or zombies? No, but this isn't the problem. I just assume that because we all are playing KSP we prefer some more believable space ships then X-wings, which by the way are capable of SSTO and FTL travel :D

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we prefer some more believable space ships then X-wings, which by the way are capable of SSTO and FTL travel :D

What about the BSG raptor then? Also capable of SSTO and FTL... :P :P

*edit* Don't get me wrong, I liked BSG (at least the first few seasons, they lost their way later IMO), but it is not much 'harder' SF than SW or ST... I am just trying to determine what is an acceptable suggestion and what isn't.

Can we include anime? Because Planetes is a must-watch for any space enthusiast. :D

Edited by Awaras
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Yeah, Raptors were OP just like Starbuck who managed to fly inside the Cylon without life suport! :D

I think that in the SW the s-f setting is just a background - the main story is very personal, family centered and includes a lot of mysticism. In BSG in my humble opinion the s-f do put some limitations on the story, where in SW there are effectively nonexistant, apart from the Millenium Falcon problems with hyperdrive. And let's be honest, the SW can be as well told in the feudal society or any other not advanced civilisation; BSG can't be. But this are just my thoughts, I won't add the SW to the list anyways because is there anyone on this planet who didn't watch the Star Wars? :D

I think we can :) Is this really good? I've never heard of it.

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When We Left Earth: The Nasa Missions


Because it's real


Also because it's real, Morgan Freeman is made of awesome, and I like their quirky demonstrations of how different scientific processes work. They mostly cover space-related matters, but sometimes they cover other topics.

From the above you can conclude that I really hate fiction, and you are right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The most underrated UK space themed TV was Star Cops:


IMO the most realistic depiction of living in space. Set in the near future (2027) 40 years on from when the programme aired it supposed that there were a number of orbital stations, moon bases and a Mars base. With this growth there developed a need for a police force.

It was very good but unfortunately didn't get the support or ratings it deserved.

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