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FusTek Parts [.20][Munox, Karmony Modules, Station Parts, Docking Nodes] [19.X]


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It is?? - does it mean having to have lazor mod installed?? - if not care to share how to have docking cam so I can use it with mechjeb :)

Adding dockin cam is as simple as adding one line to the config and installing the docking cam mod!


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Adding dockin cam is as simple as adding one line to the config and installing the docking cam mod!


Thank you, I thinks I will look into this :) - having the whole lazpr mod installed just to get the camera is a bit a a waste to me :)

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The lazor cam is available as a separate plugin on its own. Sorry I thought you already had it installed or I would have been more specific! I believe the line you need to add into the CBM docking port .cfg's is located in the lazor docking cam readme file. Simply copy and paste it, save the file and restart the game and when you right click on the CBM port it will have the "Activate Camera" in the drop down box.

Remember, you have to add the line to the .cfg of each of the different CBM ports you want to use it on :)

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Anychance you could do anything about this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31342-0-20-ModuleManager-for-all-your-stock-modding-needs-current-version-1-01?p=396399&viewfull=1#post396399 without breaking a whole lot. I know it's not exactly your issue but your's are the only mods I've run into that have names with spaces.

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Anychance you could do anything about this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31342-0-20-ModuleManager-for-all-your-stock-modding-needs-current-version-1-01?p=396399&viewfull=1#post396399 without breaking a whole lot. I know it's not exactly your issue but your's are the only mods I've run into that have names with spaces.

Didn't realize that was an issue! When I release the upcoming CBM's I'll make a pass over everything and remove the spaces, and put something more sensible in. Thanks for the heads up!

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Actually the new version of Romfarer's lazor plugin auto adds docking cams to all docking ports. No need to mess with configs.

I wish all the mods were working like that. DockingCam should overload docking port module, RemoteTech should overload the unmanned control module, Ioncross should overload the crew capacity module.

what way any time we add parts, it just happens no changing configs.

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Didn't realize that was an issue! When I release the upcoming CBM's I'll make a pass over everything and remove the spaces, and put something more sensible in. Thanks for the heads up!

It's probably going to break saves and .crafts though, that's why I wasn't wanting to ask you about it in the first place. But yeah spaces in code are never good.

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It's probably going to break saves and .crafts though, that's why I wasn't wanting to ask you about it in the first place. But yeah spaces in code are never good.

I guess I'll just have to test some things out, or get in touch with Ialdabaoth about the issue of whitespace in part names.

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Actually the new version of Romfarer's lazor plugin auto adds docking cams to all docking ports. No need to mess with configs.

Ahh yes, but the big question is, does it do it with ALL docking ports, including non stock ones - IE: Fusty ports :)

Guess I will download it and see....

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Ahh yes, but the big question is, does it do it with ALL docking ports, including non stock ones - IE: Fusty ports :)

Guess I will download it and see....

im almost positive the lazor mod only updates the stock docking ports to have the line of code. you'll have to manually add the line to the FusTek CBMs

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I wish all the mods were working like that. DockingCam should overload docking port module, RemoteTech should overload the unmanned control module, Ioncross should overload the crew capacity module.

what way any time we add parts, it just happens no changing configs.

This can be dangerous. I've found that when combining some mods with, say decoupler or parachute parts, as soon as the mod is enabled (or on launch), it triggers the staging event for that part. In some cases, this can cause a decoupler to fire or a parachute to open, which can potentially ruin your mission.

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Didn't realize that was an issue! When I release the upcoming CBM's I'll make a pass over everything and remove the spaces, and put something more sensible in. Thanks for the heads up!

Speaking of the upcoming CBMs, I recall you mentioning working on a rotation snap function. Is that still planned? How's it going?

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Speaking of the upcoming CBMs, I recall you mentioning working on a rotation snap function. Is that still planned? How's it going?

I don't think that's possible without a plugin. You could use ORDA for docking if you want that sort of feature.

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This can be dangerous. I've found that when combining some mods with, say decoupler or parachute parts, as soon as the mod is enabled (or on launch), it triggers the staging event for that part. In some cases, this can cause a decoupler to fire or a parachute to open, which can potentially ruin your mission.

I don't think you understand what I meant, if there is a bug like that in your plugin, it will happen whether you apply the plugin to a part thru code or thru config file, doesn't make any difference.

Once the game is running there is no difference between a plugin that adds life support to command modules automatically and one that you added the life support to the part.cfg of every command module. Except the former plays much nicer with other mods.

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I don't think that's possible without a plugin. You could use ORDA for docking if you want that sort of feature.

Look at the THSS mod - as long as you get it close to correct (say within 10-15 degrees rotation, easy enough to eyeball) the collision mesh on the docking 'rings' will take care of the rest (unless it the colliders glitch inside of each other which seems to happen in .20 a lot).

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Speaking of the upcoming CBMs, I recall you mentioning working on a rotation snap function. Is that still planned? How's it going?

Rotational snap using in-game colliders sucks. There's too much error and general jerkiness for that to be useful. I'll be writing a plugin in my spare time to accomplish this task. As a side note, once completed this plugin should work for all docking ports, regardless of who made them.

My old idea was to have colliders that could only complete docking by interlocking in such a way that they would "screw" together in 15* increments. Unity just can't handle that small of colliders well.

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fusty, just a quick heads-up that I've uploaded to Dropbox an alpha version of my (early batch of) module variants based on your MkII Karmony series:


One or two user are in the process of testing my parts, and my intention is to officially announce them by the end of the week. Since I would like folks to know that I'm basing my work off your original designs, how would you feel about a hypothetical FusTek Aerospace logo alongside its Sum Dum Heavy Industries Co., Ltd countpart on various publicity images?

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fusty, just a quick heads-up that I've uploaded to Dropbox an alpha version of my (early batch of) module variants based on your MkII Karmony series:


One or two user are in the process of testing my parts, and my intention is to officially announce them by the end of the week. Since I would like folks to know that I'm basing my work off your original designs, how would you feel about a hypothetical FusTek Aerospace logo alongside its Sum Dum Heavy Industries Co., Ltd countpart on various publicity images?

Wicked, thanks for the heads up. I'll let you know how they play when I get home this evening. And I'm cool with the logo stuff. (I really should have a logo by now . . . and some flags . . . I'll let you know when that's all done too.)

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I'm cool with the logo stuff. (I really should have a logo by now . . . and some flags . . . I'll let you know when that's all done too.)

Here's something I tossed together quickly:


The "green" version is merely conjecture from your first post in the thread, although if you were to insert logos on certain parts, the most probable color would be a shade of grey similar to the module identifer icons I'm using for the Karmony mission module variants:


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