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FusTek Parts [.20][Munox, Karmony Modules, Station Parts, Docking Nodes] [19.X]


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Everything seems to be working now. Though we still can't place Karmony modules or station hubs using more than their top or bottom attach nodes :(

I thought that was a feature set to arrive in .20 . . . oh well.

Also, little update on CBM's. Using colliders to guide craft into a specific roll angle for docking simply doesn't work well enough to release. There is so much error in the colliders, even if I do get it working it isn't as accurate as a careful player. Also, the "teeth" I have interlocking won't be visible to the player and when those get tangled things go very badly (especially one easily upset stations). I intend to do the following to remedy this.

1. Release some awesome looking CBM's (with only one model per size to reduce confusion/complexity)

2. Write a plugin that will adjust the angle of docked craft after they have docked

3. Be happy now that we have a solution that works on all docking ports, vanilla or third party.

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Would it possible to raise the CBMs by making them thicker so that they don't recess as much into the sides of the Karmony modules? The way they are now, it's pretty much impossible to use them to dock 2 Karmony modules side by side.

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Would it possible to raise the CBMs by making them thicker so that they don't recess as much into the sides of the Karmony modules? The way they are now, it's pretty much impossible to use them to dock 2 Karmony modules side by side.

That'd work, but would you settle for a shim that could be placed in between the port and the karmony module (I'll make it a physicless part)? I kinda like that otherwise the docking ports are nice and low profile.

EDIT: Yeah, the current docking port design is pretty darned thin


Edited by fusty
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They look great, but I'm not a huge fan of the the orange color. What's wrong with the good old KSP yellow ?

Contrast! At least a little bit to set my parts . . . apart. It's the same orange from the original CBM's actually, it's just that the part has more contrast overall now. As much as I'd love to become a dev and work for Squad, I don't have the expertise to ever make that happen. So I won't try and take the Claira route and make stock-like parts. I'll just make a lot of parts.

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Whilst I'm attempting to create some Karmony II-style variants in Blender, I noticed that in some screenshots, the EVA handles were rounded off. I thought for a moment something was wrong with my graphics settings, until I saw your newer posts and found that you intended for the handles to be squared off. :)

Would it possible to raise the CBMs by making them thicker so that they don't recess as much into the sides of the Karmony modules? The way they are now, it's pretty much impossible to use them to dock 2 Karmony modules side by side.
That'd work, but would you settle for a shim that could be placed in between the port and the karmony module (I'll make it a physicless part)? I kinda like that otherwise the docking ports are nice and low profile.

EDIT: Yeah, the current docking port design is pretty darned thin

I personally like the idea of a shim - perhaps in the form of a thin pressurized ring?

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Sorry I haven't read this whole thread, but I was wondering what the difference is between the active and passive docking manifolds are? Also, it's difficult for me to tell the difference between them, could you put the word "active" or "passive" before the rest of the name. For example; "Active Common Berthing Mechanism - Small." Or perhaps if you changed the color on the side slightly between the two different modules so I wouldn't have to take my ship apart to see which one I'm using.

Thankyou for the great mod though!!! I've been using it since I started! Keep up the good work!!!

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Whilst I'm attempting to create some Karmony II-style variants in Blender, I noticed that in some screenshots, the EVA handles were rounded off. I thought for a moment something was wrong with my graphics settings, until I saw your newer posts and found that you intended for the handles to be squared off. :)

I personally like the idea of a shim - perhaps in the form of a thin pressurized ring?

That's the idea! Also, awesome. Hadn't seen your variants yet (I'm so lazy) but they look freaking gorgeous in concept. Cupola is perfect.

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The munox's design is interesting, but why doesn't it have a docking port in the front instead of a crew hatch? seems a bit of a missed opportunity

I agree, and I had set out to make the "utility ring" that goes on the front animate into a docking port, but life got distracting . . .

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Hullo again =P

Noticed something else, with the Munox....

I had just the separate command pod, and both types of passanger/cargo sections sitting on the Launchpad (I was trying to test cargobay clearance for something hehe not as silly as it sounds) When the parts are right-clicked they show 'not enough crew 0/0' but I can see all the kerbdudes in bottom right of screen, and the part function as they should in all other ways it should (can even fly it, though that should be impossible with no crew)

Not a big deal at all, just thought id let ya know..also I just noticed this, haven't played around to see if its just munox, or maybe another mod I got runnin

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Would it possible to raise the CBMs by making them thicker so that they don't recess as much into the sides of the Karmony modules? The way they are now, it's pretty much impossible to use them to dock 2 Karmony modules side by side.

ive been using stack batterys as port shims when needed, the stock one for small and there is one in KSPX mod for 2.5 size...and usualy when im done shimin my ports I don't need to add any more power....cept on my orbital refineries....they suck down the juice perty fast

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^^ Yea I like how they are currently recessed on the sides of the Karmony modules. Makes a great place for me to place needed battery packs and just put the CBM's on top of those. Looks good and ends up shimming out enough as well.

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Not sure if it's a bug or not but the 3.75m common berthing mechanisms are very fragile, I made a fairly light top stage on top of a set of them (less than 100 tons) and it snaps in half on the pad, tried to strut it up but it doesn't help

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Not sure if it's a bug or not but the 3.75m common berthing mechanisms are very fragile, I made a fairly light top stage on top of a set of them (less than 100 tons) and it snaps in half on the pad, tried to strut it up but it doesn't help

I'll have to test the new ones to ensure they don't have this issue. They should be pretty darned strong compared to most parts.

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I am having a problem with your 1.25m and ?0.675m? docking ports. When I try to attach them together when building my ship, there is a noticeable gap between them. However, it only seems to affect the smaller two; both the 2.5m and 3m docking ports line up and mesh fine.

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