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The Day Kerbin Stood Still

The Jedi Master

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Based on the recent forum... er... problems.

Part I

Jeb, Bill and Bob were on their regular routine. The Aldrin 13 was landed near the Armstrong Memorial, and Jeb was spending his down time on the thing humanity calls the internet. (the Kerbal version starts with a K, and I'm not making that mistake again. Heads are expensive these days.)

He was reading an article with the headline, Doom Prophecy Found Near Desert Statue.

Today, Kerbal archaeologists found this poem in the old ruins in the desert.

In the fourth month of the two thousand and thirteenth year after the birth of a famous man,

The means of speech shall be destroyed,

Many Kerbals will die in the imaginary world,

And the Kraken shall have her revenge.

Jeb shuddered as he left the page. Then Bob called.

"Hey, I can't contact Mission Control!"

"You can never contact Mission Control, Bob."

"I mean it this time! Even email is out!"

"What do you mean..."

Jeb froze when he saw that the internet was indeed out.

The means of speech shall be destroyed...

"Guys... you believe in ghost stories?"

Part Two coming soon...

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