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Boat Parts ~~~0.90~~~ R4.65~~~


Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?  

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  1. 1. Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?

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I think jumping and exploding is kind of a new one. Does it ever actually make it to the water? The default Narwhale III should have the 3-beams under it to prevent something like this bug. The other known bug is spawning too high or too low under the water, which is addressed in the manual in the first post of the thread.

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  Behronzo said:
Hey I haven't really been following the forums...so someone might have already answered my question so sorry for the repetition if there is any. Every time I try to get the King Narwhal into the water it either just drops and breaks instantly or it jumps like it's going to move into the water and then just explodes. I've been having a similar problem with the other ships as well. Is there a fix for that? I'm running .21 as well.

This comes down to lag on launch.

1) Try not to have too many things around the area when launching to keep your computer fast.

2) Try adding a truss under the ship - so the ship is sitting on a pole, this gives the physics more time to calculate the path to the water

3) Alter your game settings physics time, this helps many people.

In the next release you'll be able to also extend the launch time - where it will keep the ship protected longer for computers that are having issues.

One has to remember a carrier is intended to be part of a task force, or carrier group, and is usually the center of the that group. With 2 carriers side by side it's playable but laggy. My goal was to have the carrier, and perhaps 5 or 6 aircraft on it, and a few smaller ships for support - all while maintaining playability. Yes that's a tough goal! :)

Let us know if any of these solve your problem Behronzo

Edited by InfiniteDice
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Hey, I'd like to start out by saying great mod! I look forward to its next update!

Second, using some Sub assembly Manager Magic, I made a very large Carrier, complete with Helipad! :D


I tried making it yet bigger, but that bigger version crashed my lil compy...probably due to maxing out the RAM. LOL

The current carrier has a max speed of 26 m/s (58mph, or 50 knots).

Also just a heads up: I tried putting rudders at both the bow and stern of the ship, but that simply made the damn thing roll when trying to steer, I took away the front rudders and it steers properly now. :)

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  Rivvik said:
Hey, I'd like to start out by saying great mod! I look forward to its next update!

Also just a heads up: I tried putting rudders at both the bow and stern of the ship, but that simply made the damn thing roll when trying to steer, I took away the front rudders and it steers properly now. :)

Nice! That thing is pretty darn big!

About the rudders, try putting one of the smaller rudders on the front, this will give you a bit of steer, or place the forward rudder amidships it won't have as much influence there. I did limited testing with rudders on the front, but if there was equal rudder power front and back the ship would just strafe, the back end should have more influence to keep it behaving in a traditional ship like manner. :) Also if you place the large rudders on the very bottom of the hull they multiply their power as they are further from the center of mass. This is why the stock carrier has 4 rudders but they are tucked up to the sides.

The next release is soon! I keep shooting myself in the foot... "it's pretty much done... but wouldn't it be cool if people could do this?" or "maybe I should make one more thing". One thing that is important to me is play balancing, I spent hours yesterday just trying to see if 'something' was possible. And it is... ;) lol

I think the balance of power will shift slightly in the next release, carriers will become threatened. Don't worry, it won't stay that way forever, I plan on making things interesting when the R&D update comes out. I'll do more balancing then.

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  Tommygun said:
Holly Captain Nemo!

Do you think the bigger version could be set up to drill for Kethane on Laythe ocean bottom?

My question also. I guess the real question is, can it go to like 1000-1500m down? Seems to me there are no continental shelves on KSP planets, the land just falls down sheer from the beach. Thus, 600m or so is going to be so close to shore that probably the Kethane would be accessible from land. But of course the problem with Laythe is that you might not get any Kethane on land.

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  Geschosskopf said:
My question also. I guess the real question is, can it go to like 1000-1500m down? Seems to me there are no continental shelves on KSP planets, the land just falls down sheer from the beach. Thus, 600m or so is going to be so close to shore that probably the Kethane would be accessible from land. But of course the problem with Laythe is that you might not get any Kethane on land.

Both subs can go as deep as needed. I've only been to -1200m though. Where is this 1500m depth I want to go there! :)

I don't suggest leaving stuff at that depth, it's best to do your drilling then raise the sub above the -600 layer and save.

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  InfiniteDice said:
Both subs can go as deep as needed. I've only been to -1200m though. Where is this 1500m depth I want to go there! :)

Well, that's good news. Now the question is, once it gets down there, can it get back up again after loading 16000 units of Kethane? Only 1 way to find out, I guess :).

Next question.... How do other aquatic mods work with yours? I'm especially curious about the airplane pontoons in Firespitter. See, my dream is to have the Kethane sub just bob up in the middle of the ocean and have seaplanes land beside it to refuel. I've got the seaplane ready to go but if the pontoons won't work with your water, then it's back to the drawing board.

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  Geschosskopf said:
Well, that's good news. Now the question is, once it gets down there, can it get back up again after loading 16000 units of Kethane? Only 1 way to find out, I guess :).

Next question.... How do other aquatic mods work with yours? I'm especially curious about the airplane pontoons in Firespitter. See, my dream is to have the Kethane sub just bob up in the middle of the ocean and have seaplanes land beside it to refuel. I've got the seaplane ready to go but if the pontoons won't work with your water, then it's back to the drawing board.

You'll need to do the math on the Keth-ane... :) the big sub can float at least 20 kerbal mass in the aft VLS tubes. It has some decent capabilities.

#2 Firespitter should be no problem. Not sure 100% about hooligan's stuff but I think as long as modules aren't mixed on the same vessel it should be fine to have a hooligan vessel beside one of mine. We both override stock float code in the same way except my code only affects parts with my float module on it... I think hooligans overrides all the parts of the vessel, so just keep that in mind.

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  Djolox said:
Infinite Can you please make Ekranoplan like Caspian sea monster in R5? Please:)

Ekranoplans aren't boats, they're flying machines. They rely on 2 aerodynamic effects not present I KSP (ground effect and upper surface-blowing) to enable their stub wings to lift their large bodies up into the air. So, I'd think Ferram (maker of FAR) would be the guy to talk to about Ekranoplans :).

In the meantime, however, you can make something that you can pretend is an Ekranoplan. It's really a boat because it's always on the water, never flying, but it LOOKS somewhat like an Ekranoplan. Make a seaplane using the Firespitter pontoons but give it wings too small to actually fly. Such a thing can scoot across the water and be controllable at up to about 125m/s, but any faster and the pontoons fail. Like this:


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  Djolox said:
Can infinite make model that uses ferrams physics i want nfinite because hes modeling master

This has nothing to do with models; it's an aerodynamics issue. If you don't have the aerodynamics, you will never make a true Ekranoplan regardless of part models. OTOH, if you do have the necessary aerodynamic effects, then you can use existing wing parts to take advantage of them.

A true Ekranoplan surfs on the ground effect, so what you need is an aerodynamics mod that provides the ground effect. You can get by without the upper-surface blowing; that just adds some efficiency. Without such a mod, all you can make are actual airplanes that you voluntarily choose to fly only at very low altitude.

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I've voted for weapons, as it is the one that is closest to completion. I really hope it will include depth charges, as they are one of the most effective ways of dealing wit subs (when the subs are realeased, of course).

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