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Boat Parts ~~~0.90~~~ R4.65~~~


Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of my in-development projects do you like best and would like to see released?

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*Sigh* ......

Just to note: I have no ill will towards you Infinite

Short version for those who refuse to use the shift key or read:

-Infinite releases poll to decided next step

-Sub Parts remain for the most part the least popular

-Infinite seemingly ignores poll, works on and releases Sub Part Pack

Da Faqu?

No bad feelings of course, on August 18th I believe I posted the poll and clearly stated in the thread it would have little impact on the order. What would have had an impact is if perhaps if one project had 80 or 90% of the vote. At that point I'd likely have changed my mind.

As sumghai guessed - coming off the heels of the R3.5 release I was already wrapped up in the development of the sub. Remember the sub was started over 6 months ago but I had put it on hold due to technical issues and not knowing how to code up a fix at the time.

It's also worth noting that because I work piecemeal on my projects, they are all very well along in development. I think the aircraft pack is about 70% done. Weapons are about 50%

Now that the BoatParts pack is updated I'll turn my attention to the naval aircraft. In fact I built up my first plane using the parts today... the first one in over 2 months!


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There's no need to insult others with memes and "clevur" [sic] diagrams - I understood your point quite well, but simply disagree with it.

It's quite possible (and reasonable) that whilst the poll was running, InfiniteDice found that he was making more headway into polishing off the submarine parts and functionality compared with his other WIPs. Simply throwing more programming / modelling hours towards something making less progress when you've got something else already ready to release isn't an efficient use of time.

ASIDE - I myself recently ran a poll regarding window arrangements for my FusTek station parts, where most people voted for one particular configuration I didn't really like and ultimately rejected. Far from being a complete waste of a poll, I now knew that the often-request planetary habitat variant would require much more thought than simply rearranging windows.

At the end of the day, consider it a privilege that add-on authors are even maintaining their work for *you* to use, not a right.

HOW DARE YOU COMBAT ME WITH THINGS LIKE REASON AND PROVIDE A INTELLIGENT ARGUMENT! No but really, thanks for being constructive. Tis a rare thing on the internet these days. :D I see your point and apologize for misreading your previous statement. Though I think there is something to be said about the whole use of "pictures" vs "Memes" but that's for another time and place. Anyway you make a valid point, and while I still feel a little urked by it, I do now understand the opposite perspective better.

On a side note, the FusTek Station Parts are pretty awesome, though I can only use some of it. Got enough add ons as it is! The Observation Module with the blast shudders has to be my favorite part.



Why must you tease me so!? Ha hah ha, I jest I jest. Nahh man, I understand now. Like always, keep up the brilliant work. In the meantime I guess I'll just have to be content with Aircraft Carriers and Submarines that launch ballistic missiles. *Sigh* first world problems are the worst, aren't they?

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A word of advice to people who replace the limpet charge on the minisub with the contact one, make sure when getting on to the mini sub, dont let your kerbal fall on it, it doesnt end well....

I can only imagine how you found out about this.

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Hi Brian, this is one reason I made 4 different missile configs. I think your request isn't a bad one, just integrating a menu or click set options for 8 variables I didn't have time or desire at this point. If enough people demand this I'd certainly consider making an in-game set of options that could be altered. Perhaps one basic one could be allowing users to change the two primary activation altitudes.

From my perspective editing the cfg (read my user manual) and at the ksc screen alt-12 and reload all the parts is pretty fast. Once a missile is developed and set for a task you don't need to worry about that process anymore. Plus it's fun to edit cfg files! :)

At this point I can sit back and see what people think and I'll consider all these suggestions/comments and use those to determine what the next step will be in it's evolution.

Thanks for the input I appreciate it.

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Hahaha! It shouldn't be armed until it's released! :) I'll check the code.

This was my first bug right out of the gate. Jeb hit the mine and actually lived while swimming to get in the seat, but it blew all the little parts off the sub. 5 seconds later the game crashed to desktop.

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This was my first bug right out of the gate. Jeb hit the mine and actually lived while swimming to get in the seat, but it blew all the little parts off the sub. 5 seconds later the game crashed to desktop.

This is the danger of messing with high powered physics based explosions. It's much easier to get something somewhere it shouldn't be! I can honestly say I've only had one crash the whole time I developed it, and I think it was due to something falling through the terrain. If you notice a repetitive cause, let me know.

The naval aircraft pack WILL come with a few toys, as bonuses to those who've waited so long :) I'm not gonna say what though! haha

There are two pylons per wing, the other ones are vertical stabilizers.

Edited by InfiniteDice
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I was trying out a little experiment with the micro sub...it went horribly wrong.

However I also noticed you last update did something to the micro sub's Pod's crew manifest and it cannot accept crew and doesn't count as an unmanned probe.

Also I messed with the big sub's propeller thingy and made a dupe that is smaller, for the sole purpose of having a radially attached engine for the micro sub. I'll try to get pics of the new part up soon.

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I was trying out a little experiment with the micro sub...it went horribly wrong.

However I also noticed you last update did something to the micro sub's Pod's crew manifest and it cannot accept crew and doesn't count as an unmanned probe.

Also I messed with the big sub's propeller thingy and made a dupe that is smaller, for the sole purpose of having a radially attached engine for the micro sub. I'll try to get pics of the new part up soon.

Yes... The mini sub won't allow crew loading from the sph. It never has. It's a manned non-iva vessel so you need to use a kerbal seat. This is why I built the holder platform, so I could launch a kerbal with it then disconnect... You could also launch a carrier - move it out of the way... then launch a micro-sub with no crew. Just swim a guy over to it... etc.

I had an idea of making a seaplane using firespitter parts, then hooking up the microsub to detach..... fly out to location, land on the water, have kerbal get out, occupy sub and detach. - Should be pretty cool!

Also be aware that using any stock parts will incur unrealistic floating... the stock parts have the equivalent of nearly 4x more float than something on earth.

Post some pics in here! :)

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Here are a list of challenges for users of the mod, the first to accomplish any of these with supporting picture/video evidence will get some bragging rights, as well as some other bonus that I haven't quite finalized in my mind yet! (it will be something fun) - but not anything too strange :o

1) Get a sub below 1200m! *** min required is -1201m the deepest wins! - provide location on a screenshot of the map as well!

2) Highest out of the water sub jump! *** (cannot use engines of any kind other than submarine engines included with the parts - sub must start in the water) - need a screencap of the altitude!

3) Build the fastest underwater sub! *** must be stopped safely from the highest speed attained. ( I'd rather not have people edit power settings for the engines to do this... please use multiple engines or other means).

4) Sub Gumball Rally! *** First across the ocean to the location in my Scenic Flight video (you'll need to find the video! time: 18:25 in the video) - starting from NOW! Just post a screencap of the sub there and make sure the time is visible somehow.

I normally don't do challenges but this might be a good way to have a little fun!

Edited by InfiniteDice
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I've decided to nickname your missiles ship splitters, as they just ripped holes through my aircraft carrier, before it split in half. one missile, and all that damage.

In real life a Trident would be far worse! If you'd like them weaker, reduce the uranium resource in the cfg file... the power of the missile is directly related to the resource mass when it explodes.

I built this so it's easy to make/edit the missiles - check the guide linked on the 1st post of this thread it explains the cfg variables.

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