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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Current mods. LLL-Full, LLL-Lite, SXT, KSC++

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SXT - Stock eXTension

Release thread here


LLL - Lack Luster Labs Pack

Github link

Release thread here



Release thread here


Github for bug-reporting:




Modding info


.blender files with UV maps available for individual parts on request.


Licence info


Edited by Lack
Tea and scones
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You know what would be very cool indeed? If there was parts that could be used instead of everything that stock includes, but in LLL style.

A big job I know but damn that would be pretty awesome.

I think I would be tempted to delete my stock parts... :cool:

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Im building a ship with these parts. Its not the best, but it has a load of lights. Planning on making it a refuel ship. Due to it actually using ion engines yet has a load of fuel. And this is really a good pack!

EDIT: Here she is! the SPIRIT OF KERBIN!



she shines very brightly!

Edited by patrizl001
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I'm glad I asked you on reddit if you had considered working on adapters! I think it will greatly expand players ability to use your awesome parts!

Yeah, they're made now. I think I'll put textures and releasing back a day or two, I just Ron-Swansoned a 3 person meat-plater, a decision I'm now starting to regret. I mean, I do need a high protein diet, but I think that may have been a bit too much.

I have to say though, if you haven't already, get the latest B9 Aerospace release. It works wonderfully with these parts.






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Yeah, they're made now. I think I'll put textures and releasing back a day or two, I just Ron-Swansoned a 3 person meat-plater, a decision I'm now starting to regret. I mean, I do need a high protein diet, but I think that may have been a bit too much.

I have to say though, if you haven't already, get the latest B9 Aerospace release. It works wonderfully with these parts.

I was actually thinking about that when messing with the new pieces last night that looks awesome

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hello lack luster,

I was wondering for the space cruiser command pod if you could put back the little piece beneath it

I've got a copy of the old version still. It hasn't got any specular or normal mapping and the hatch doesn't work (which was the reason I ditched the counter-weight, the way the node_collider's set up messes with the hatch).


This is the best mod i've seen this year. Hats off to you.

Thanks, means a lot. Although I can think of a few that are far better (bac9's B9, for example. I'll need a fair bit more practice before I can get my parts to look as good as his/hers).

Can you make some ion-engine version parts? Or just battery and xenon tanks with ALOT of power and xenon? I have a number of mod engines that I made/modded, that would fit perfectly into this.

I'll get to it at some point, I'm sure. In the mean time I'd suggest copying one of the 2x1 RCS tanks and changing the config.

You'll need to change 'name = 2x1RCSL' to something like 'name = 2x1Xenon' and add in

name = XenonGas
amount = 1600
maxAmount = 1600
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 1000
maxAmount = 1000

Change the numbers to what ever you like, and then bob's your uncle (or Jeb, I guess).

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Mind uploading the craft file of it seeing as you aren't its only fan?

I'm not a fan of craft files. To me KSP is about making your own things.

Plus it doesn't actually work, it has almost no struts so any acceleration applied makes it go all wobbly. I had to hyperedit it into orbit.

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