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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Not without a plugin.


Totally support Lack's intention for independence from plugins, but if anyone does wish to modify their Truckcab slightly to allow it to open and close in EVA this Module Manager config will work when used with Firespitter plugin installed.:


name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cabdoor
startEventGUIName = Close
endEventGUIName = Open
toggleActionName = Toggle Door
availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 2

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cabdoor2
startEventGUIName = Close
endEventGUIName = Open
toggleActionName = Toggle Door
availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 2

You can grab it from: http://mononyk.us/fs_anim_for_LLL_truck_mm.cfg

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Totally support Lack's intention for independence from plugins, but if anyone does wish to modify their Truckcab slightly to allow it to open and close in EVA this Module Manager config will work when used with Firespitter plugin installed.:


name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cabdoor
startEventGUIName = Close
endEventGUIName = Open
toggleActionName = Toggle Door
availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 2

name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = cabdoor2
startEventGUIName = Close
endEventGUIName = Open
toggleActionName = Toggle Door
availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 2

You can grab it from: http://mononyk.us/fs_anim_for_LLL_truck_mm.cfg

i just made a gantry crane (http://www.google.com/imgres?client=ubuntu&hs=hq1&sa=X&channel=fs&biw=1680&bih=929&tbm=isch&tbnid=V93mXi0KSI7VBM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fycft-machinery.en.alibaba.com%2Fproduct%2F294083261-215593397%2FDLM900_Rubber_Tyre_Gantry_Crane.html&docid=Q-xCp-ePt1ZQkM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi01.i.aliimg.com%2Fphoto%2Fv0%2F294083261%2FDLM900_Rubber_Tyre_Gantry_Crane.jpg&w=1024&h=671&ei=3hkaU8ztF8X07Aab8oHwDg&zoom=1&ved=0CJYBEIQcMA8&iact=rc&dur=347&page=1&start=0&ndsp=29) in my base on Duna XD

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Totally support Lack's intention for independence from plugins, but if anyone does wish to modify their Truckcab slightly to allow it to open and close in EVA this Module Manager config will work when used with Firespitter plugin installed.:

Very nice. I'll have to find a proper way to organise user made config files.

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Also, can't get the fire-spitter buoyancy module to work. Even with adding a forcePoint transform and trying the public calls (https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/Firespitter/water/FSbuoyancy.cs). Hmmm.

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Very nice. I'll have to find a proper way to organise user made config files.


Also, can't get the fire-spitter buoyancy module to work. Even with adding a forcePoint transform and trying the public calls (https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/Firespitter/water/FSbuoyancy.cs). Hmmm.


oh and is that why you didn't like making them half trusses? (i thought the CoM would be in the middle with the tanks but nearer to the truss side when they're dropped.)

Edited by AntiMatter001
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finally got back into playing KSP and have been flying to minmus for a bunch of research, i noticed that the command parts or at least the one i used doesn't have the crew report research interaction

cant even store research


did some poking around and it looks like the command parts in the extras dont have the research stuff

Edited by Ember
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finally got back into playing KSP and have been flying to minmus for a bunch of research, i noticed that the command parts or at least the one i used doesn't have the crew report research interaction

cant even store research


did some poking around and it looks like the command parts in the extras dont have the research stuff

that's because everything in the extras is the version before science or reasearch was implemented in the game.

i've made the DEMV rovers do science and it's really simple just copy and paste. (i haven't figured out how to work the science lab though :/)

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finally got back into playing KSP and have been flying to minmus for a bunch of research, i noticed that the command parts or at least the one i used doesn't have the crew report research interaction

cant even store research


did some poking around and it looks like the command parts in the extras dont have the research stuff

That the Droopy and Boxer? Yeah, they were just copied straight across from an older version, so I forgot to add it.

Added a smaller one. Using the capsule collider instead seems to have fixed the lag issues.

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Rough change log:

Added those smaller triple-airbags.

Added the open structural thingy and a shorter length version so you can have room to put decouplers inside.

Re-balanced the fuel tank so it'll fit inside the structural elements with enough room to be removed (0.9 scaling in x and z axis, fuel capacity and weight reduced slightly)

I think I've added everything to the tech-tree, if you spot anything then say and I'll fix it.

Increased the RCS capacity of Service Module slightly.

Have a picture of a pod with a sombrero


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Rough change log:

Added those smaller triple-airbags.

Added the open structural thingy and a shorter length version so you can have room to put decouplers inside.

Re-balanced the fuel tank so it'll fit inside the structural elements with enough room to be removed (0.9 scaling in x and z axis, fuel capacity and weight reduced slightly)

I think I've added everything to the tech-tree, if you spot anything then say and I'll fix it.

Increased the RCS capacity of Service Module slightly.

Have a picture of a pod with a sombrero


if i was any goodat makingmemes i'dsoooo use that pic right now

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uhm lack how did you get the airbags NOT to go "BOOM" when they hit the ground? i tried the cp airbags and then your airbags. the cp airbags go boom but yours don't... explaination? o.o

Put this line in the config file

explosionPotential = 0

The value being between 0 and 1, with 1 being always explodes and 0 being never. Useful for making that's that shouldn't explode, not explode.




Now that might be a tad over-kill.

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Put this line in the config file

explosionPotential = 0

The value being between 0 and 1, with 1 being always explodes and 0 being never. Useful for making that's that shouldn't explode, not explode.




Now that might be a tad over-kill.

hmmm it works! but not if your going over 150m/s

anyway thanks!

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Well this is entirely ridiculous




(hehe, I love it).

It'll need an art pass or three, and a some balancing (since, like just about everyone else, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to KSP's jet engines).


Edited by Lack
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I'm liking the Airbags, Lack!

Do they actually float, however? I've yet to return a capsule with them on...

And can you maybe have them not bound to the "G-for-gears" key? Kinda tedious when you're checking your systems for ascent damage in space and your damn airbags pop off...

In any case, you've inspired me to move away from C-Corp.'s standard "Bell"-TMA2 and start development on the "Torion" (working name) ACTS (Advanced Crew Transportation System)/MPCV (Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle). The current design has lander-capabilities in mind (for our upcoming Duna One mission) but this prototype is flawed in that the main communications dish interferes with the clearance of one of the landing legs, making it jiggle all over the place.

Here's some pictures of its' testing flight on board a Mav-8/9 lifter. Crewed by Bob and Bill.

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The last picture is a size comparison between the "Bell" and "Torion", both docked at "New Horizons"

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Well this is entirely ridiculous




(hehe, I love it).

It'll need an art pass or three, and a some balancing (since, like just about everyone else, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to KSP's jet engines).


where are you getting the bigger stock wheels? o.O

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